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water moccasin vs black racer

University of Florida Press, Gainesville, Florida. Bulletin of the Florida State Museum, Biological Sciences. Nature provides exceptions to every rule, and when subspecies breed, variations in color and identifying features can change. You will note this dark eye-band is absent on the juvenile eastern racer. Each eye of the copperhead is not obscured by the dark facial band typical of the cottonmouth. Her stint as Manager of the California State Mining and Mineral Museum in California's gold country served to deepen her interest in science which she now fulfills by writing for online science websites. Baby Cottonmouths are lighter in color than adults and the … 668 pp. Two species of the genus Agkistrodon occur in the United States, the cottonmouth and the copperhead (A. contortrix). Mississippi green watersnake (Nerodia cyclopion), Plain-bellied watersnake (Nerodia erythrogaster), Photo courtesy of johnjinjohny/iNaturalist, Florida green watersnake (Nerodia floridana), Photo courtesy of kaptiankory/iNaturalist, Diamond-backed watersnake (Nerodia rhombifer), Midland watersnake (Nerodia sipedon pleuralis). Identifying water moccasins means more than just knowing what they look like because in nature, there are always exceptions to every rule. Banner photo courtesy of Luke Smith. Because of their keeled scales, water moccasins do not appear shiny, but instead appear dull with a non-reflective surface. Water moccasins stand their ground, gaping their wide mouths to discourage predators. In some individuals, dark crossbands on the back overlay a brown background. Learn how to safely co-exist with snakes. The inside of the water moccasin's mouth appears white like cotton, which earned the creature its common name: cottonmouth. Unfortunately, many watersnakes are killed every year by Florida residents who mistake them for cottonmouths. The best way to tell these two snake species apart is by observing their heads and looking for the water moccasin’s distinct dark band. Long nose snake* * Protected: Endangered, threatened, or species in need of conservation 22. Cottonmouths have vertically elliptical (cat-like) pupils whereas watersnakes have round pupils. Color is a common name applied to many of the species as well as the Black Racer. Peterson Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of Eastern and Central North America. Adult Florida cottonmouth with open mouth defensive display. In Florida, females typically give birth to around 1-20 live young between August and October. Water snakes prefer resting in the higher branches of trees near the water's edge while water moccasins prefer being closer to the water to take advantage of their prey. Although cottonmouths occur throughout Florida, they are not nearly as abundant as the eight species of harmless watersnakes (species in the genus Nerodia) that occur in much the same habitats. However, this behavior is entirely defensive. The eastern cottonmouth ranges from the Carolinas and Georgia to southeastern Virginia. Collins. Juvenile cottonmouths have prominent reddish-brown crossbands on a brown ground color, with dark spots in the dark bands. If someone walks up on a Water Moccasin, chances are it will be coiled and ready to strike. She graduated from San Diego's Coleman College in 1972. It's also much slower, and has a large head. Send photos or videos of interesting observations, along with associated information, by emailing the herpetology staff at the Florida Museum for documentation in the Museum’s Herpetology Master Database. Cottonmouth, Cottonmouth Moccasin, Water Moccasin, Moccasin. Black Racer snake, also known as the Southern black racer, or the Black Runner, is a common species of serpents mostly found in and around the southern regions of the United States. xiv + 494 pp. Western Mud Snake (Farancia abacura) Considering gene flow when using coalescent methods to delimit lineages of North American pitvipers of the genus Agkistrodon. It helps to know where they live, their identifying features, habitats, diet, breeding and living habits, as well as their life cycle. In 1965, a farmer in Boulder, Colorado, introduced a water moccasin into the areas around his land to help scare off fisherman. This snake is heavy bodied with a pattern of light brown and dark brown crossbands containing many dark spots and speckles. When a poisonous snake like the cottonmouth rests on the water, its body stays afloat. and T.J. Guiher. Striking is only used in defense as a last resort. 