should i learn mandarin or cantonese for business

You should 100% learn mandarin. Mandarin appears to fit these descriptors. It's also supposed to be increasing in popularity. (Chinese languages are tonal, which means that inflection is used not only to convey emotion as in English, but actually to … If u want to learn Chinese, I think u'd better learn Mandarin first, cuz the pronunciations of most dialects are based on Mandarin. Secondly, there are more business opportunities for doing business in using Mandarin rather than Cantonese. What should I learn? This is because this is the official business language of the region and almost everyone speaks Mandarin. If you really want to be able to connect with people from Hong Kong, Macau, and Canton, you can still consider learning Cantonese. The word order for “I am Norwegian” in Cantonese and Mandarin is the same. With 66 million speakers, Cantonese cannot be considered an impractical language to learn. If you want to do business with the whole China, you should learn Mandarin, then you can access the huge market, which has 1.3 billion customers. I want to learn either Mandarin or Cantonese. But you should still know that Cantonese is often seen as more difficult. Many would think that it is better to learn Mandarin Chinese because it is easier to study than Cantonese. Though the Cantonese people speak Mandarin, a few Cantonese phrases will goa long way to forge a closer bond.Taiwan, just like Mainland China, … Its use of “tones” can be even more challenging to western speakers than Mandarin. Cantonese vs. Mandarin and Which One You Should Learn. I also wonder if it's easier to learn Cantonese from Mandarin vs learning Cantonese from English and if this is the case I could learn Mandarin and pickup some basic Cantonese when I'm there. I have a great recommendation for Mandarin Course you can take in Hong Kong. If your main objective, however, is to do business or travel in Mainland …
If u only learn Cantonese, u will be in trouble in other areas.

I have started to learn Mandarin and Cantonese, but can't decide which one to learn. Please help. Which one is better to learn for speaking Chinese? Likewise, if you're interested in working in most … Differences; Speaking: the speaker of one does not, usually, understand the other as the sounds of Cantonese and Mandarin are totally different. (If you're Chinese that would really help) Thanks. However, if you are working with a company who is in an area where Cantonese dominates, go ahead. First of all, Mandarin is the basics Chinese language system (tones, logical thinking and grammar) which can help you learn Cantonese easier. 5.
I've heard Mandarin is easier to learn, more common in most of China and has more resources to help learn it. If you only want to do business with Hong Kong, you should learn Cantonese. Knowing the difference between the two, as well as where and by whom each one is used will help you choose the one that’s best suited to your specific language goals and needs. Ifyou only really plan to deal with people from the south of China, you should learn some Cantonesephrases as well.