akai force vs maschine mk3

Yes, Push is optimised for Ableton Live and Maschine is multi-DAW friendly. When buying a new controller, most musicians and producers are faced with a choice between two of the main players, Native Instruments' Maschine MK3 and Ableton Push 2. no more Maschine vs Akai Ren debates until Maschine 1.8 has been released and the Aki Ren has been released.

and These are my opinions of course, you are free to disagree. I’m focusing on the MPC X and Maschine MK3 as they are the most current and “top of the line” of the two platforms in most people’s eyes, also the ones I get asked about the most. My situation is - i have the maschine mk2. Force has a 7-inch touch screen, whereas Push 2 (and Maschine MK3) have physical buttons with various functions based as written on nearby on-screen labels. The problem is some of them are way back from when the new mpc's came out but before the maschine mk3 did - and the others are after maschine mk3 came out but before lots of the recent OS updates on the MPC came out. i am going to shout: until Maschine 1.8 is released and Akai Ren is released we will not allow any threads to degenerate into Maschine vs Akai MPC debates because; 1/ everything has been said already about this debate on this forum. So i'm a bit confused as to the state of things. Physical buttons are always easier to use; however, a touch screen allows for more versatility.