cell mediated immunity ppt

They are usually proteins or polysaccharides.

Conclusion of Humoral Immunity and Cell-Mediated Immunity.

They are generally of high molecular weight. Cell-mediated immunity is defined as a beneficial host response characterized by an expanded population of specific T-cells, which, in the presence of antigens, produce cytokines locally. The T lymphocytes, or thymus-derived lymphocytes, are a key part of cell-mediated immunity.They are produced in the bone marrow and stay in the thymus gland for maturation. Antigens are any foreign substance that elicits an immune response when introduced into the tissues of a susceptible animal, and capable of combining with the specific antibodies formed. Humoral Immunity and Cell-Mediated Immunity See online here Humoral immunity, or antibody-mediated beta cellular system, is a type of immunity which is mediated by macromolecules found in fluids such as the secreted antibodies, complement proteins, and bound antimicrobial peptides. PowerPoint Presentation: Duality of Immune System . NON LYMPHOID CYTOTOXIC EFFECTORS : NON LYMPHOID CYTOTOXIC EFFECTORS Marcophages can damage targets using their non-specific toxic effector systems or via cytokines Triggered specifically to a target by ADCC Production of ROS,NO,defensins,lysosomal enzymes,cationic proteins.. Cell Mediated Immunity Involves specialized set of lymphocytes called T cells that recognize foreign antigens on the surface of cells, organisms, or tissues: Helper T cells Cytotoxic T cells T cells regulate proliferation and activity of other cells of the immune system: B cells, macrophages, neutrophils, etc. 3 Summary of Cell-Mediated Immunity • this takes several days to complete T Cell Memory Like B cells, T cells (whether T H or CTL) also produce extremely long-lived memory cells: • activated directly upon subsequent exposure • no need for activation signals from other T cells or APCs • secondary responses are much more rapid and much more intense than primary responses If, on the other hand, the virus has infiltrated inside the cell, it makes it produce other viruses. Let's assume a human organism gets infected by a virus, which, when it appears in the human systems, just floats around in the fluids of the organism. That is the stage when humoral immunity with its responses starts to work on this virus. Cell-mediated immunity, also known as cellular immunity, is one of the two types of the adoptive immune system inside the body.It is mostly responsible for fighting microbes and antigens or foreign substances inside the cells. 17_CELL MEDIATED CYTOTOXICITY - authorSTREAM Presentation.