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uhtred the bold

From http://www.rpi.edu/~holmes/Hobbies/Genealogy/ps06/ps06_061.htm. Eadred's vengeance had to wait until the 1070s, when Waltheof, Eadred’s grandson had his soldiers kill most of Carl's sons and grandsons. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bamburgh], Sources 1. Uhtred was succeeded in Bernicia by his brother Eadwulf Cudel. UHTRED or UCHTRED (d. 1016), Earl of Northumbria, was son of Waltheof the elder, earl of Northumbria, who had been deprived of the government of Deira (Yorkshire), the southern part of the earldom. When all were busy with the hunt, one Godwine Porthund (which means the town dog) a Shrewsbury butcher, whom Eadric had dazzled long before with great gifts and many promises so that he might perpetrate the crime, suddenly leapt out from the ambush, and execrably slew the ealdorman Ælfhelm. But on his return home, Uhtred dismissed the daughter of Bishop Ealdun, and because he put her away against that which he had promised and sworn, the father of the girl. Simeon of Durham's Account of the Siege of Durham names "Ecgfrida" as the daughter of "Etheldritha, one of the five daughters of earl Aldred" and "…Orm the son of Gamel", recording that she married "Eilsi of Tees…who took possession of Bermetun and Skirningheim by hereditary right" by whom she was mother of "Waltheof and his two brothers and Eda their sister". He was the son of Waltheof I, ealdorman of Bamburgh, whose ancient family had ruled from the castle of Bamburgh on the Northumbrian coast. This is but one example of the notorious Northumbrian blood feuds that commonly occurred at this time. Our hero, the Saxon born but Danish raised Uhtred is a fictional creation. Waltheof was high-reeve or ealdorman of Bamburgh (fl. Uhtred’s marriage to Ælfgifu produced a daughter, Ealdgyth, who married Maldred, brother of Duncan I of Scotland and who gave birth to a son, Gospatric, who was Earl of Northumbria from 1068 to 1072. If Æthelgar had been alive at the time, he would presumably have "made peace" himself and noted as such by Orderic Vitalis. Styr was a rich citizen of York. Geni requires JavaScript! Uchtred was then assassinated by Thurebrand the Hold. Coret Genealogie. Uhtred was succeeded in Bernicia by his brother Eadwulf Cudel. Earl Uhtred of Bebbanburg, also from Northumbria, features in Bernard Cornwell's' Saxon Stories. The killing of Uhtred by Thurbrand the Hold started a blood feud that lasted for many years. Cnut made the Norwegian, Eric of Hlathir, ealdorman ("earl" in Scandinavian terms) in southern Northumbria. Simeon of Durham names "Elfleda daughter of Earl Aldred" as wife of Siward and mother of Waltheof[338]. suddenly sprang out in mail and slaughtered the earl and forty of his chief men who had entered with him. He was first married to Ecgfrida, and they had a son together called Ealdred. He was the son of Waltheof I, earl of Bernicia, whose ancient family had ruled from the castle of Bamburgh on the Northumbrian coast since the late ninth century. Simeon of Durham's Account of the Siege of Durham records that "Sigrida, the daughter of Kilvert and of Ecgfrida, the daughter of bishop Aldun" (first wife of Eadwulf's father Uhtred) married "Arkil the son of Fridegist, and earl Eadulf, and Arkil the son of Ecgfrith". The Super Bowl LV brings with it the release of a selection of trailers, featuring the MCU, Eddie Murphy, and more. Uhtred, the elder son of the Earl of Bernicia, fights and wins his first battle against a horde of Norsemen when he is fourteen and continues to face external enemies throughout his life. It was this fascinating link that inspired Bernard to write The Last Kingdom, and the rest of the Saxon stories, with Uhtred of Bebbanburg at its helm. Earl Uhtred of Bebbanburg, also from Northumbria, features in Bernard Cornwell's' Saxon Stories. Styr was a rich citizen of York. Gospatrick & his wife had one child: a) UHTRED . Simeon of Durham names "Algiva daughter of earl Uchtred [and] of Algiva daughter of king Agelred" when recording that her father arranged her marriage to "Maldred the son of Crinan", although her father was long since dead when she married. The Londoners fearing an awful revenge would be exacted on them if they resisted any further, followed their example and at last submitted. For he (Uhtred) was already an earl of great power in that he held the earldom of the Yorkshiremen and the Northumbrians. Orm & his wife had one child: i) ECGFRIDA . Simeon of Durham names "Aldred, Eadulf and Cospatric" as the three sons of "Uchtred". It seems