2015. Water snakes differ from water moccasins in that the water snakes immediately bolt when threatened, even going underwater. Cottonmouths are found throughout Florida and in every county. The cottonmouth water moccasin occurs in extreme southern Illinois. Smooth earth snake 26. Ernst, C.H. Family Colubridae (Non-venomous Snakes) Worm Snake (Carphophis amoenus)Scarlet Snake (Cemophora coccinea)Black Racer (Coluber constrictor)Ringneck Snake (Diadophis punctatus)Eastern Indigo Snake (Drymarchon couperi)Corn Snake (Elaphe [Pantherophis] guttata)Rat Snake (Elaphe [Pantherophis] obsoleta)Mud Snake (Farancia abacura)Rainbow Snake (Farancia erytrogramma) University of Florida: Commonly Confused Snakes in Central Florida, Alabama Extension: Be Smart About Water Moccasins and Other Water Snakes, Texas A&M University: Venomous Snakes of Texas, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Venomous Snakes, University of Georgia: Cottonmouth/Water Moccasin (Agkistrodon Piscivorus), Florida Museum of Natural History: Snake Identification, Cottonmouth, ABC10: What to Do if You Encounter a Rattlesnake in Water, Human Ageing Genomic Resources: AnAge: Agkistrodon Piscivorus. Rough earth snake 25. The cottonmouth moccasin on Sea Horse Key, Florida. Gestation or pregnancy lasts between five to six months. This yellow color fades and the caudal luring behavior typically ceases after about a year. Mature Southern Black Racers vs. Eastern Indigo Snakes. ... My 16 year old son was bitten three weeks ago on the bottom of his left foot by a water moccasin. Occasionally the watersnake’s attempt to flee is too slow and it accidentally falls into the boat instead of the water. Mature southern black racers (Coluber constrictor priapus) are black with white markings on their chins and throat.The bellies of black racers vary from grayish to black, and they have round pupils. If further provoked, these snakes may release foul-smelling musk from glands within the base of the tail and quickly vibrate the tip of the tail to produce a buzzing sound. Furthermore, these incidents are usually cases of mistaken identity. Whether this behavior is due to mimicry is not clear, but it does make head shape unreliable for identification purposes. If the head is viewed from directly above, the eyes of cottonmouths cannot be seen, whereas the eyes of watersnakes are visible. and E.M. Ernst. Florida cottonmouths can potentially be found in or near any wetlands or waterway in the state, including springs, rivers, lakes, ponds, saltmarshes, swamps, sloughs, reservoirs, retention pools, canals, and roadside ditches. Most of all, it's fast! The venomous cottonmouth snake is one of the most feared animals in the Eastern US, and often misidentified and confused with harmless water snakes. Plains Black headed snake 21. Though they're out in both day or night, they primarily hunt for food after dark when there's hot weather. The pattern darkens with age so adults may become uniformly black. Yet the black racer is not venomous and kills its prey by constricting them. Most bites occur when the snakes are intentionally molested or accidentally stepped on. If you continue to find these snakes in your trash cans be sure to call a local pest control team to come out and remove the snake, or to take care of the raccoon problem. The southern black racer (Coluber constrictor priapus) is a common subspecies of the Coluber constrictor. Bright yellow, sulfur-colored tips distinguish juvenile water moccasins. Ground snake 28. Cottonmouths have a facial pit organ between the nostril and the eye, whereas watersnakes do not have this organ. Distributed across Florida, the Florida cottonmouth has a native range that includes the upper Florida Keys and parts of extreme southeastern Georgia. However, many non-venomous snakes will commonly flatten and expand their heads to appear wider and triangular as a defensive behavior. The head has a flat, wedge-shaped appearance typical of all pit vipers (venomous snakes), almost triangular, with its widest place right at the jaw because of how wide it can open its mouth. Night snake* 24. Water moccasin snakes — also known as cottonmouths — have an exceptionally dangerous bite that can lead to death. The problem with identifying a water moccasin, commonly called a cottonmouth, begins with the simple fact that most snakes can swim – even western rattlesnakes. As an adult, it is a stout animal typically dark brown to black with lighter-colored bands and splotches along its length. Both occur in North Carolina. These snakes often wander far from water and have occasionally been found in bushes and trees. https://doi.org/10.1111/zoj.12211. Feel free to email the herpetology staff at the Florida Museum with your questions or feedback on this profile. Coluber constrictor (36-60", up to 73") The racer is the only large, black snake in New England with smooth scales.Its chin, throat and jaw are white or gray and the belly is generally dark (gray, bluish, or black) from the throat back. The color pattern of juvenile cottonmouths is much lighter than in adults, and newborns have a sulfur-yellow tail tip. Snakes of Massachusetts Black Racer. Both “water moccasin” and “cottonmouth” are common names for Agkistrodon piscivorus, according to Sara Viernum, a herpetologist based in Madison, Wisconsin.