page ruler redux firefox

Page Ruler Redux is an extension for Google Chrome allowing you to draw a ruler to get pixel dimensions and positioning, and measure elements on any web page. Draw a ruler across any webpage to check the width, height, or alignment of page elements in pixels. To be able to toggle rulers for a page, you first need to enable the button by going to the settings page for the Developer Tools and checking "Toggle rulers for the page" under Available Toolbox Buttons. Page Ruler Redux is a free Developer Tools Extension published by Page Ruler Redux is a core web developer and designer tool, that allows you to get pixel perfect measurements of web elements for website front-end ... Read more > All the apps, games or extensions here are for home or personal use only. Page Ruler Redux. This is a fork from the original extension without the mixpanel adtracking and malware js library. Download Measure-it for Firefox. Read More. If it infringes your copyright, please contact us for … Once enabled, the "Toggle rulers for the page" button appears at the top right of the Toolbox, in the same place as the Settings/Options button. Please use the issue tracker to report any bugs or make suggestions