it may take a while

this may take a while Used when a task may take a long time to complete. > “My mother is staying awhile” is correct because we could also say, “My mother is staying for a while.” The two-word noun phrase (a while) is probably more often the correct choice than is the one-word adverb (awhile). It May Take a While Passengers looking to fly to and from regional airports are feeling the brunt of airline cuts even more than those in bigger hubs, with many cancellations and circuitous routes. Else you can rephrase it "It will take a while for the change to be effected." God doesn’t give someone else your piece of the cake. While prenatal vitamins are not meant to replace a healthy diet, they may help prevent nutritional gaps by providing extra micronutrients that are in high demand during pregnancy. What is the difference between a while and awhile? UPDATED: Sat., June 20, 2020 -. This eliminates the need to choose between your alternatives, but makes use of passive voice, which is of contested validity. May 6, 2020. By. God doesn’t miss any targets. There may come a time during your pregnancy when you’re feeling under the weather and aren't sure if you can take your regular over-the-counter (OTC) medication.

It may take a while but what’s meant for you will not mistakenly be given to someone else.

Few word pairs capture the idiosyncrasies (“peculiar characteristics”) of the English language like a while and awhile do. S 'il s'agit de votre premier e nfant , c ela prend sou ven t un certa in temps av ant d e voir apparaître [...] It may take a while to adjust to the fact that you're going to have a baby. > “This may take awhile” is not correct because “This may take for a while” is not idiomatic English. Usually said when you have to keep clicking the Thumbs Down button on Urban Dictionary to put a stupid definition in its rightful place: the bottom of the page. Tal vez, t e lleve a lgún tiempo adaptarte al hecho de que vas a tener un bebé.

Sunday, May 17 Sun, May 17 Jeremy Male: It May Take a While for Audiences To Rebuild But New York Won’t Work Without Public Transit (Billboard Insider) How this crisis differs from 2008-2009: In 2008 you were dealing in the falloff in macro that was impacting advertiser budgets. Alexa Doiron & Julia Marsigliano. Both of these terms are expressions of time, but one is written with a space while the other is one word. His phrasing is a good alternative. So rest assured, that if something is meant for you, even if the whole world is … Antibiotics can cause side effects like diarrhea and changes to the gut microbiota, but luckily, certain foods can reduce the risk. If it is your first baby then it may take a while before you see the head. Sports > MLB Larry Stone: MLB’s labor battle may be nearing an end, but it will take a while to overcome the self-inflicted damage. Here's what to eat during and after antibiotics. Coronavirus curve up, lockdown impact may take a while; Coronavirus curve up, lockdown impact may take a while Coronavirus curve in India: Scientists using computer models to measure the spread of an infectious disease say they are yet to notice a “flattening of the growth curve”. Additionally, I agree with FumbleFingers that the phrasing is awkward. Stay at home also means shop from home, and it may take a while for people to again venture to ‘brick and mortar’ stores. Stay at home also means shop from home, and it may take a while for people to again venture to ‘brick and mortar’ stores By Alexa Doiron & Julia Marsigliano