sto narrow sensor bands

slot I or III depending on the ship and if it does not interfere with your Firemode as example) Override Subsystem Safeties (got an intel slot? The normal Vanguard should be good because it has miracle worker seating, allowing you to use narrow sensor bands and mixed armaments synergy which are very powerful abilities. slot the highest possible, usualy III) Mixed Armaments Synergies (using a ship with Miracle Worker Boff?
Switching the LtC Universal to Engineering makes it possible to use EPtW3 and two of the best miracle worker abilities, Narrow Sensor Bands (NSB) 3 and Mixed Armaments Synergies (MAS) 3. That’s approx 20 attacks over 10 seconds with hits multiplied by the amount of ship in range. Every time you use Narrow Sensor Bands or Launch a Hanger pet your ship fires a short range ring of fire around your ship.
It is the opposite of a band-pass filter.A notch filter is a band-stop filter with a narrow stopband (high Q factor).. With the Cmdr/MW ability, the RNG part with activating abilities really doesn't matter; what does is that you get an additional Universal console slot added to your normal 11 consoles on a T6 starship (for 12 total on these versions) -- that most people just treat as an extra tactical console. In signal processing, a band-stop filter or band-rejection filter is a filter that passes most frequencies unaltered, but attenuates those in a specific range to very low levels. This layout is very similar to what we use on the Vadwaaur Juggernaut or Jem’hadar Warship, but sadly cruisers don’t have a commander tactical. Narrow Sensor Bands (using a ship with Miracle Worker Boff? It's also already fleet-grade, while the temporal warship is not and you'll need to buy the fleet version for true top performance.

Miracle Worker: Narrow Sensor Bands & Mixed Armaments Synergy are the clear standouts here. With max hanger bay recharge the Lost Souls will cause a ring of fire around about twice every second.