aluminium phosphide uses

There is a campaign by the Iranian Forensic Medicine Organization to stop its use as a pesticide. Phostoxin , Aluminum Phosphide , AlP - reacts with water to produce phosphine , hydrogen phosphide , PH 3 as shown in Equation 1. Aluminium phosphide is a highly toxic inorganic compound with the chemical formula AlP used as a wide band gap semiconductor and more commonly as fumigant. Competence in the activity is assessed through a practical observation and short answer questioning. Uses of aluminium phosphide Aluminium phosphide is primarily used as a pesticide that is used by various professionals including farmers, pest controllers, gamekeepers and estate managers. Aluminium phosphide (Phostoxin) is created by the fusion of aluminium and red or yellow phosphorus. Ammonium carbamate releases ammonia and carbon dioxide as shown in Equation 2. [9] Fumigation has also caused unintentional deaths. Aluminium Phosphide (AlP) is a commonly available insecticide and rodenticide [].It is available in the form of pellets, tablets, compressed discs and powder under the brand names of Celphos, Alphos, Quickphos, Phosfume, Phostoxin, Talunex, Synfume, Chemfume, Phostek etc [].The first reported case from India was in 1980 and the case was reported from M.G.M. It is mainly used as an indoor fumigant at crop transport, storage or processing facilities (or in shipholds, railcars, etc.) 1. Highly poisonous, aluminium phosphide has been used for suicide.

It is not expected to persist in the environment. Acute aluminium phosphide poisoning (AAlPP) is a large, though under-reported, problem throughout the world, particularly in the Indian subcontinent.Aluminium phosphide (AlP), which is readily available as a fumigant for stored cereal grains, sold under various brand names such as QuickPhos, Salphos and Celphos, is highly toxic, especially when consumed from a freshly opened container.

Baker: Aluminium phosphide is a federally restricted-use pesticide, so it can only be used by licensed professionals. [10] [11] [12] Known as "rice tablet" in Iran, for its use to preserve rice, there have been frequent incidents of accidental or intentional death. HAZARD SUMMARY * Aluminum Phosphide can affect you when breathed in. * Repeated exposure may damage the lungs, kidneys and liver.

Formulation. It has some potential for bio-concentration and is highly toxic to mammals. Phostoxin is formulated with 55% aluminum phosphide and also contains ammonium carbamate and inert ingredients. A farmer can use it for their own on-farm storage bins if they have the necessary licensing, but a farmer cannot apply it commercially at other locations.