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Interrogative sentences allow you to gather information and clear up confusion as well as engage in interesting conversations with others. Who do you want to win the game? Use "what" … Which pen do you like more? Interrogative Adjectives are one among the seven types of Adjectives. ; I don't agree with this. It's also useful in writing as an organizational tool; for example, you can set up questions as headers and answer them to explain a concept in …

Mitchell Stevens [N] ow that who, what, when, and where have been cheapened by overexposure on the Internet, why has gained value. Interrogative Adjectives Adjectifs interrogatifs When asking someone to make a choice between two or more things, you need the interrogative adjective quel , meaning "which" or "what." ; In this sentence, the word which is an interrogative adjective; it asks information about the noun book..
These words specify the sentence from the questioning point of view. Examples of Interrogative Adjective: Which book is yours? Whose superpowers would you most like to have? Interrogative adjectives examples. Ohh!!! These adjectives are used to ask questions about nouns or in relation to nouns, they are - Where, What, Which and Whose. Interrogative adjectives list: what, which, whose The interrogative adjectives which and what can both be used in some sentences.However, which is usually used when the choice of things is known to the speaker whereas what is used when the choice is unknown. What kind of plan did you create? which? Interrogative Adjectives are not nearly as difficult as their name seems to imply... First they are adjectives which means they describe or qualify nouns. What are you doing this weekend? What a beautiful mountain this is. Examples of Interrogative Adjective in Sentences: Whose book was that?

Second they are interrogative, which means they ask questions… So put together they take the following forms whose? Interrogative Adjectives help to seek answers to queries of people. Whose decision was this? Which notebook will they show you? "Some exclamations begin with the words what and how, which are also interrogative words. Interrogative Adjectives Examples of Interrogative Adjectives. Definition and 8 Example Sentences Interrogative adjectives will help to find answers to the questions people ask.
Definition of Interrogative Adjective: A word that modifies a noun by asking a question is called interrogative adjectives. The Difference between "What" and "Which" The difference between the interrogative adjectives "what" and "which" is subtle. What books are you buying today? Interrogative adjectives are often used along with nouns to ask questions such as where, who, how, why and which. Interrogative Adjectives Examples.