“The name ‘cottonmouth’ comes from the white coloration of the inside of the snake’s mouth,” she said. If you look at the snake's head when it's flat on the ground or from above, you can't see its eyes. According to folklore, cottonmouths lie waiting on tree limbs overhanging water so they can drop into boats. Adult Florida cottonmouth close up of head showing eye, nostril, and pit organ. In that post, I share photos of the Florida Scarlet Snake along with an adult Black Racer Snake, Common Garter Snake, and Water Moccasin Snake. The most common of these habitats include thick, vegetated wetlands, marshes, bogs, cypress swamps, river floodplains, overgrown ponds and other areas where amphibious creatures live. A cottonmouth specimen found in Massachusetts in 1986 probably showed up in the state because someone freed a "pet" water moccasin, or it escaped into the region from captivity. The cottonmouth does not have the most toxic venom in the United States as that honor belongs to the Eastern diamondback rattlesnake. Copyright 2021 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. There are many harmless watersnakes (genus Nerodia) that are frequently confused with venomous Water Moccasins a.k.a. But by 1987, all the water moccasin colonies in Livingston County were rooted out. Since the number of non-poisonous water snake species outnumber water moccasins, it's easy to confuse the two snakes because of similarities in coloring and habitats. These snakes only want to be left alone and allowed to escape. If you have a new or interesting observation for this species, please email the herpetology staff at the Florida Museum. The preserved specimen permanently resides at the Bell Museum of Natural History in Minnesota as listed in the non-indigenous species database maintained by USGS. However, this is not true. Photo courtesy of Todd Pierson. Even though the water moccasin hasn't crossed the Rio Grande into Mexico, the snake has made its way into other areas of the country. Water moccasins come in three species: The Florida water moccasin, Agkistrodon piscivorus conanti; the western water moccasin, Agkistrodon piscivorus leucostoma; and the eastern water moccasin, Agkistrodon piscivorus piscivorus, biologically classified as follows: Threatened water moccasins coil their thick bodies, vibrating their tails and opening their mouths wide to scare you away. SNAKE CONTROL Even though snakes are very effective at keeping rodents and some insect pests under ... Blue/Black Racer (Coluber constrictor ssp.) The pupil is vertically elliptical (cat-like). Check out my other blog post on the Red Rat Snake for photographs of a really colorful snake. Watersnakes usually have thin dark vertical lines on the sides of the face near the mouth, whereas the cottonmouths have no such dark lines. As the snake ages, these patterns darken so that adults retain little of their original banding, hinted at in the background of their almost black bodies. Across the eyes of the Florida water moccasin, you can spot a broad and dark facial stripe – not defined as well in the eastern water moccasin – which can camouflage the eyes. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. This snake is heavy bodied with a pattern of light brown and dark brown crossbands containing many dark spots and speckles. The Florida water moccasin_,_ the western water moccasin and the eastern water moccasin grow to an adult size from 8 to 48 inches long, with a record length of 74 1/2 inches long. Powell, R., R. Conant, and J.T. Black racer snakes are non-venomous. According to the U.S. Geological Survey website, water moccasins appear not to have crossed the Rio Grande into Mexico, while most distinct populations in the Rio Grande areas of Texas don't exist anymore due to them being rooted out or destroyed. The top of the head between the eyes is covered with large plate-like scales. Snakes of the United States and Canada. Please credit any photographers on the page and see our copyright policy. 14(3): 227–272. There is a deep facial pit organ located between the nostril and the eye. The water moccasin has a brownish color, but this will also go darker as they age more. Adult racers are slender, satiny, plain black or slate gray with a … There are eight species of non-venomous watersnakes (species in the genus Nerodia) in Florida that overlap with cottonmouths in distribution and habitat, and all of them resemble cottonmouths. A juvenile water moccasin appears brightly colored with red-brown bands that extend across its back and down its sides without crossing the belly, set against a brown body color. Not a great snake for a pet, the racer snake can be quite bad-tempered and will strike out with minimal provocation. Over the years one of the characteristics I have noticed between the Water Moccasin and Water Snake, is the Water Moccasin will coil when it feels threatened. However, they are not rattlesnakes. Cottonmouths are typically nocturnal, becoming active shortly before dark.  