where is the asteroid belt located

The main asteroid belt extends from 2.15 to 3.3 astronomical units (255 to 600 million km) from the Sun – between Mars (1.5 AU) and Jupiter (5.2 AU) – and may contain over a million objects bigger than 1 km across, the largest being Ceres (1,003 km), Pallas (608 km), and Vesta (538 km).
b) The asteroid belt lies between the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn. Which of the following is a major drawback of solar energy? The dark blue color comes from methane in neptunes atmosphere and it absorbs light from the sun but it … This area is sometimes called the "asteroid belt".
See Solution. It is occupied by numerous irregularly shaped bodies called asteroids or minor planets. These bodies directly rotate around the sun and known as Please post your answer: LOGIN TO POST ANSWER. Comments; Report Log in to … Question. This region is occupied by millions of small solid objects and irregular bodies of different sizes. Question: Where is the asteroid belt located? Where is the asteroid belt located? Chemistry. It can be thought of as what was "left over" after the Sun and all the planets were formed.

It is occupied by numerous irregularly shaped bodies called asteroids or minor planets. Asked Dec 2, 2019. There are about Step 1. Which of the following is a major drawback of solar energy? Most asteroids orbit at 2 to 3 times the distance between Earth and the Sun. Where is the asteroid belt located and why? The Asteroid belt, also known as the Main belt, is a three billion cubit-mile asteroid region in the Solar System located between the two planets Mars and Jupiter, and contains a moderate fraction of the asteroids that are found in the Solar System. The majority of asteroids in the Solar System are found in the main asteroid belt. 08/05/2020 04:01 PM. That places it between 2.2 and 3.2 astronomical units (AU) from the Sun.

The Asteroid Belt is located in an area of space between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Think about it this way: the asteroid belt is a big highway in a circle around the Sun. * See Solution …

Most of the asteroids in our solar system can be found orbiting the Sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Check out a sample Q&A here. About … 0 Answers. The Kuiper belt is a trans-Neptunian area (30-50 AU from the Sun) The Oort Cloud, area for up to two trillion comets (up to 50 000 AU from the Sun). 0 Answers. Think about the asteroids as cars on the … The asteroid belt or main belt is a ring of small and large rocks and dust between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.The biggest object in the asteroid belt is Ceres, a dwarf planet.The Kirkwood gaps separate the asteroid belt into several groups.. Where is the asteroid belt located and why? An asteroid is a bit of rock. The belt is about 1 AU thick.