friend of sinners verse

JESUS - FRIEND OF SINNERS. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance..." Luke 5:32 I start this well know Hymn Tune in … (Matthew 11: 16-19 & John 8: 1-11). The truly great titles and doctrines are: GOD; SAVIOUR; LORD; PROPHET; PRIEST; KING; ADVOCATE and so on. If Jesus is a friend of sinners, then we also can love them with the truth. Jesus: The Friend of Sinners Mark 2:13-17 Introduction: Question: are you a friend of sinners?

THE PERSON OF CHRIST 'Friend of Sinners' is one of the 134 names and titles of Christ, in the Bible; but it is not a great one. I hope no one tries to argue the point. Do you spend time with persons who do not know Christ, whose lives may be offensive to you, and whose reputation among “good people like us” is an embarrassment and even a scandal? Many exploit this verse as a pretext to justify unjustifiable partnerships in ministry and so forth saying that Jesus was a “friend” to sinners, as if He wasn’t too concerned with their life-style.

JESUS ! That may be true by textbook reckoning; but what about our personal reckoning? Jesus was a friend of sinners in that he came to save sinners and was very pleased to welcome sinners who were open to the gospel, sorry for their sins, and on their way to putting their faith in Him. It’s called “Love You with the Truth.” I wrote it as a sequel to “Jesus, Friend of Sinners.” The two songs form an if-then dynamic.

Point to remember: A friend of sinners always finds the balance between love and truth. Verse (Click for Chapter) New International Version The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.' Jesus was a friend of sinners not because he winked at sin, ignored sin, or enjoyed light-hearted revelry with those engaged in immorality. Do you love sinners, care for sinners, reach out to sinners and serve sinners? What a Friend for Sinners - Hymn Tune: HYFRYDOL." But wisdom is proved right by her deeds."