However, they can occasionally be seen active during the day. In the southeastern states and along portions of the southern Atlantic coast, where climates are humid, and water is plentiful in rivers, lakes, ponds and streams, water snakes of all kinds and types thrive. The open mouth threat display of cottonmouths has led to the widespread belief that they are aggressive snakes. Cottonmouths are stocky snakes, with a dark brown to black back. In captivity, water moccasins live up to 24 1/2 years. The eastern indigo snake is the largest snake in North America. No subspecies are currently recognized. Adult copperheads maintain their juvenile color pattern, whereas adult cottonmouths are typically uniformly dark with very little discernable pattern. Venomous snakes like the water moccasin may coil when threatened because this gives them an advantage in that they have a farther reach if they need to strike. You can help scientists better understand the biology and distribution of this species by sharing your observations. At the tip of the Florida cottonmouth's snout, look for two vertical dark lines, which don't appear on the eastern cottonmouth. He is full of gas but does not have # 2 often unless he is given prune juice. Enge, and P.E. The dorsal scales of the body are keeled (each scale has a prominent raised ridge). Juvenile cottonmouths have a bright sulfur-yellow tail tip, which they raise and wiggle like a caterpillar to lure prey within striking range. Aptly named for its color and speed, the black racer is common in a variety of habitats. Racers are nonvenomous and do not breed with cottonmouths. Even though water moccasins are poisonous, they are not as aggressive as the venomous snakes found in India, Africa and elsewhere in the world. Water moccasin vs black racer . Krysko, K.L., K.M. In 1965, someone introduced water moccasins into Montgomery County in Kansas intentionally, but they are now gone. The tip of the snout has two dark vertical lines. Other threats to the Black Racer are predators like hawks and other large birds. Because cottonmouths live in the southeastern regions of the United States, you can even find them in the sunny days of winter basking on a log, rock or low-lying branches near where their amphibious prey congregates. Black Racer (Coluber constrictor) is the general name for one of the most widespread of all the snakes native to the United States. Photo courtesy of Todd Pierson. 173(2): 505–526. Be sure to fill these holes as soon as humanly possible. Lastly, cottonmouths typically rest with their heads elevated off the ground and tilted upwards at an angle, whereas watersnakes typically do not rest with their heads tilted upwards at an angle. The southern black racer can be mistaken for a cottonmouth – a venomous snake more commonly called a water moccasin. These snakes also like water so be sure to keep your yard as dry as humanly possible. Wharton, C.H. Northern Water snake 29 . When threatened, a cottonmouth will usually attempt to retreat. Description Size: […] Their heads are also much larger than the normal water snake and they have a diamond … Harmless Watersnake or Venomous Water Moccasin? Photo courtesy of Kristen Grace. What do Black Racer Snakes Eat? Most water moccasins seldom bite when threatened, unless stepped on or picked up, and if given enough space, will turn and leave. When frightened by a perceived threat, such as an approaching boat, they typically escape by dropping off the limb and into the water where they can hide. However, data suggest the Panhandle to be a hybridization zone between the Florida cottonmouth (Agkistrodon conanti) and the northern cottonmouth (Agkistrodon piscivorus). They also occur on many nearshore islands including the upper Florida Keys and several islands in the Gulf of Mexico in Levy (e.g., Cedar Keys) and Franklin (e.g., Dog, St. George, and St. Vincent islands) counties. Northern cottonmouth or ‘water moccasin’ ... (black) rat snake. The easiest way to identify the water moccasin from a non-venomous water snake is to check its head. Harmless brown watersnakes (Nerodia taxispilota) often bask on tree limbs overhanging the water. 2003. 1969. 2016. The venomous snake has a white lining inside of its mouth. (Please note, the Northern Water Snake is NOT the same as a Water Moccasin.) Mating season occurs in the early part of the summer, anywhere from April to early June, when males go head-to-head in combat for females. Filling these holes require the snake to move on to other places to live, especially if they are down inside of th… The color pattern of juvenile cottonmouths is much lighter than in adults, and newborns have a sulfur-yellow tail tip. You also don't say where you live & if you live above the Mason-Dixon line, it's definetly not a moccasin. At this point in time, no natural colonies exist north of the Missouri River, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. They’re most commonly found in … Several of the islands they inhabit contain hydric hammock and lack permanent sources of freshwater. The Black Racer is usually 3' or 4' long, a little under 1" in diameter, and it has a light gray, almost white, belly. The average adult Florida cottonmouth is 30-48 inches (76-122 cm) in total length. Water snakes have long tapered heads that blend seamlessly into their bodies – and there are no heat-sensing pits below and between the eyes and the nose. The average adult Florida cottonmouth is 30-48 inches (76-122 cm) in total length, with a