peacock bass feeding

Some of the kinds of tiny fish they feed on include bluegill, threadfin shad and mosquito fish, for starters.

Youngsters frequently eat shrimp. There is a plethora of nonnative species that the peacock bass loves to eat. They sometimes eat other kinds of cichlids. The peacock bass has many options to eat in the canal and lakes in Florida waterways. Back in 1984, this fish … It feeds on live foods like insects, fish, and at times rodents. Habitat requirements vary based on the size. Peacock bass grow rapidly and require a large space, therefore they are only suitable for indoor... Habitat Requirements. At 8 weeks they should be at 1-1.5 in., you can start feeding black-worms and stop brine shrimps or continue feeding both. After the 10 th day when the fry are now free swimming you may start feeding baby brine shrimp, 4x a day but only up to the amount they are able to consume. The peacock bass is a voracious eater that will attempt anything close to it that is the same size as itself or smaller. According to the Peacock Bass Association, fry... Food Sources. In the wild, it feeds hungrily and rapidly during the day and uses speed to seize its prey. How to Raise Peacock Bass in an Aquarium Aquarium Requirements. Mix it up with tilapia, feeders, krill, blackworms, etc. Peacock bass regularly go after tiny fish. The spotted tilapia is the main reason why this fish exists in Florida waters. At 5 weeks they should be at 1-1.5 cm. If they take bloodworms and feeders getting them to eat other frozen food should be a breeze, pellets will be tricky but good luck.