synthesis of triphenylmethanol prelab

Even a dirty dry flask will work better for the reaction than one that has recently been washed with water!! Why? The synthesis of triphenylmethanol must be accomplished in one lab period; plan accordingly! Grignard Synthesis of Triphenylmethanol Aim The aim of this experiment was to prepared Grignard reagent (phenylmagnesium bromide) from bromobenzene and magnesium, to use the reagent prepared to synthesise a tertiary alcohol (triphenylmethanol) by reacting reagent and ester (methyl benzoate), and the product formed is analyse by infrared spectroscopy (IR), melting point, thin … Prelab Reading Assignment: Laboratory Techniques in Organic Chemistry, 4th Ed. (2) Determine the quantities of reagents in the usual way. This is Ch. One method of preparation is to react salicylic acid (1 ) with acetic anhydride (2) and a trace amount of acid (equation 1). To assess the purity of the product by determining its melting point. 1 12. To react the Grignard reagent with a ketone and an ester.

OH COOH O COOH CH3 O 3 4 1 2 H + CH3COOH + + (CH3CO)2O … Relevant textbook readings - PLKE pp 292-298 (expt 31A), 755-760, 551-553, 595-611. This project was created with Explain Everything™ Interactive Whiteboard for iPad. Experiment 12: Grignard Synthesis of Triphenylmethanol Reactions that form carbon-carbon bonds are among the most useful to the synthetic organic chemist. Expt #1. The Grignard Reaction – Synthesis of Triphenylmethanol Andrea Mxxxxxxx 216 Section 176 Experiment 10 MM/DD/2010 (2) Determine the quantities of reagents in the usual way. In this lab you will use the Grignard Reaction, a classic reaction in organic chemistry, for the synthesis of triphenylmethanol from an alkyl halide and a ketone.

Reactions of Triphenylmethanol. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 121 EXPERIMENT 1 SYNTHESIS OF ASPIRIN FROM SALICYLIC ACID Aspirin is one of the oldest and most common drugs in use today. Only use in a fume hood and keep away from flames and heat sources. Please work together with your lab partner on this. Grignard reagents are very useful for creating secondary and tertiary alcohols from aldehydes and ketones. E x p e r i m e n t 4 Synthesis of Triphenylmethanol Objectives To use the Grignard reagent in a water free environment.

(1) Write the balanced equation for the reaction that you will be carrying out, including structures of the reactant and product. Grignard Synthesis of Triphenylmethanol. Prelab - Make sure you have a completed prelab plan in your notebook prior to the beginning of the lab period. Method and procedures: Into a 3 …

These include use of ground glass equipment, a water-cooled condenser, and a separatory funnel. The Williamson Ether Synthesis can specifically be found in sections 17-2 and 18-2. Grignard Chemistry: Synthesis of Triphenylmethanol _____ Pre-lab preparation. Your glassware should be cleaned in the previous lab period; once with soapy water, then with water, and finally with acetone. It is both an analgesic (pain killer) and antipyretic (reduces fever). Experiment 12 – The Williamson Ether Synthesis pg. ! Experiment 12: Grignard Synthesis of Triphenylmethanol Pre-lab Safety: Diethyl ether is extremely flammable. Do not place unreacted reagents in the Byproducts Jar. Macroscale Grignard Synthesis of Triphenylmethanol. CHEMISTRY 244 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory II – Spring 2020 Lab #2: Grignard Reaction: Preparation of Triphenylmethanol Purpose. Grignard reaction: synthesis of Triphenylmethanol Pre-lab reading from Zubrick: Chapter 9: Whole Chapter – drying glassware Caution This reaction is difficult and requires very careful technique if it is to be successful. (1) Write the balanced equation for the reaction that you will be carrying out, including structures of the reactant and product.