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We are both young (under 30) and I'm frustrated. I thought no couple in the world could have what we had. When he drinks, he gets nasty to me--and only me. MY HUSBAND DOESN'T LOVE ME. Posted by. My husband of 10 years (together 15 - since we were kids, basically) says he doesn't feel the same way about me anymore and wants out. Archived. Close . I remember as a young teen hearing messages from my parents, my friends, and even the church, that I had to dress modestly so as not to tempt men to lust after me. u/Bacon_Alyse. We hug and kiss and don't care about showing our love to the world. This is another sign that might not mean things are over if he’s going through lots of tough stuff in his life. 40 minutes ago. While some women focus on pleasing their husbands, that usually does not stimulate their husband’s love. 7 years ago.
My husband is not “in love” with me anymore. Which I tried gently to get him to stop. What it does is make the women more resentful as they see their love going out, but they don’t feel it coming in. Throw away. Husband doesn't want to have sex. My husband doesn't love me anymore. My husband does not want to have sex with me. Married for 1.5 years..

Loving their husband starts to feel like a bad investment. I still love him every bit as much as always. He had just returned from a month-long business trip. She was entirely perfect, and made me happy for many years. 1 year ago. After reading every single comment of the reddit post, my brain just couldn't overcome the catastrophe and the collapse of the world I had built for me in which my wife is my love, my best friend and partner, as well a the person I admire the most. Archived. Close. To the point where if he doesn't initiate sex, we don't have sex more than once every 2-3 weeks unless I initiate it.
But, Over the last year or so my husbands sex drive as been super low. Relationships A friend referred me to here, and I hope you all can give me a second opinion on what I should do or other options I haven't thought of. 7. Then he started getting mean. If your husband isn’t listening to you when you are talking, he doesn’t answer you when you are talking or he expects you to do everything for you then these are signs that your husband doesn’t respect you. We have a wonderful and caring marriage. Some women try to get more love by pleasing their husbands, but that doesn’t work. My [28 F] husband [31 M] doesn't seem to be attracted to me anymore after me having our twins... should I get in shape, or go more with body acceptance? This is not a post for r ... My husband didn't cope with his mother's death (she was alcoholic and there was a ton of baggage there already) and he began to binge drink with his friends. My Husband Won’t Have Sex with Me! 0. If he’s under a lot of stress then it makes total sense why he might be in a bad mood. It is important to realise that if your husband cannot respect you then you need to have a serious conversation with him. Archived. "I will always love you. Close.