likely that Ethelred did not trust the Danes of Deira and wanted an Anglo-Saxon in power there. At that time the Danes were raiding southern England and King Ethelred was unable to send help to the Northumbrians. Simeon of Durham's Account of the Siege of Durham records that "Earl Aldred was the father of five daughters, three of whom bore the same name Ælfleda, the fourth…Aldgitha and the fifth Etheldritha", specifying that "one of these Ælfledas married earl Siward by whom she became the mother of Waltheof". The name of Gospatrick's wife is not known. Waltheof who had been earl of the Northumbrians, shut himself up in Bamburgh. Uchtred's son, Ealdred (Earl of Bernicia) was himself killed in 1038 by Thurebrand's son, Carl. 160 ~Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700, 8th Edition, Ælfgifu (Elgiva), … Cnut's forces were too strong for Uchtred to fight, and so Uchtred did homage to him as King of England. It seems likely that Ethelred did not trust the Scandinavian population of southern Northumbria and wanted an Anglo-Saxon in power there. 3. Uhtred married Sigen Sige Styrsdotter in 1006, at age 35. Uhtred the Bold reigned from 1006 to 1016, when he met his treacherous death at the hands of Thurbrand the Hold, a thegn of Cnut, son of Sweyn Forkbeard. Ancestry.com does not support or make corrections or changes to the original database. Views: 618. He married: (1) Egfrida, dau. After receiving these honours Uhtred dismissed his wife, Ecgfrida, and married Sige, daughter of Styr, son of Ulf. Uhtred submitted to him there, as did all of the Danes in the north. The castle was destroyed in a renewed Viking attack in 993 and in 1018 the Lothian part of Bernicia was ceded to Scotland, significantly reducing the area controlled from Bamburgh. Uchtred or Uhtred, called the Bold (died 1016), was the ealdorman of all Northumbria from 1006 to 1016, when he was assassinated. (In truth Uchtred, a known supporter of the King of Wessex was unlikely to be trusted by Canute and the king may well have instigated the murder.). Cnut made the Norwegian, Eric of Hlathir, Earl of Yorkshire. 14:11, 1 December 2016 (UTC) Fiction. Ethelred fled to Normandy when Sweyn's rule prevailed and then on Sweyn's death he returned but the English lords placed severe restrictions on him. … However he only reigned for five weeks, for he died at, or near, Gainsborough on 2 February 1014. (see the overview for Uhtred of Northumbria born about 900ad for the details on why the West of Derby became important to the ancient Singleton lords) view all Uchtred FitzGospatrick's Timeline. Uhtred in The Last Kingdom by Bernard Cornwell. In the last book of the series ‘The Kings of Northumbria’ I said in the historical note that Uhtred the Bold died at the Battle of Carham and, indeed, several sources reflect this account of his death. m secondly SIGEN, daughter of STYR Ulfsson & his wife ---. Career; Descendants; In Popular Culture; References; Sources; External … Simeon of Durham names "Aldred, Eadulf and Cospatric" as the three sons of "Uchtred", stating that "Aldred" succeeded his paternal uncle Eadulf Cudel in Northumbria. He won an important victory over invading Scots; married Ælfgifu, the daughter of King Ethelred II; and … He was in fact of great age and so too old to he able to make a stand against the enemy. In a state of near panic he ordered the slaughter of all Danes whether peaceful settlers or not and this foul deed was put in hand on St. Brices Day 13 Nov 1002. The Londoners put up a stout resistance, King Ethelred and Thorkell the Tall, a Viking leader who had defected to him, were in the city. However he only reigned for five weeks, for he died at, or near, Gainsborough on 2 February 1014. Oxford University Press, 1971. Simeon of Durham's Account of the Siege of Durham records the marriage of "Etheldritha, one of the five daughters of earl Aldred" and "a certain thane of Yorkshire called Orm the son of Gamel". Description All data in this third-party database was obtained from the source’s website. (died 1016) Uhtred the Bold was the son of Waltheof I, ealdorman of Bamburgh, whose ancestors had ruled Northumbria from the dramatic coastal castle of Bamburgh. In 995, according to Symeon of Durham, when the remains of St Cuthbert were transferred from Chester-le-Street to Durham, Uhtred helped the … Uhtred the Bold Last updated July 04, 2020. At that time the Danes were raiding southern England and King Ethelred was unable to send help to the Northumbrians. m ([before 1040]) MALDRED Lord of Allerdale, Regent of Strathclyde, son of CRINAN "the