I especially love Pirate Man leaning on his treasure chest.
Great job, though. No sir) calculated: Mega Man, a blue robot that stands at only 52 inches tall, can jump a little over twice his height.
I remember them being taller in Mega Man 8. Close. Posted by 2 years ago. Thomas "Tom" Magee (born July 1, 1958) is a Canadian former world champion powerlifter and strongman competitor from Winnipeg, Manitoba. 125kg. He was also a professional wrestler from 1985–1990.
Japanese source books state that Mega Man is 132cm tall and X is 160cm tall, so by converting that into feet and inches as best as I can, it means that Mega Man is 4'4" and X is 5'3".
This is pretty accurately reflected on this chart. 12.
Torch Man is one of the six Robot Masters from the Mega Man 3 computer game for DOS.. I drew up a height chart of Megaman & Bass bosses. He resides deep within the sewers in an aquatic environment, despite being a specialist in heat-based weapons. ... Are Astro Man and Tengu Man really that short in this game? Originally designed to be a maintenance robot who specialised in welding, Torch Man was reprogrammed and modified to be a combat robot by Dr. Wily and CRORQ..