i made a mistake that ruined my life

Tweet. 15973; WIN #14 $2,000.00 … What seems like a mountain today, may turn out to be a small hill tomorrow. NO. It will be something that is with you for quite some time but doesn't have to mean the end of your career let alone your life. ? I have been in really bad places, some are of parts of my life, some are of others life. I don't mean that in any particularly religious way, but more so in a personal one. You made a mistake and you admitted it now you need to forgive yourself for it. Your mistake can only ruin your life if you let it. I know when people say “My life is ruined” it’s usually a temporary problem to a solution they can’t see the answer to yet. recent questions recent answers. But even that mistake didn't ruin my life forever. i made a mistake that ruined my life? ASUS Q304A Question - I have a caption for a picture that has attached itself in the center of my screen. There is always a chance for redemption. Answers? It took a long time but I built a new life with a second, much happier marriage , and even managed to forgive myself. As you go through life you make mistakes. Free e-mail watchdog. 5 Comments. Christianity centers around a core belief of forgiveness. Answer for question: Your name: Answers. But are some mistakes unforgivable?
My life would never be the same again, all for a mistake I made when I was being naive and coerced into things I never thought I’d do. “To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.” Do in HM in; WIN #15 $2,000.00 GWY.
Learn from your mistake and move on. We are made … I ruined my life but I want to have one again. Some have taken drugs and stuff, some addicted as well. i made a mistake that ruined my life? Sticking only to safe has never led to a successful and happy life. Some are life-altering, and some only feel that way for a while. Now I feel so horrible about my future in terms of marriage. I don't believe any mistake can truly ruin your life unless you allow it or it causes your life to end. I apologize in advance if none of this makes sense. There is factually no way you could destroy your life. Answer this question. ? ? It’s completely okay to fail, it’s completely okay to take smart risks and it’s completely okay to experiment. You just have to accept that you screwed up and move on the best you can. You have to fail in life, you have to make mistakes and you always have to try new things, which leads to many missteps. Ending the "one mistake will ruin your life" narrative must also be accompanied by a war on the cyber creeps who prey on young girls. I’ve read that it’s best to conceal one’s sins in that regard, but I am afraid hiding it will come back to harm me greatly down the line.