how to give offerings to gods

Sometimes I give things like poetry or songs, or my own effort or energy with something, if it seems like that is an appropriate thing to give. There are brief articles on various types of traditional offerings to Gods as well as links to other pages on the similar subjects. Neither should your giving be based on whatever is left over at the end of your paycheck.
Performing all the rites of the feast of robing . Making Offering to Isis. according to the ritual of the place of the First Feast. It’s a continual ritual of give and take. Most of my offering are typically liquid offerings, in which I offer the drink to the gods and then pour it over my altar (I believe that this is how it is done according to an Icelandic saga). Why Craft Teas for the Gods? I generally believe that any disposal method can be sacred if you make it so. There tends to be some question about what, exactly, is the right offering to make to the gods or goddesses of one's tradition — and how we should honor them when making those offerings. The amount you give to God should NOT be an afterthought. Just as with any relationship, building a connection with one’s god or goddess is an ongoing routine. How do you offer food, then? . How to give food offerings? The amount you give to God should be at the head of your budgeted expenditures -- the FIRST item on the list. Date: April 26, 2014 Author: Isidora 4 Comments “Birth of Isis. One issue that comes up often for people learning about modern Pagan spirituality is the concept of appropriate worship. Then they bless us in return. We give offerings to our gods and goddesses to show them our gratitude and build a bond. Feast of ‘revealing the face’ of this Goddess with Her Ennead. Offerings to Gods and Spirits ... or historically what was given to certain Gods. Also, there is a comprehensive glossary of ancient terms related to offerings to Gods in Hellenismos. .
I also trust my intuition though, so my ancestors get things like coffee and hard candies. In other words, give to God from your firstfruits, NOT from your leftovers. This page includes an essay explaining why we make offerings to Gods in Hellenismos, the ancient Greek religion. I strive to dispose of offerings in the most natural way, in a way which minimizes waste, and in way which honors my deity.