ECO PRO mode permits fuel savings of up to 20%, without you having to take any action. As a result, it is possible to see what distance can be covered at all times.
Kia Driving Modes ECO Mode.
I tried both modes and only found a small differance mileage wise on the hwy. The Kia driving mode ECO increases fuel efficiency.Each model slightly differs but essentially your a can expect increase MPG from the transmission shifting gears to a lower RPM, a different throttle response, and in some models, even shutting off the engine when in complete stop like in the Kia Telluride. The car does have more pep off the line though at a light or from a dead stop in Sport mode ECO PRO mode. ECO Mode Normal Mode A perfect combination of comfort, performance and efficiency, Normal Mode is perfect for your daily commute. Well, my 2014, non M, diesel 5 series, 530D Luxury not sporty, has Eco pro, comfort +, comfort, sport + and sport but not necessarily in that order! The overall saving is converted into mileage and displayed as a bonus range in the on-board computer. So far (used less than half a tank of fuel) I averaged 56mpg on a 1 hour journey which consisted of a 15 minute ring road portion so stopping at traffic lights often, sub-40mph, probably averaging 20mph followed by a 45 minute B-road portion moving between 40 and 60mph as I … Car lifetime MPG is ~45 FWIW. However, if you want to drive faster; then switch to the ‘Sport’ mode. Normal Mode will make comfort a priority when you get behind the wheel, tailoring the innovative suspension system to ensure total comfort and reliable performance. In this mode, you get a progressive steering response. The sales rep told me that Comfort mode is better fuel wise or more efficient since it starts off in 2nd rather then 1st from a dead stop like in Sport mode. My driving pattern is the same, the only variable that's changed is the outside temp--but although it's warmed up a bit here, we've had unusually cold weather the last month so the temp change has been minimal, if anything. These include Comfort, Sport, and the least fun mode of them all, Eco Pro.The thing is, Eco Pro is the preferred mode … The ‘Comfort’ mode is for enjoying the comfortable driving of the luxury car. Modern BMWs come with a flurry of driving modes. It's been about 6 weeks, and in normal mode I'm getting 0.5 MPG higher than I did in ECO mode. They are – Comfort, Sports, Sports+, Eco and Custom.