german dative case

The dative case is used: As we have learned, the dative is used to indicated the indirect object of the verb: Sie kauft ihm ein Geschenk. Take a look at the words for “the” we use in the dative case: small words which replace nouns and establish possession) Unfortunately, all the possessive pronouns have different endings in the dative case, too. (She is buying him a present.) Dative Case: Your Essential Guide.

Learning some basic German words and phrases on Duolingo is one thing. All of the personal pronouns change from the nominative case to the dative case as shown in the next table: Personal Pronouns.

Possessive pronouns in the nominative case (i.e.

But once you start delving into the dative case, that’s when you know you’re a serious German student!. Dative Case in German - Section 4. So what does the dative case even look like? The indirect object is the person or thing to or for whom something is done. Uses of the Dative Case. As an English speaker, you might be feeling like this whole ‘dative’ concept is fairly strange. Note that in the German dative case, an '-en' or a '-n' is added to the plural of the noun unless if that plural already ends with a '-s' or a '-n'.

Remember, we show the “case” of a noun in German usually by changing the “little words” which appear in front of the noun, such as der/die/das. Dative case. You use the dative case for the indirect object in a sentence..