together rising at the border

Thank you for 2019. This what it looks like when, together, we stop waiting and instead become the ones we’ve been waiting for. This is the story of the world changing YOU, through Together Rising, did this year. This what it looks like when, together, we stop waiting and instead become the ones we’ve been waiting for. Medical Help & Food at the Border By Together Rising | December 4, 2018 Thousands of families, women, children and men, who have walked hundreds of miles fleeing in-country violence and persecution, are now at the southern border of the U.S. prepared to do the difficult work of presenting their petitions for legal asylum. Let’s do it again in 2020. Together Rising is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. This is the story of the world changing YOU, through Together Rising, did this year. Together Rising, Al Otro Lado, Families Belong Together, and Matthew 25/Mateo 25 SoCal are at the border with Nico this minute, bearing witness, advocating and trying to hold onto hope because so far: Border Patrol has refused to let Nico and the other parents even present their petitions. In total, you raised $1,500,000. By Together Rising | June 16, 2018. Two weeks ago, we came together in a Together Rising Love Flash Mob to help get babies – who were torn from their families at the border – back into their parents’ arms.

Glennon founded Together Rising as an expression of her belief that the surest way to lift a family or community is to lift one woman at a time — that when a woman rises, she brings her people up with her. Contributions to Together Rising are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. These families are brave but they are weary and they miss their children. Together Rising exists to turn our… This is the story of what happens when we turn our heartbreak into action. Please watch. We stand in solidarity with the right of our Black siblings to live and raise their families in peace and safety with equal treatment under the law. This is the story of what happens when we turn our heartbreak into action. Please join us: In 9 hours, you raised One Million Dollars. This is how we start making the world we want to live in. Together Rising's tax … HERE’S HOW YOU ARE SERVING THE SEPARATED BORDER FAMILIES TODAY — UPDATE #2!

In addition to these opportunities, you can still give HERE.. 100% of what Together Rising receives from your tax-deductible donations goes toward advocacy & reunification efforts for these families.

Together Rising mourns and condemns our country’s long history and current reality of harassment and killing of Black bodies. Here is a sampling of volunteer opportunities in the U.S. for those who wish to help with the crisis of family separation at the Border.