what gender cat should i get quiz

Both from my own experience and the majority of cat owners find that male cats, especially neutered male cats, tend to be more affectionate than female cats. If your cat is an adult and is established within your home as the only cat, then you should think carefully about introducing another feline.

The site offers information about lost cats and provides free home pages for your favorite cat Use OPTIMUM's cat breed selector to find the perfect cat breed to suit your lifestyle.

Would you like your cat to live mostly… Indoors: Outdoors: A bit of both : Why are we asking this?

Should I Get a Male or Female Kitten? Knowyourcat also has extensive library of cat poems and funny stories. So it really does not matter much whether you get a male or a female kitten. For how long would your cat be alone each day?

With time it should be possible to introduce a new cat into an existing household, but this may take a great deal of time and very gradual introduction.

Once it has been neutered, it will with luck be a friendly and calm cat, whichever gender it is. You wonder what your family would say when they find you curled up on the couch with a brand new kitten. Please note that not all genders are here, and you may feel like the result you get doesn't suit you. That doesn't matter, for at the end of the day, you are the one to decide what your gender is. This is a quiz to help you on your path to find the gender that suits you. And other factors play a much bigger part in the kitten's eventual personality.

Some cats are very social and really enjoy human companionship. They are SOOOOO cute!

And if I get 2 cats, what gender?


If I do only get 1 cat, if you say that, what gender? Not at all: 1-6 hours: 6-12 hours: More than 12 hours: Why are we asking this?

By Mychelle Blake Cat Behavior Consultant Choosing a kitten breed that works for your lifestyle requires some thought, but potential cat owners often don't consider the cat's sex to be important as features like breed and coloring . Male cats are said to be more even-tempered and predictable than female cats and even more laid-back and relaxed than their female counterparts.

Its just so hard. 2 or 1 cat?

Know your cat site contains all the information you need as a cat owner from the basics of how and were to get a cat through to the cat maintenance and health problems and information about traveling with cats.

I usually like females but are they okay with other female owners (humans)? You pass through a local animal shelter and see a litter of kittens. And if you answer that question, I have one more. I dont like to get female and male because I dont want them to be sexually in love. But before you fall prey to the adorable face of the kitten, you should know how to take care of one. They are also a little larger than female cats.