star trek canon map

(Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, okudagram) It is also about maps… Maps of the Galaxy. Watch your favorite Star Trek episodes right here. Canonicity of Star Trek: The Animated Series is disputed, but is generally considered canon except where it conflicts with the live-action series and movies. The book is a guide to the known Star Trek-universe, featuring detailed maps and background information on the classification for stars and planets. A Small Galaxy. Close.

3 years ago. Some of the good, some them even better. ... Apparel; VIDEOS . But Star Wars is not all about the battle of light and dark side of the Force. The Star Trek canon is the set of all canonical material in the Star Trek universe. The map shows both major and minor powers that have appeared in the various series over the years. Every time there's a new Star Trek movie or TV show, at least one "rule" about the vast Star Trek canon gets changed, rewritten, or rebooted. It was canon for 15 years after it first aired - it was only after the first season of TNG that Roddenberry officially got it de-canonized. Posted by. NEWS AND UPDATES. Is there a canon map?

Originally, TAS was canon. The Official Star Trek Canon. Travel via sector space represents the starship at warp, and the desired destination can either be reached by selecting it from a list in the map menu, clicking it on the overview map, or by manually steering toward it. I've been looking around today a good deal for maps of space that entail proper canon positions of, well, everything.

The problem is, I've seen just about a half a dozen different maps, and they all show different information. What is the best map of the Star Trek universe? When J.J. Abrams and his production team set out to create a new version of Star Trek in the form of the 2009 film of the same name , they knew they had to address a daunting question. 4. Other the last 2 decades we’ve seen several maps of the galaxy far, far away. Even just the book authors, imagine how much easier their jobs would be (and how much more cohesive a picture they could paint) if they had a real workable map of the known Star Trek galaxy to work with.

Star Trek superfans are sticklers for canon. Star Trek’s official lore spans centuries, from obscure millennia past to the far-flung future of the 31st century.

Yes, I have googled it. STARSHIP MP-177-A Class: Cheetah-class advanced police frigate Affiliation: Lyran Star Empire Launched: 23rd century Status: active (2290s) The MP-177-A was a 23rd century Lyran Star Empire starship, a Cheetah-class frigate in service in the 2290s decade.

Star Trek: Star Charts Atlas : This work is based on the recommended Star Trek Star Charts written by Geoffrey Mandel, with the help of Doug Drexler, Tim Earls, Larry Nemecek and Christian Rühl. J/K Archived. (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver") In 2293, the location of the First Federation in the Milky Way Galaxy was labeled in a star chart that was in Captain James T. Kirk's quarters aboard the USS Enterprise-A. What is the best map of the Star Trek universe? It would be an incredible resource for Trek, and it would probably end up getting used a lot by writers of any future Trek works! Site Map.