how to tell my daughter about her biological father

We are on the verge of finalizing our divorce now. 1.

My ex currently gave up all his rights. Q: Im looking for advice on how to tell my 7-year-old daughter that I am not her biological dad. The year-and-a-half of obsessive sleuthing it took to identify my now deceased biological father was nearly paralyzing. She has never met her biological father and only knows my husband as daddy. When someone is looking for their biological father, many people just suggest "take a DNA test", like the one from Ancestry DNA. Q: Should I tell my daughter that her father is not her real father? If anyone has any advice, please share. Her husband knows about the situation,I should add. This will be a wall of text but it's important for everyone to understand how complex this issue is. I want to help her but I need to protect my family at the same time.

How do I tell my 5 year old daughter about her biological father?
Our granddaughter is now 16. Lots of reassurances of love, being wanted by her step Dad, it wasnt her fault, etc,.

My daughter has a different biological father than my husband. My husband is in the process of adopting my 7 year old son. We talk about a birth father (the sperm ‘donor’) versus the father (the one raising her). Do you think she should know the truth now or later when she gets older.

And I am not sure whether to tell her. I think it was wrong on your part to convince your daughter that her biological father loves her but is unable to visit. My Jeanie was 15 when she got pregnant. It's really stressing me out.

Whenever you decide to tell your daughter about her biological father, make sure you let her ask you (and step Dad) every question she can come up with. Tell her you need her to … We plan to marry next year. Even if you had to tell her a lie, it would have been better to say that you have no contact with him and have no idea where he is. In my second relationship gave birth to two more boys. She never met her real father because I left him when I was pregnant after finding out he is a child molester. After everything she had put me through and subjected me to, she decided to unleash this on me as if to intentionally cause pain and emotional suffering. We dated for 3 years before we broke up one summer (we were young) and I met my daughters biological father. I have a very similar situation, my daughter was about 2 when my husband came into her life, he has since then adopted her and he is the only daddy she has ever known. I have a beautiful adopted daughter who just turned 9 and she is asking about her biological Father. Our daughter has done a great job raising her daughter but is terrified of the prospect of telling her daughter the truth. To make this easier to explain, lets just call my daughter biological mother Jeanie. Her biological father has been in and out of her life for seven years and only comes around about ever two years. Their daughter’s biological father has family in their small town — some of her cousins even attend school with her. My daughter is 5 years old. She is in her 30s, and mother to a young boy. If your child does not know the family then don't push her to. You will know in your heart when it was time to tell her. The middle child's biological father is a man she had a fling with during a break in the relationship with the husband (before they were married). Her biological father only saw her for the first 4 months of her life and then decided that he didn't want to be a father to her. I've showed her … My son is 3 and-a-half years old and I left my ex-husband with him when he was only five months old.
My daughter is enter is entering kindergarten in a few days, and I know many more questions will come up. The answer to this question is complicated, but by the end of this post, you will understand. I'm in the same sittuation. I think that is awsome and she thinks he is her dad. My daughter is 3 1/2 years old. I had my daughter when I was 18, her father and I never had a relationship and he has never met her nor does he have any interest in meeting her. Tell her prospective boyfriends are going to have to pass inspection, not because you don’t trust her but because you love her. I have been fairly straight forward with her. The middle child is 8 years old.

QUESTION: I am in need of advice on how to tell my son about his real father. My ex-husband is in another state and has no contact with his son at all.