Thane" Mormaer of Atholl [Scotland] & his wife Bethoc of Scotland Lady of Atholl (-[killed in battle 1045]). However, he has to contend with enemies within his own family as well. This Gospatric's grandson was the infamous Eadwulf Rus who murdered Bishop Walcher. This happened, … Simeon of Durham records that "Ligulf a noble and good thane" was murdered. He was the son of Waltheof I, ealdorman of Bamburgh, whose ancient family had ruled from the castle of Bamburgh on the Northumbrian coast. Among the victims was the sister of Sweyn, King of Denmark. Uchtred (or Uhtred), called the Bold, was the earl of Northumbria from 1006 to 1016, when he was assassinated. However, the timeline of the fictional Uhtred fits better with Uhtred, an Ealdorman of … The new cathedral was founded by Bishop Aldhun, and Uhtred married Aldhun's daughter, Ecgfrida, probably at about this time. Sometimes these kingdoms were ruled by two seperate kings, sometimes by one. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Uhtred the Bold: Earls of Northumbria Book 1. Ethelred II arranged that the treacherous Edric Streona would murder of ealdorman Ælfhelm of York, 'The crafty and treacherous Eadric Streona, plotting to deceive the noble Ealdorman Ælfhelm, prepared a great feast for him at Shrewsbury at which, when he came as a guest, Eadric greeted him as if he were an intimate friend. Earl of all Northumbria, he lived to battle with King Malcolm II of Scotland at Corham. Our new Uhtred the Bold Shirt and Mug in our Anglo Saxon Store now: 'Hū sægest þū 'Destiny is all' in Ænglisc? c) ÆLFLED . The historical Uhtred was ealdorman of Northumbria from 1006 to 1016. EALDGYTH [%C3%86lfgifu] (1016 or before-). He was summoned to a meeting with Canute, and en-route, he and forty of his men were murdered by Thurbrand the Hold, with the aid of Uhtred's own servant, Wighill and with the connivance of King Canute. Uhtred helped Ealdhun or Aldhun, bishop of Durham, when in 995 he moved his see from Chester-le-Street, to prepare the site for his new church. Uchtred or Uhtred, called the Bold, (d. 1016) was the ealdorman of all Northumbria from 1006 to 1016, when he was assassinated. 2 - Called 'unraed' or 'the Redeless', meaning 'uncounselled' rather than unready. NORTHUMBRIA A large Anglo-Saxon Kingdom covering almost all of the thinly populated north country. He had reigned for less than two months.Â. Uhtred the Bold: Earls of Northumbria Book 1 - Kindle edition by Culley, H A. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. England's first Danish King died suddenly of an apoplexy, on 3rd February, 1014, while threatening the Abbey of Bury St. Edmund's. UHTRED or UCHTRED (d. 1016), Earl of Northumbria, was son of Waltheof the elder, earl of Northumbria, who had been deprived of the government of Deira (Yorkshire), the southern part of the earldom. He was first married to Ecgfrida, … Uhtred helped Ealdhun or Aldhun, bishop of Durham, when in 995 he moved his see from Chester-le-Street, to prepare the site for his new church. 2K likes. I will never betray him." Ethelred fled to the Isle of Wight and later joined his wife and children in Normandy, where they had taken refuge with her nephew, Duke Richard. His name was ‘Uhtred the Bold’ and he ended up becoming an Ealdorman of all Northumbria! Birth of Ealdred, Earl of Northumbria & Bernicia. Ealdred & his wife had five children: a) ÆLFLED . He is both my lord and my father-in-law, by whose gift I enjoy enough riches and honour. The Real Uhtred of Bebbanburg January 12, 2021 January 12, 2021 renegade 4 Comments This video is about the real historical figure Uhtred ‘The Bold’, the inspiration for the fictional protagonist of Bernard Cornwell’s Saxon Stories. and killed almost all the Scottish host: whose king himself barely escaped by fleeing with a few men. Uhtred the Bold: Earls of Northumbria Series Paperback – 9 Jan. 2019 by H A Culley (Author) › Visit Amazon's H A Culley Page. This is a good story but the writing is clumsy. Eadred's vengeance had to wait until the 1070s, when Waltheof, Eadred’s grandson had his soldiers kill most of Carl's sons and grandsons. Uhtred the Bold: Earls of Northumbria Book 1 Kindle Edition by H A Culley (Author) › Visit Amazon's H A Culley Page. On the appointed day, he entered the kings presence at "Wiheal" to discuss terms of peace: through the treachery of a powerful king's thegn, Thurbrand, known as Hold, the kings soldiers who had hidden behind a curtain spread across the width of the hall. Book 1 of 4 in the Earls of Northumbria Series. Ealdun gave with her these vills of the Church of St