record length of 74.5 inches (189 cm). The snakes are thick and dark colored, with a heavy body, with the neck smaller than the body and with the tail tip long and thin. Head shape is not a reliable way to identify cottonmouths. The belly is patterned with irregular shaped brown and yellow blotches. Basic description. Water moccasins or cottonmouths present as three species. Cottonmouths are opportunistic generalists that feed on a wide range of prey including insects, fish, frogs, salamanders, small turtles, snakes (including other cottonmouths), lizards, baby alligators, birds, small mammals, and carrion. Populations of cottonmouths living on islands in the Cedar Keys feed primarily by scavenging marine fish carrion dropped by colonial nesting waterbirds. Also known as the water moccasin, the cottonmouth derives its common name from the white color of the inside of its mouth, which is revealed when the snake gapes to defend itself. Males perform a "combat" dance where they slide from side to side while waving their tails in hopes of luring the females away from other males. The snake probably hitched a ride from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where the barge began its journey. They are known for their thick bodies and shorter tails compared to the slender water snake. Cottonmouth, Cottonmouth Moccasin, Water Moccasin, Moccasin. You can also post your observations on iNaturalist. Eastern copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix) Brightly-colored juvenile Florida cottonmouths are sometimes mistaken for the eastern copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix), which occurs in Florida only in the Panhandle. The dark crossbands on the body of juvenile cottonmouths have numerous dark spots and speckles, whereas the dark crossbands on copperheads have no dark spots or at most only one. Competing males engage in combat dances when trailing females during the breeding season. Amphibians and Reptiles of Florida. This is most pronounced in young individuals (adults may appear solid black). The snakes are thick and dark colored, with a heavy body, with the neck smaller than the body and with the tail tip long and thin. Snakes are sneaky and will hide anywhere that makes them feel safe, like the case of the water moccasin discovered between the outer and inner hulls of a barge in Winona, Minnesota, in 2006. Do you have snakes around your house? In fact eleven different subspecies inhabit almost every state in the lower 48 states. During droughts, cottonmouths may assemble close to drying wetland pools to feed on trapped fish, amphibians and even other cottonmouths. Intergrade species may make it harder to identify cottonmouths because of variations that occur in coloring and other characteristics. These snakes are basically timid by nature and are mostly harmless, if not attacked or threatened. Sometimes cottonmouths travel overland where people find them far from permanent water sources. Cottonmouths do typically have a large head that is triangular and distinct from the neck, whereas most non-venomous snakes in Florida have smaller and narrower heads. Natural enemies include such birds of prey as hawks, including the red-shouldered hawk and broad-winged hawk. Still have questions about snakes or identifications? The eye is camouflaged by a broad, dark, facial stripe. Northern Copperhead vs Northern Water Snake vs Eastern Milk Snake Two of New Jersey’s snakes are often misidentified as Copperheads: the Northern Water Snake and the Eastern Milk Snake. Burbrink, F.T. Learn about other Florida reptiles & amphibians. Keeled scales cover their body, with raised ridges running lengthwise in the center of the scale. As opportunistic eaters, water moccasins will mostly eat any type of carrion they can wrap their mouths around. Maxing out at 2 meters in length, the racer is a light-bodied snake which allows them to reach speeds of up to 16 km per hour when hunting prey. If further agitated, it may respond by coiling its body and opening its mouth to exposed white interior. The average adult Florida cottonmouth is 30-48 inches (76-122 cm) in total length. This is really two species, the black rat snake (aka eastern ratsnake) and the northern black racer. Fourth edition. However, there are some differences you can look for in general to help distinguish cottonmouths from watersnakes: Photo courtesy of bobbyfingers/iNaturalist. The Cottonmouth, or Water Moccasin, is much thicker than the Black Racer. Adult Florida cottonmouth crossing road with typical head-up posture. Snakes found in higher branches are more than likely non-poisonous water snakes, as cottonmouths prefer the lower branches. It bears a similar resemblance to the Water Moccasin, a poisonous snake that shares locations with the Black Racer. Moler. If you spot any holes in your yard, you probably have an unwelcome guest named Black Racer. Grahams crayfish snake 23. This behavior is what gave rise to the common name “cottonmouth”. The eye is camouflaged by a broad, dark, facial stripe. Tyler B is 100% correct on the bright yellow tail on all