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Landscape Coastal cliffs, Coastal dunes, Coastal footslopes, 2nd line coast, Plains, Footslopes, Hills. Grown for the evergreen foliage as well as the colourful flowers it is easy care and makes a great plant for mass planting in full sun to a little shade. CARE: Drought and frost hardy so little maintenance is needed after initial care. Habit Clumping, Spreading. Soil Texture Clay, Loam, Sand. White, yellow and purple iris … Large wild iris (Dietes grandiflora) is regarded as an environmental weed in Western Australia and as a potential environmental weed New South Wales (particularly in … Botanical Name Dietes grandiflora. Each year we produce thousands of dietes by collecting and sowing the seed. Dietes iridioides flowers throughout the warmer month of the year.

This is a short guide on the method we use to propagate dietes. Bulbs or Corms. Perfect for putting beautiful blooms in an area where nothing else will grow. Dietes . How to propagate Dietes.
The wild iris appears as clumps of erect, dark green sword like foliage from which a stem holds aloft the open faced white flowers that are streaked with yellow and mauve.

For optimal results plant in soil containing plenty of compost and water regularly. Widely used in landscaping, Dietes grandiflora or Wild Iris as it is commonly called is from southern Africa. Common Name - Wild Iris This is a tough as boots variety with strap like foliage.Wild iris blooms with exquisite iris like flowers for an extended period through spring and summer.

White, yellow and purple iris-like flowers appear Spring and throughout Summer on tall stems. Common Name Wild Iris. Grandiflora means 'large flower'. The name Dietes means 'having two relatives' and refers to the relationship between this genus and Moraea and Iris. Dietes grandiflora is able to grow easily in very poor soil with little water and can be useful when plants need to be established quickly, for example, after earth moving has taken place. Very similar to Dietes iridoides,but with larger flowers. Native to eastern and southern Africa, Dietes iridioides (Fortnight Lily) is a rhizomatous evergreen perennial with attractive flowers resembling small Japanese Irises. Flowers are followed by 5 cm long green capsules that contain the seeds. There are 6species of Dietes — five of which occur in South Africa — and one on an island in the Tasman Sea (between New Zealand and Australia). pH Acidic, … This species is common in horticulture in its native South Africa, where it is often used in public gardens, beautification of … Each flower lasts for only a few days throughout spring and summer.

Type of plant. Seed pods are formed after flowering on the stems where the flowers were. Scientific Name.