drukhari kill team obsessions

Kill Team Focus: Drukhari .

Today we will be looking at one of my favourite forces in Kill Team, the Drukhari. A model’s keywords indicate whether it can be drawn from a KABAL, WYCH CULT or HAEMONCULUS COVEN.If your kill team is Battle-forged and all models in your kill team are drawn from the same Kabal, Wych … If your kill team is Battle-forged and includes a specialist (other than your Leader) from a Kabal, Wych Cult, or Haemonculus Coven, all models in your kill team that are drawn from the same Kabal, Wych Cult or Haemonculus Coven as that model gain the Drukhari Obsession described below, and you can use that Sub-faction's Tactics. Question for Elites: Drukhari Obsessions. Is it just me, or are Drukhari getting an unnecessary limitation? Edit: WHO NEEDS OBSESSIONS?! Kabalite Warriors and Wyches are the two Kill Team units in the base game. They are reinforced by the armour-cleaving Incubii and Mandrakes. So I’m a long time lover of both kill team and Drukhari. Question. Note, however, that these models can never themselves benefit from a Drukhari Obsession. Drukhari Kill Team I took a bit of a break from painting terrain to finish up this Drukhari kill team Amanda wanted me to paint for her. Wracks, Incubi, Grotesques, and Mandrakes are added in Elites. I rarely ever see units as “broken” or “garbage” which is the typical binary judgement in internet hyperbole. You can mix the three, but you lose out on Drukhari Obsession, the chapter tactics equivalent, which you only get if you take drukhari only from one type (so you don't mix Wyches, Kabalites, and Grots+Wracks) In the preview, it states that models will only get to use the obsessions if they have the proper keyword(s). Further obsessions may be taken (no more than one per which apply to all relevant models in your team for a cost of 2 points per model. In today’s Kill Team Focus, we’re looking at how the elite squads of the Dark Kin fight, from their main advantages, to the units they can use, to their sinister Tactics… ++ Kill Team List (Drukhari) [124pts] ++ Configuration + List Configuration: Matched Play: Kill Team. Where most factions have 6 or 7 subfaction traits to choose from, Drukhari have a total of 10 to choose from. Rating System. The new obsession "trait" is a bit limitating: if all the kill team models (mandrakes and incubus excluded) have the same "sub-faction" keyword you can choose a "trait", which from RAW can be any of the 10 available since no "appropiate type" meaning isnt specified anywere (butcher of flesh wyches i … The Sub-factions for models with the DRUKHARI Faction keyword are called Kabals, Wych Cults and Haemonculus Covens, and their Sub-faction abilities are called Drukhari Obsessions. However, there’s a catch: you can only use a subfaction trait if all the models in your Kill Team (other than Incubi and Mandrakes) are from the same subfaction. Leader + Insidious, mobile and used to daring strikes behind enemy lines – the Drukhari are perfectly suited to the vicious close-quarters action of Kill Team. I'd hoped to post these Sunday, but when I went to help her write out the list Saturday evening and come up with names and stuff and write this post, I realized I'd only painted up 88 points worth of stuff!? Drukhari Obsessions. Question. Kill Team Focus: Drukhari Insidious, mobile and used to daring strikes behind enemy lines – the Drukhari are perfectly suited to the vicious close-quarters action of Kill Team. The introduction of the Haemonculus Covens sees the arrival of both Wracks and Grotesques to the Drukhari kill team rosters, each offering 5+ invulnerable saves and a minimum of 3 Attacks apiece.

Insidious, mobile and used to daring strikes behind enemy lines – the Drukhari are perfectly suited to the vicious close-quarters action of Kill Team. You may choose a Drukhari Obsession for your models, which will apply to all models in your team for free. Kill Team Drukhari Hi all. New Kill Team Elites question related to Drukhari. Drukhari Codex Review Part 5: Wych Cult Obsessions, Warlord Traits, Stratagems and Relics; Today we’re reviewing the Haemonculus Coven Cult special rules, Obsessions, Warlord Traits, Stratagems and Relics. If there is room for them all.