green terror with oscar

Fish information and habitats for large Cichlid aquariums, types of cichlids like the Parrot Cichlid, Firemouth cichlid, Green Terror, Oscar, Texas Cichlid and more. Special Request: We know that some customers would like to make a special request with their order. Temperature: 20 – 24 Deg C / 72 – 82 Deg F Water chemistry: pH 6.5 to 7.5 I've seen them as big as 9/10" in peoples tanks so they need as much room as an Oscar when full grown. Juveniles are tan colored with silver-blue flecks and lack the bright iridescent blue, green, and orange coloration and long, flowing fins of adult specimens. Do not put in with Oscars as Green Terrors have been known to kill Oscars, for an unknown reason. Males will usually display a red/orange color around the tail fin and usually have anal fins in a shade of blue. I have keep all of them together, as long as they aren't breeding I have found them to get along fine with eachother, at the store we had a 270 (72"x36'3"24) and we had a dempsey, green terror, oscar, red devil, and a flowerhorn in there, they got along fine. i think that a full grown oscars is much more agressive than a green terror Category Rating; Care Level: Intermediate: Temperament: Aggressive: Color Form: Green and blue: Lifespan: 7-10 years: Size: 12 Inches: Diet: Omnivore: Family: Cichlidae Most Oscars well taken care of, will grow to around 12" or 13". i do this at home with some of my tanks and it seems to work. Do not put in with Oscars as Green Terrors have been known to kill Oscars, for an unknown reason. a way to contro,m aggression a little bit more would be to rearrange the tank so that there is a lot of decorations like some tall plants or big rocks in the middle and then more on either side, then each fish cannot see each other directly unless they are close to the top of the water or maving throughout the tank. Terror's get pretty big. The body glitters with blue and green metallic, the dorsal and fluke have an orange line on the edges, the face is patterned with stripes and spots of blue and green … Males are generally bigger and develop large lumps on their heads, similar to the Flowhorn Cichlid, but not as large. I've seen them as big as 9/10" in peoples tanks so they need as much room as an Oscar when full grown. Temperature: 20 – 24 Deg C / 72 – 82 Deg F Water chemistry: pH 6.5 to 7.5 a way to contro,m aggression a little bit more would be to rearrange the tank so that there is a lot of decorations like some tall plants or big rocks in the middle and then more on either side, then each fish cannot see each other directly unless they are close to the top of the water or maving throughout the tank.