Saddle joint exercises

42 years experience in Preventive Medicine. Dr. Janet Greenhut answered. saddle joint exercises. Examples are tennis and golf. You use the saddle joint to hold the tennis racket and golf club. Your acromioclavicular joint, which is part of your shoulder, is an example of a gliding joint. Strengthens muscles: Exercise, especially resistance exercise or weight training, strengthens the muscles that support the joints. With the help of the saddle joint, you can move the bones back and forth and side to side.

A 38-year-old member asked: Why does exercise strengthen the joints? Saddle joint in sport – Any sports that require gripping are making use of saddle joint.

The saddle joint gets its name because the bone forming one part of the joint is concave (turned inward) at one end and looks like a saddle.

The other … Synovial Joints During Exercise By Christy Callahan ... Saddle joints -- found in your thumb -- have similar range of motion to condyloid joints, but are shaped like a saddle.