Oliver tells felicity about the island

After Oliver is shot, he turns to a surprising person for help - Felicity. Oliver eventually receives Alexi's tip but he tells him that they are finished, but Sara follows Oliver and tries to reason with him. Oliver makes the climb and fights Ra's, but fails to defeat the assassin.

Oliver is stabbed, twice, and kicked off of the cliff. He saves Thea without killing. The look of amazement on Oliver’s face when he sees all the improvements; his “it’s perfect” remark when he handles the bow, shows Oliver realizes how much Felicity knows him.

As Oliver hovers between life and death, he flashes back to a seminal event on the island - a daring escape attempt with his new friend Slade Wilson. Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak are the endgame couple of Arrow, but that doesn't mean they make sense.

Felicity then tells Oliver about a robbery in progress which Arrow pursues but finds the robbers dead and on a nearby rooftop sees Slade's island mask mounted to a roof.
Diggle is stunned when he sees Felicity walk through the front door of the lair dragging a dying Oliver behind her, and the two team up to save Oliver's life. WHERE DO YOU GO? Felicity tells him to kill Ra's, and Ollie tells her that he loves her. Arrow: 20 Things That Make No Sense About Felicity And Oliver’s Relationship. Oliver and Diggle wait in Felicity's office to catch her, and he tries to put Felicity at ease about his vigilante actions by telling her that the man she was worried about is still alive, and he gave back the money he stole. DISCLAIMER :: I DO NOT OWN THESE CHARACTERS I HAVE MERELY WRITTEN A FEW DRABBLES ABOUT MY FAVOURITE TV SHOW AND FAVOURITE COUPLE OLICITY. So when she urges him to find another way - he listens to her. Oliver was flying the plane with Dig next to him; she knew that once … A news report talks about a criminal named The Dodger who steals by forcing hostages to wear explosive collars and do the dirty work for him. So far it's rated T but might move to M later. Set after Felicity tells Oliver the truth about Thea. Alternate of the fall out for Felicity and the Queen family. He said: “But there’s a good reason why Oliver hasn’t had a serious relationship yet — with anybody — since he got back from the island, and we address that towards the back half of our first 9 episodes —specifically as it pertains to Felicity.” So, according to Stephen, the way he acted as Oliver when they addressed the issue it was completely about Felicity and no one else. Felicity looked outside of her window looking down at Lian Yu, like she said before the island looked much more beautiful than the first time round.