traditional vs contemporary african art

Traditional art is a folk art, which encompasses the art produced from an indigenous culture, peasants or other laboring trade’s people. Traditional Art would be representational painting or sculpture. They reflect modern ideas and thoughts, which are subject to … Ideas reflected. Contemporary artworks commonly use a variety of materials and techniques, including new technologies such as computers, three-dimensional, live elements and performances, etc. A thing that we made like 100 years ago it would be traditional art. That said, if one were to compare "modern" art paintings to "traditional" art paintings, one might say that a "traditional" art painting would be a painting in a style similar to paintings produced before 1860 (approximately), while a "modern" art painting would be a painting in the style of paintings produced after 1860. Contemporary Art vs. Contemporary art is the art of today.

African art, the visual arts of native Africa, particularly sub-Saharan Africa, including such media as sculpture, painting, pottery, rock art, textiles, masks, personal decoration, and jewelry.. For more general explorations of media, see individual media articles (e.g., painting, sculpture, pottery, and textile).For a discussion of the characteristics, functions, and forms of masks, see mask. Traditional Art is the relevancy of past events.

Traditional artis a folk art, which encompasses the art produced from an indigenous culture, peasants or other laboring trade's people. Contemporary Art displays new feelings and ideas about the nature of materials and functions of art.

Representational art took over from idealization and the traditional language of African creative and spiritual expression. Contemporary art uses several subjects.

Traditional Art.

A key distinction between modern and contemporary art was a shift in focus away from aesthetic beauty to the underlying concept of the work (conceptual art and performance art are good examples). Whereas you might not be able to visually recognize the meaning in traditional African art, the contemporary versions include allusions and references to the past. Contemporary African artists who grew up in the 1960s and '70s experienced a period of substantial change and upheaval, as many African nations declared independence from their colonial rulers.

A general category for post-1970 work by artists from Africa. Contemporary art is an art produced at the present period in time. 1k views There is also greater use of personal preferences and a creative freedom that does not exist in ancient art .

Contemporary art is an art produced at the present period in time.