flathead catfish eating

Now blues caught in cold weather are are hard to beat too. Mainly get any of the yellow fat off of them. 15lbs plus. Flatheads also aren’t the largest; the blue catfish holds the state record at well over 110 pounds. Guess I just like the whiskered fellas period. The flathead catfish is distinctive in appearance and not easily confused with any other species. They however have to handled correctly. Hell I will eat channel bout any time too. I'm talking large fish. Channel catfish hold the lead there. Mid to large specimens are rather pot-bellied, with wide heads and beady eyes. LITTLE ROCK – Of the three species of catfish in Arkansas, the flathead may rank at the top, at least in fishermen’s interest.

July 17, 2019.

Flatheads: Big, good eating and challenging to anglers. Flatheads by far.

Flatheads aren’t the most numerous. They are are almost like a game animal more than a fish. It has a squared, rather than forked, tail, with a long body and large flattened head. We runs nets in the winter.