git rebase squash

The recommended way to create fixup/squash commits is by using the --fixup/--squash options of git-commit[1]. It’s worth noting that Rebase is clever enough to only create new commits where it knows something has changed. Squashing Commits with an Interactive Git Rebase. In order to squash the commits you'll need to use the rebase command like this: $ git rebase -i HEAD~4 This tells Git to re-apply the last 4 commits on top of another base tip. Git provides a way to squash a bunch of your commits using the rebase command. That is where --autosquash comes into the picture. Git rebase You can do an rebase --interactive (or git rebase -i for short), and change the commit line from a pick to a fixup and place the commit beneath the commit to be squashed into. In order to squash the commits you'll need to use the rebase command like this: $ git rebase -i HEAD~4 This tells Git to re-apply the last 4 commits on top of another base tip. This option is only valid when the --interactive option is used. git merge --squash is now my preferred way of rebasing after a large amount of work and many merges (see this answer). In cases like this you may want to squash commits together to create one nice, clean commit for this issue.

Squash commits into one with Git. If you’ve read thoughtbot’s Git protocol guide, you’ll know that once a branch has been code reviewed, we encourage the branch’s author to use an interactive rebase to squash the branch down into a few commits with great commit messages.. It’s fairly common for a feature branch to be squashed down to somewhere between one and three commits before it’s merged. Once you have locally made your changes to a particular file or for a particular feature, you can always use the squash method to combine the changes together before you commit to the main branch. You must indicate how far back you want to rewrite commits by telling the command which commit to rebase onto. With the interactive rebase tool, you can then stop after each commit you want to modify and change the message, add files, or do whatever you wish. Git rebase You can do an rebase --interactive (or git rebase -i for short), and change the commit line from a pick to a fixup and place the commit beneath the commit to be squashed into. Of course, if you want to abort the Rebase process, use git rebase --abort. The git rebase command allows you to easily change a series of commits, modifying the history of your repository. A nice way to group some changes together, especially before sharing them with others. In this article. It's a handy tool I use quite often; I usually tidy up my working space by grouping together several small intermediate commits into a single lump to push upstream. You might want to edit a commit message, delete commits, reorder commits, or edit commits. Save and close the editor. You can reorder, edit, or squash commits together.

Only push your squashed features to keep origin clean and easy to understand. Introduction. So how does a rebase look like? This cleans up your commits, but it can be tedious if you have more than just a few commits you want to squash.