jordan burroughs wife

Jordan Burroughs belongs to American nationality. Kordan was born on July 8th, 1988 in Camden, New Jersey. According to him, he started wrestling at the mere age of five and this is why he has been so successful in his career as a wrestler.

No information about his parents and early life is out for now. Jordan Burroughs’s Bio & Wiki. Jordan Burroughs will miss this weekend’s Freestyle Wrestling World Cup in Inglewood, Calif., as his wife, Lauren, is due to have the couple’s second child any day now. Days After World Medal, Wrestler Jordan Burroughs, Wife Lauren Announce They’re Expecting Baby No. 3 Sept. 23, 2019 Simone Biles, Jordan Burroughs And U.S. Derrick D'wayne Burroughs (born May 18, 1962) is an American football coach and former cornerback who played five seasons in the National Football League (NFL) for the Buffalo Bills.He served two stints as the head football coach at Lane College, from 2010 to 2013 and 2015 to 2019.