uber for seniors without smartphones

Instead of having to rely solely on family members or public transportation, seniors (whether they have smartphones or not) can use the Uber platform to get where they want to go on their own. Relatives and caretakers can use GoGoGrandparent to call in a ride and … Requesting Lyft or Uber Using a Computer. GoGoGrandparent has developed a way for those without smartphones to use on-demand services like Uber. GoGoGrandparent is a service that’s seeking to close the rideshare access gap by giving older people a way to access Uber and Lyft without a smartphone or a computer. It’s simple. Given that many people over the age of 65 either don’t use a smartphone or the Uber app, this feature lets their friends and loved ones book rides on their behalf. Instead, it’s a go-between that charges a small fee to arrange Ubers and Lyft’s for older riders. Older Americans are especially likely to not have a smartphone (or even a cell phone). Empowering senior centers with Uber Health It’s not a standalone rideshare service with its own app and fleet of drivers. We need an Uber for senior citizens! Saroj, aged 79 lives in Pune, India. Meet GoGoGrandparent. Ridesharing Options: Lyft and Uber for … However, most ride-sharing services to date have left seniors who don’t have access to smartphones, or who aren’t tech savvy, out of the equation completely. Request a Ride for a Loved One Written by Kyle Miller and Mike Lu, Product Managers.

After initially speaking to an operator and giving them your credit card and home address, you just call back and use their automated system, …

GoGoGrandparent lets people use Lyft and Uber without a smartphone, with rides monitored by 24/7 operators and alerts for emergency contacts. Both Uber and Lyft have options for requesting rides via computer.
Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Email More sharing options. Many seniors aren’t comfortable with smartphones — is that the main reason for your existence? For elderly relatives with a computer but no smartphone, this can be a good solution. You can show them how or type up some instructions to keep by their computer. Or, they struggle to navigate an app. Share. She can’t drive herself or use the bus, and doesn’t own a smartphone, leaving her transportation options limited. But, some seniors just don’t want to get a smartphone. We find that about 30 percent of our callers do have smartphones, but they rely on GoGoGrandparent because the way that Uber and Lyft are set up, there’s more to it than just having a smartphone. Read more about Lyft and Uber for seniors and the potential that ride-sharing services have to improve seniors’ lives.

These apps rely more on the passenger to hold up their end of contacting the driver or walking down the street to get to the …