when does thea find out about oliver

By Kelly Schremph. That is when the particle accelerator explodes in Central City and Barry becomes affected by it. ... After all, Thea does share Oliver's DNA.

TBH, Ollie needs Thea's guidance bad. He showed Oliver actual video footage of … But still, I didn't want to believe. 4 years ago. In arrow what episode & season does Laurel find out that Oliver is the green arrow?

Thea is officially out of her coma! Answer Save. Trending questions. It remains unclear if Arrow will continue after this season, and even more unclear what Oliver's fate will be when the show does end. When he was seven years old, Oliver met and befriended Tommy Merlyn and later, Laurel Lance, both who would become his lifelong best friends. And after Roy does just that, he seems relieved-slash-delighted that Oliver is Arrow. Spent all weekend watching this amazing show. But still, I didn't want to believe. We first find out about Oliver’s son in season two episode "Seeing Red" when Oliver confesses to his mother that he got a girl pregnant. After all, Thea does share Oliver's DNA. Favourite answer. The reason for why she woke up now was a little lame (we just needed to find the right drug combo to wake her up), but her awakening couldn't have come at … Then Malcolm Merlyn provided undeniable proof. Then Malcolm Merlyn provided undeniable proof. Relevance. Malcolm Merlyn (born Arthur King; October 13, unknown year - May 17, 2017) was the husband of the late Rebecca Merlyn and the father of Tommy Merlyn, Thea Queen, and Saracon. Slade leads Oliver to Thea’s body and they both think she’s dead. The man is obviously dying to propose to Felicity and, from the looks of this scene, Thea knows about the ring.This means that Oliver …
Thanks! Unfortunately, Thea won’t afford him that same level of honesty. After Oliver found out from Thea, Roy put someone in the hospital, Oliver offered to train Roy, so he can control his new powers and abilities, later Roy finds out that Oliver is The Arrow, after this, Roy officially becomes a member of the team, Roy is now aware of the identities of Oliver's partners. Slade arrives and captures them, imprisoning them in the A.R.G.U.S.
Anonymous. Thea Knows Oliver's Secret on 'Arrow' & It's About Time .

I watched the first two episodes and fell in love w/ this show. Which was better: The Original Law & Order OR Special Victims Unit? Ask question + 100. Technically that would be Season 2 Episode 9. Feb. 12, 2015.

With Samantha dead, Oliver’s son William has now become a permanent part of Oliver’s life. I watched the first two episodes and fell in love w/ this show. Yeah, actually in the episode that preceded it, Oliver plants the idea in her head.

We knew this information would trickle out eventually, especially now that all of Oliver's secrets seem to be coming out these days.