Cuthbert - Barmpton, Skirningham, Elton, Carlton, School Aycliffe, Monk Heselden - under this condition, that he (Uhtred) retain them for as long as he always lived honourably in marriage with his daughter. He then divorced his wife, Ecgfrida, and in in an effort to make political allies amongst the Danes in Deira, married Sige, daughter of Styr, son of Ulf. In 1016 Uhtred campaigned with Ethelred's son Edmund Ironside in Cheshire and the surrounding shires. Uchtred was summoned to a meeting with Cnut, and on the way there, he and forty of his men were murdered by Thurbrand the Hold, with the connivance of Cnut. Uhtred's son Ealdred subsequently avenged his father by killing Thurbrand, but Ealdred in turn was killed by Thurbrand's son, Carl. Cnut's forces were too strong for Uhtred to fight, and so Uhtred did homage to him as King of England. Uhtred's father, Ealdorman Waltheof was too old and frail to fight and remained at Bamburgh Castle. It appears that Uhtred was trying to make political allies amongst the Danes in Deira. 5. This is an example of the notorious Northumbrian blood feuds that were common at this time. Ida’s descendants apparently took the family name Uhtred and it was Uhtred the Bold who finally lost the fort, and his life, to King Canute in 1016. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014. After receiving these honours Uchtred dismissed his wife, Ecgfrida, and married Sige, daughter of Styr, son of Ulf. Inquisitions by "David…Cumbrensis regionis princeps", dated 1124, concerning land owned by the church of Glasgow, refer to donations by "Uchtred filius Waldef…". It appears that Uhtred was trying to make political allies amongst the Danes in Deira. Rating: Total votes: 2. Sigen, 3. He was the son of Waltheof I, ealdorman of Bamburgh, whose ancient family had ruled from the castle of Bamburgh on the Northumbrian coast.. King Ethelred rewarded Uhtred by appointing him ealdorman of Bamburgh, though his father still lived. Uhtred also married Ethelred’s daughter Ælfgifu about this time. Simeon of Durham's Account of the Siege of Durham records Ecgfrida's second marriage to "a certain thane in Yorkshire…Kilvert the son of Ligulf" and "their daughter Sigrida…wife of Arkil the son of Ecgfrid" whose son was "Cospatric…[who married] the daughter of Dolfin the son of Tolfin, by whom he begot Cospatric who of late ought to have fought with Waltheof the son of Eilaf", her repudiation by her second husband, her taking the veil, and her burial at Durham. Uchtred's son, Ealdred (Earl of Bernicia) was himself killed in 1038 by Thurebrand's son, Carl. As a blood feud evidently followed his … Uhtred was summoned to a meeting with Cnut, and on the way there, he and forty of his men were murdered by Thurbrand the Hold, with the connivance of Cnut. 7 Accurate: Nobility Uhtred the Bold's father, Waltheof, was the ealdorman of Bamburgh. He died in 1016, while Canute was preparing his great expedition. However, author Bernard Cornwell, who wrote The Last Kingdom books that the show is based on, took inspiration from a real-life nobleman as the basis of Uhtred’s personality. In Bernard Cornwell's series The Saxon Stories the protagonist is Earl Uhtred of Bebbanburg, also from Northumbria. Just like in the Last Kingdom, Uhtred the Bold really did fight off a Scottish invasion that took place at Bamburgh Fort. He was recognised as Earl of Northumbria in 1041, in succession to his wife's uncle. His derogatory nickname, coined in the twelfth century, is merely a pun on his name, meaning 'noble counsel'. The name of Uhtred's wife is not known. To free himself from this oppression, he caused all the Danes in England to be treacherously massacred in one day (Nov.13, 1002). Eadred's vengeance had to wait until the 1070s, when Waltheof, Eadred’s grandson had his soldiers kill most of Carl's sons and grandsons. Between the sixth and eighth centuries it expanded until it stretched from the east coast to the west coast, and from the River Humber to the Firth of Forth. Uhtred the Bold book. "…Lyulf filio Uchtredi…" witnessed the charter dated to [1120] under which "David comes filius Malcolmi Regis Scottorum" founded the abbey of Selkirk. She is named as daughter of King Æthelred by Roger of Hoveden, when he records her marriage. He was the son of Osulf I. Although Uhtred's character was created specifically for the books, it has been suggested he is based on the real-life Uhtred the Bold. He was the son of Waltheof I, ealdorman of Bamburgh, whose ancient family had ruled from the castle of Bamburgh on the Northumbrian coast. Her parentage