Han Dynasty Ppt

202 BCE. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Tang Dynasty. Han Dynasty. The Qin dynasty (221–207 bce) established the first centralized Chinese bureaucratic empire and thus created the need for an administrative system to staff it. Great Wall of China. Qin & Han Dynasty Tuesday: "Secrets of the Great Wall" Video (See above for video and notes) Wednesday: Finish Video and take video quiz.

Song Dynasty. Terra Cotta Army. Two .

Monday: Start Chapter 10.3 (pg. Civil Service Examinations •Han emperors believed that officials should earn positions by merit rather than through family background or connections. Introduction Emperor and Empress Dowager The society during the Han dynasty was highly structured with a clear definition of social class. Later Han.
Han Dynasty
2. 26) - Select your preferred version: PPT - This version is in Microsoft PowerPoint 1997-2003 format. •To pass the exam, candidates studied the Confucian classics and customs. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. In 137 ˜.˚., the Han Title: The Han Dynasty of China Last modified by: Reviewer Baker Document presentation format: Custom Other titles: Gill Sans Heiti TC Light Arial Calibri MS P ... – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as a Flash slide show) on PowerShow.com - id: 5305ca-NmI5Y After the Qin dynasty is the Han Dynasty which is considered to be a golden age for the Chinese. 13, and 6 questions on slide no.

Ancient Chinese Gods & Goddesses. Also called the . The Han dynasty is frequently compared to the Roman Empire. Liu Bang beat Xiang Yu for good after a Civil War . (The Roman Empire was found during the Han dynasty, and came to an end before Tang.) Song Dynasty. The Han Dynasty of China: A Chinese Golden Age - PowerPoint Presentation in PPT Format Subject: World History - Global Studies Author: Student Handouts, Inc. Last modified by "BARRATT, JONATHAN" Created Date: 1/23/2010 8:59:49 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) 206 BCE-9 CE. Ming Dynasty. The Han dynasty had vast armies at its command and was able to expand the empire a great deal. "The Han Dynasty of China: A Chinese Golden Age" - PowerPoint Presentation - 26 total slides with 12 review questions (6 questions on slide no. Xia Dynasty (Very Early China) The Bronze Age.

He declared himself emperor of the Han. Liu Bang declared start of Han dynasty. It is a common object found nearly everywhere, it is cheap and light, and it is easy to get a hold of. Start studying History Alive! 5 steps Ancient Chinese papermaking process in 105 AD Photo by: Wikipedia Creative Commons A lot of the people living in the modern age take paper for granted. Silk Road. A few women broke the rules and became powerful leaders Politics did not concern women Expected to be cheerful Not allowed to make decisions Government: Military So the Han dynasty went after the Qin dynasty. Topics included in this PowerPoint: Liu Bang - origins and government reorganization Emperor Wudi Confucianism 1&2 in GR) in Notability. Han China was made up of a three tired social system. Spanning over four centuries, the Han period is considered a golden age in Chinese history. Han Dynasty. It started from 206 BCE upto 220 CE. Title: The Han Dynasty 1 The Han Dynasty. Qin Dynasty. The Han Dynasty of China: A Chinese Golden Age - PowerPoint Presentation in PPT Format Subject: World History - Global Studies Author: Student Handouts, Inc. Last modified by: Juliana Cenname Created Date: 1/23/2010 8:59:49 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Other titles Han Tombs. The Han Dynasty incorporated Confucian ideals of moral behavior into the Chinese government. The first few emperors took action by lowering taxes imposed on peasants and merchants. (Go to Google Classroom for the quiz please) Thursday: Dynasties Group Project But paper has come a Daily Life in Ancient China. Later they rolled the dried pulp into scrolls.