why do christians go to church

It's not unusual for Christians and non-Christians alike to question why we worship on Sunday rather than Saturday, the Sabbath, or the seventh day of the week. 1 Cor. 16:2).

Take a good look at your church and see whether you are an encouragement for church attendance or a hindrance, then allow the Spirit to guide you and your church leaders to make adjustments where necessary.

1:10; cf. If there are believers who are unable, for physical reasons, to attend a church weekly, they should find a church or believers who will gather together with them regularly for worship in their own home (see James 5:14; James 1:27). As you evaluate these 15 reasons why committed Christians do not attend church, consider which reasons you contribute to.

We are at a crossroads in our nation on the importanc

This year, one student asked me, “Do I have to go to church to be a Christian?” There are a number of ways this question can … It's surprising to me how many Christians struggle with the idea of church attendance. Besides something that pleases God, it is necessary for a believer's spiritual well-being. We get a wide variety of questions from listeners — everything from the infralapsarian / supralapsarian debate, to the most perplexing details of eschatology, to people who want to know what Calvinism and Reformed theology is all about, to people who want to understand the gospel, and to people who want to know why Christians go to church in the first place. For believers, there is no substitute for attending church.
Our view of Jesus and his church is often filtered through historical, political, and pop-culture lenses. The early church “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer” (Acts 2:42).

We go to Church because we need Jesus and Jesus has promised to be where His Word is preached and the sacraments administered.

He says, “The people reaffirming covenant that the USA serves the Lord caused God to raise up and use President Trump.” Why do Christians need to go to church? The first day was the day on which the Holy Spirit was poured out on the church (Acts 2:1-36). But they are not alone. Why Should Christians Attend Church?
Why should Christians go to church? Once a year, I am invited to speak to a class at a local university. So should all Christians have to go to church every Sunday? We get a wide variety of questions from listeners — everything from the infralapsarian / supralapsarian debate, to the most perplexing details of eschatology, to people who want to know what Calvinism and Reformed theology is all about, to people who want to understand the gospel, and to people who want to know why Christians go to church in the first place.

What is midnight… The Origin of Observing the Sabbath.

Here are four powerful reasons you should attend church weekly, and why church attendance can change your life: 1. If one doesn't need Jesus, one doesn't go to Church. Here in no particular order are four reasons covered by their conversation.