should i tell my probation officer the truth

If you or the person refuse, then the refusal by your friend could be used to revoke his probation. In this case, it's the literal truth. Should I tell her about it? If you aren’t taking probation seriously your probation officer will be the first to tell on you. This is a relatively minor problem – and I’m sure her PO will see it that way too. .

On my psych evaluation it said I was a high risk for marijuana use.he has been my PO for about a year and this is juvenile probation. So today at court I have to show a report card to my probation officer which is on tuesday and i haven't been at school since i've dropped out. Each time I visit my PO they tell me it's not an issue when I tell them I have not found a job because I stay home with my child.

There’s some truth in both. Edit 2: Back this morning, have some catching up … I get off probation in two months and I do not want my probation officer to find out. I don't know what to do I was afraid, ashamed pure negative thoughts comes into my mind. Should I just tell him the truth ahead of time? A Trial is NOT About the Truth Officers are forbidden by the courts and rules of evidence from telling the whole truth when they testify, but the system expects them to swear to do just that. I live in the state of Texas im 19 years old and I am currently on probation reiemstatement for 2 possession of marijuana>2 oz charges. If you do this, you will then be asked to submit a drug screen right there at the probation office. You need to maintain trust with your probation officer. Something's are better left unsaid. A probation officer has a tremendous amount of power over you. “(b) A probation officer, while in the performance of his or her official duties, may arrest a person without a warrant if there is probable cause to believe that the person has forcibly assaulted, resisted, opposed, impeded, intimidated, or interfered with the probation officer, or a fellow probation officer, in violation of section 111. I was convicted of DUI at age 18. I just was to be prepared for what might happen. Edit: Going to bed, will check back in the morning.

i'm afraid to tell it to my family or should I say ashamed for what i've been through. she had lied and accused him of abusing me and making me out to be a victim of domestic violence when this couldn’t be further from the truth. She is a real ***** and I don't want to create any problems with her, as she is always looking for a reason to lock me up. The individuals I had on my caseload that were willing to tell me the truth, I would work to the end of the world for. Absolutely! Depends on the circumstances. Should I tell on myslef or should I hope she doesnt find out? i am 17 and a half and i am willing to take an adult school program for my high school diploma since i am just missing 5 classes. I will be applying to law school the fall of my senior year. Should I tell my Probation Officer I took Excedrin on Monday if I have a drug test on Thursday?

Proof: link. Ordinarily, if you pick up a speeding ticket, and you were properly licensed, and your probation didn’t prohibit you from driving or specify no traffic citations. It is always better to be honest with someone to whom you owe the debt or the courtesy of honesty, regardless of what it is you need to be honest about, than it is to conceal. The Court’s representatives are understandably concerned with compliance with the judge’s orders. Goodnight. However, I completely quit drinking and how have a 3.8 GPA. If your friend is claiming your residence is their residence, then yes, the probation officer would have the right to come and ask to inspect your home. You should never lie to your probation officer. Should I tell my probation officer I smoked? She replied "Well, we do have a couple judges here that are alcoholics. Always.

Should I just tell him that there will be marijuana in my pee? Nearly all probation contracts will say you cannot use drugs and alcohol while on probation. i got the ticket 3 weeks before my restriction on my license was up and it's about time to call her and check in. I know i should tell her. she called my probation officer, and he didnt like the resaults then demanded i take the classes … im on probation until my 18th birthday. I am currently on probation and got arrested the other night but in another state.