k8 telephone box

A relatively rare sight these days. Box . I want to remove the screws etc that hold it together, they are countersunk screws into the cast.The telephone box had been sand blasted so not much paint on it. The last red telephone kiosk. This is a project that I have had and never got hopefully someone can use them - it would be a shame to throw them out.

View all tagged images - In Browser. took 6 of us to carry/roll it down this blokes garden and lift it into the Transit van, got it home! The K8 telephone box, in my opinion one of the most under-rated pieces of design of all time, is the last in the line of the red telephone box. As well as being used as telephone boxes on UK streets, restored K2, K6 and K8 kiosks are used as telephone boxes around the world by businesses and collectors, who have installed them in homes, pubs, gardens, nightclubs, restaurants, hotels and offices.

Showing images tagged with K8 Telephone Box tag. Introduced in 1968, the K8 was a futuristic change in the Sixties spirit.

Used, Original Vintage K6 telephone box.

Arriving in 1968, the K8 was designed by Bruce Martin and there were once 11,000 around the UK.

A telephone booth, telephone kiosk, telephone call box, telephone box or public call box is a small structure furnished with a payphone and designed for a telephone user's convenience..

In 1934, a K5 was produced, made of plywood as a temporary kiosk for use at exhibitions and fairs etc.. Over 100 artists and designers were given a K6 telephone box to re-design, and these were placed in public locations across London that summer. They were the last to arrive and the first to go when BT began removing red boxes and apart from a few, have all but dissappeared from our streets.

this is a print of 4 telephone boxes coloured red, green, pink and yellow originally purchased from john lewis. The home of the British red telephone box. About the Phoney Box Product. Search within these images: Pair of K8 telephone boxes on Princes Avenue, Hull by JThomas geograph for square TA0829.

It was only in the 1990s that the designs of this box were rediscovered and it is not known if any originals still survive as the one which stands at the National Telephone Kiosk Collection at Avoncroft Museum of Historic Buildings is a mockup from the original designs.

The K8 telephone kiosk, designed by … Picked up the red 1935 cast telephone box, it was heavy !