health and social access course

Nurses and other care professionals come from all walks of life and there has always been a great deal of demand for them. If learners are not quite ready for an Access Course, we also have preparatory Pre-Access courses in Sciences and Social Sciences.

The course content is designed to be relevant, covering only what you need to know within healthcare. If you’re interested in health and social care, you’ve come to the right place. This nine month programme is ideal for you if you wish to pursue a health related career including Paediatric Nursing, Paramedical Science, Midwifery, Adult Nursing, Mental Health Nursing, Operating Department Practitioners, Occupational Therapy. Learners can select a pathway that suits their role - for example, working with people with a learning disability, people with dementia or children and young people. Designed specifically for OU students, it can also help you to find out more about your interests and where you want your learning to take you. Go Higher Access Programme Programmes within the faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Access to Higher Education Diploma (Social Science and Health) - Health Studies pathway Accreditation by Open College Network West Midlands Pursue your passion for health whilst gaining the right qualification for university
Join 10,000+ Learners Nationwide. Following successful completion of the Foundation Degree, students can progress onto the one-year BSc top-up course to earn a BSc in Health and Social Care. This course can help you develop the knowledge and study skills to progress into Higher Education. A Disclosure & Barring Service check is required for this course, plus an occupational health check. Core units are delivered together with the cohorts of the other Access courses at BCoT. Foundation Year/Access course pass; We also accept those with several years of experience working within health and social care via an essay entry route. Go Higher is a part-time, one-year programme that qualifies you for entry to various degree programmes across the arts, humanities and social sciences at the University of Liverpool and elsewhere. This course will include […] Full course information for Online Access to Higher Education Diploma Health and Social Care Professions Option 1. BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care (Top-Up) This course is aimed at those who wish to pursue a career within the health or care sector, working with children, young people, adults and the elderly. A Diploma in Health and Social Care is flexible to suit all fields of health and social care. SAGE Video Bringing teaching, learning and research to life.

Gain knowledge in human biology. This course would also be ideal for those wishing to take a social sciences subject specific degree such as sociology, psychology and criminology etc. Understand diseases and human immunity. Access to HE courses are delivered by colleges in England and Wales, and are available in a range of different subjects, such as nursing, social … Go Higher Access Programme Programmes within the faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Home › Access to Higher Education › Access to HE – Health and Social Care In Short If you are over 19 and wish to move onto higher education but either lack the formal entry qualifications or feel the need to develop confidence and regain practice in study methods, then our Access to Higher Education (A2HE) course is for you. Ideal if: You want to re-direct your career into areas, amongst others, such as social work, teaching or health and social care management.