what are the 10 simple machines

The... Wheel and Axle.

Lever. Answer : 18.75 cm. Question 8: Comment on the statement ‘The mechanical advantage of a machine is greater than 1’.

Simple machines. However, break them down to their smallest parts and you're left with simple machines: wheels, levers, wedges and screws.

Give an example of a lever mechanical advantage is: (i) greater than 1. A List of Simple Machines Inclined Plane. There are 6 basic simple machines; the lever, the wheel and axle, the inclined plane, the wedge, the pulley, and the screw. Several of these simple machines are related to each other. fCHAPTER 10. A hockey. Answer: The statement means that the effort required for the machine to overcome a load is less than the load. UNIT 10.1 Appreciating the innovative. simple machines Six simple machines for transforming energy into work.

A wheel is a circular object, and an axle is a long cylinder. An inclined plane is, quite simply, a ramp. All of these are means to increase leverage, and many are the same thing, for example the wedge wrapped around an axle is a screw. The simple machines are the inclined plane, lever, wedge, wheel and axle, pulley, and screw. (ii) Equal to 1. A spade. Lever, Wheel and axle, Pulley, Inclined plane, Wedge, and Screw.

f Devices that Using the Principle of Levers. Most of the machines you encounter in everyday life are complex. Simple machines magnify, spread out, or change the direction of force, making it … One end of the plane is low and the other is high. Where d E and d L are the displacement of effort and load respectively in time t.. I have always felt the “simple machine” idea is too simple by half, and some things blend into the other: Why is the pulley not a wheel? But, each has a specific purpose in the world of doing work. Tongs stick. efforts in the design of machine.