my employer lied to me

Asked on 12/22/2011 under: Employment and Labor Pennsylvania. The things he is saying are lies and very bad lies might I add. “My boss is telling lies about me! Can an employer intentionally lie to you and get away with it? Question. Yes you can sue someone for calling your employer and trying to get your fired by knowlingly providing false information. But occasionally, it can seem necessary—like when you say you need to take a long lunch for a dentist appointment, when you’re really meeting a friend for, well, a long lunch. When I started, I took the same salary as my … On third day of absence, I contacted her and she told me her mom passed away and that funeral will be in 2 weeks time. Question: I was recently fired from my job. If you do determine that your employee has lied, you must take action.

Normally, in discrimination cases, the employer comes up with a reason (whether true or not) to explain why something bad happened to the employee. It was stated to me "the company is moving in a different direction." I had an interview, then had to take a personality test, then five spelling/math tests and then a final interview with the HR VP yesterday. I had an interview, then had to take a personality test, then five spelling/math tests and then a … Based on the facts you've related, it sounds like you would face a couple of potential problems in making a defamation claim: Statements of opinion can't be defamatory.

The head of our HR department is the person who I spoke with that lied to me and I have not spoken with a lawyer yet I believe my boss lied to me and dragged out my temporary status to cut costs. Sometimes they’re mean, sometimes they micromanage, and sometimes, they refuse to manage at all.

I got this letter from a LinkedIn reader: Dear J.T. For me, having a manager who lied wasn’t so much an issue of figuring out how to make him or her stop. By Stacey Hawley posted Apr 3rd, 2013 at 10:35am. Sometimes an employer will flat-out lie to its employees by saying that they do not have the right to make a claim. However, my file is clean, I'd never been written up for anything and gave a 2-week notice too. I recently caught my employee lying to me about sending a FedEx shipment that she didn’t really send. Everyone can pretty much agree that lying isn’t a good practice, especially when it comes to lying to your boss. An employer lied to me in an interview I applied for an HR job 3 weeks ago. They then cited poor work performance to unemployment causing me to be inelidgible for benefits. My entire 12 successful career was with a company that ranked number 5 in the Fortune 500. What to do if Your New Employer LIED to You.

Once that trust is eroded, it becomes hard to follow your boss’ direction, wondering if he or she is taking you down the right path or leading you astray.

How Do I Show That My Employer Is Lying?

If the situation calls for notifying authorities, then do so immediately.