baby water moccasins. These snakes are non-venomous and are usually found throughout the southeastern United States, especially Florida. The quick and easy way to identify a water moccasin is to look for its wedge-shaped, blocky head (from above, as in a boat, you can't see its eyes), check for the heat-sensing slits beneath and between its eyes and nose, and note its olive, dark tan, dark brown or an almost black body, thick and python-like in its girth, especially in the middle before it tapers to a long, thin tip. Many of the crossbands on the snake's back can contain dark spots and flecks. ... my son is 5 weeks old and has a very black tounge from the grip water and he is more fussy then usual. moccasins in Rhode Island, these tales obviously refer to common Water Snakes, because the real water moccasin, or cottonmouth as it is sometimes known (Agkistrodon piscivorus), is a southern species found no further north than the state of Virginia. Premium Questions. As ovoviviparous reptiles, like all pit vipers, water moccasins give birth to live young once every two to three years because the females incubate their eggs inside their bodies. Besides the southern black racer, there are ten other subspecies of Coluber constrictors. As a journalist and editor for several years, Laurie Brenner has covered many topics in her writings, but science is one of her first loves. When they hunt for food they either wait quietly or actively forage, like when they swim underwater to catch fish and frogs. The Water Moccasin and the black racer are often mistaken for each other even though the racer is not venomous. When their wide, white mouths are open and gaping, they make hissing sounds. It is the only large (up to 42 inches) water snake in our range. Alachua,  Baker,  Bay,  Bradford, Brevard, Broward, Calhoun, Charlotte, Citrus, Clay, Collier, Columbia, De Soto, Dixie, Duval, Escambia, Flagler, Franklin, Gadsden, Gilchrist, Glades, Gulf, Hamilton, Hardee, Hendry, Hernando, Highlands, Hillsborough, Holmes, Indian River, Jackson, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lake, Lee, Leon, Levy, Liberty, Madison, Manatee, Marion, Martin, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Nassau, Okaloosa, Okeechobee, Orange, Osceola, Palm Beach, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, Putnam, Saint Johns,  Santa Rosa, Sarasota, Seminole, Sumter,  Taylor, Union, Volusia, Wakulla, Walton, Washington, Upper FL Keys, Middle FL Keys. The primary reason people may find water moccasins outside their native ranges is primarily because of introduction into the area by people. The eyes cannot be seen when viewed from above. Racer Snake: Both the Blue Racer and Southern Black Racer are common snakes of Illinois, the latter of which are commonly spotted throughout the day as they hunt for prey such as lizards, frogs, mice, rats and toads. The pattern darkens with age, so adults may become uniformly black with only a faint pattern. Large, plate-like scales cover the top of the head, and a deep facial pit – used for sensing body heat emitted by prey – occurs right between the nostril and the eye. Flathead snake 27. The color of the Water Moccasin is a dark greenish brown color (almost black) with a pale belly. Cottonmouths include intergrades – connections or breeding between the three subspecies – living in a region that encompasses Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, South Carolina and the western part of the Florida panhandle. Shiny black racer snakes and water moccasins both have reputations for "chasing" people. Ringneck Snake (Diadophis punctatus ssp.) 2019. When you see a snake in the water, but only its head is showing, it is more than likely not a water moccasin or other poisonous snake. The water snake is found in and around almost any waterbody or wetland in the state. This is not a strike, however, but rather a display intended to scare away a potential threat. It would not be uncommon for a Water Moccasin to stand its ground in the face of danger. VENOMOUS Cottonmouth bites can be very dangerous to people and pets. While cottonmouths do not require water to live, they prefer to live near freshwater habitats because of the foods they consume. The snake has dark vertical lines by each nostril and a pale snout and chin. Female litters can contain anywhere from one to 20 live snakes that are roughly 7 to almost 13 inches long. This confusion often is a result of the observer relying solely on Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC. Not picky eaters like other snakes, cottonmouths consume a wide range of animals: mice, lizards, salamanders, alligators, other snakes, fish, turtles, eggs, birds, mammals, frogs, tadpoles and meats of all types. When water moccasins go on the hunt for their amphibious food, they do swim underwater to capture it and they can even bite underwater, as opposed to the myths that say they don't. All pit vipers, water moccasins included, have a distinctively wedge-shaped triangular head and much smaller necks than their heads.

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