has not been confirmed by primary sources. Uhtred's son Ealdred eventually avenged his father by killing Thurbrand the Hold, for which Ealdred was killed by Thurbrand's son, Carl. Uhtred the Bold. However Dr Naismith, from the Anglo-Saxon, Norse & Celtic department at Cambridge University, said there are some differences between the real-life Uhtred and the character in the series. of Bp. To learn more about these records, please refer to the source’s website. He and his brother were described as "pronepotes" of King Edward ["the Confessor"] by Orderic Vitalis, being among the men who "made peace with [King] William" in [early 1067]. While there was an ealdorman of Bebbanburg (modern day Bamburgh … Her marriage date is estimated on the assumption that it is unlikely that she would have been married before her older sister Eadgyth. He defeated a Scottish army which had besieged Durham in 1006. His name was ‘Uhtred the Bold’ and he ended up becoming an Ealdorman of all Northumbria! 3 11 344, 445. , Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumbria, England, Macbeth - Historical Context of Shakespeare's Play, http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ENGLAND,%20AngloSaxon%20nobility.htm#UhtredNorthumbriadied1016, http://www.rpi.edu/~holmes/Hobbies/Genealogy/ps06/ps06_061.htm, http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p335.htm#i11352, http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm, http://childsfamily.com/reunion/PS18/PS18_473.HTM, http://www.thepeerage.com/p10218.htm#i102175, http://members.cox.net/benchrest/Genealogy.html, http://search.ancestry.com/search/collections/WebASM-9289/7718660/printer-friendly?gss=angs-g&new=1&rank=1&msT=1&gsfn=Uchtred++&gsln=++NORTHUMBERLAND&gsln_x=1&MSAV=1&mssng0=Aelgifu++&mssns0=Elifgifu%2c+Princess+of+England&cp=0&catbucket=rstp&uidh=q2c&pcat=ROOT_CATEGORY&ml_rpos=4. In the mean time, Ethelred had had Earl Ælfhelm of York murdered, and he allowed Uchtred to succeed Ælfhelm as earl of York, thus uniting the two ancient kingdoms of Bernicia and Deira under the house of Bamburgh. The result was a decisive victory for Uchtred. [ http://www.thepeerage.com/p10218.htm#i102175 ]. • Background Information. Cnut's forces were too strong for Uchtred to fight, and so Uhtred did homage to him as King of England. Symeon of Durham, a chronicler and monk at Durham Priory, records that the remains of St Cuthbert, a saint of the early Northumbrian church, were transferred from Chester-le-Street to Durham. In 1016 Uhtred campaigned with Ethelred's son Edmund Ironside, now his brother-in-law, in Cheshire and the surrounding shires. Uchtred or Uhtred, called the Bold (died 1016), was the ealdorman of all Northumbria from 1006 to 1016, when he was assassinated. To them was born Cospatric, father of Dolfin, Waltheof, and Cospatric. Join Facebook to connect with Charles Hann and others you may know. Despite his pagan upbringing, he was ostracized from the Danes after he was framed for the murder of his adoptive … Two children resulted from this marriage, Eadulf, later Eadulf III, and Gospatric. For, shortly afterwards, nearly the whole population, from the river Tees to the Tweed, and their borders, were cut off in a conflict in which they were engaged with a countless multitude of Scots at Carrun.”, In 1013 King Sweyn Forkbeard of Denmark invaded England. Uchtred was rewarded by King Ethelred II with the earldom of Bernicia even though his father was still alive. Styr was a rich citizen of York. Amazon Price New from Used from Kindle Edition "Please retry" £2.95 — — … Uhtred's dynasty continued to reign in Bernicia through Ealdred (killed 1038) his son from his marriage to Ecgfrida, and Eadulf (killed 1041) his son from his marriage to Sige, and briefly Eadulf's son Osulf held the earldom of Northumbria 1067 until he too was killed. Uhtred's descendants continued to rule in Bernicia, Ealdred, Earl of Bamburgh (killed 1038) Uhtred's son from his marriage to Ecgfrida, and Eadulf (killed 1041) his son from his marriage to Sige, and briefly Eadulf's son Osulf held the earldom of northern Northumbria 1067 until he too was killed. Ealdorman Ælfhelm of York also took no action. Uhtred of Bebbanburg, also known as Osbert, Uhtred son of Uhtred and Uhtred Ragnarson, is the main character of the best selling Saxon Stories novel series by Bernard Cornwell and the BBC / Netflix television adaptation, The Last Kingdom. Simeon of Durham names "Uchthred and Morckar" as the two sons of "Ligulf" & his wife, stating that Morcar was educated by the monks of Jarrow. In 1006 Malcolm II, King of Scots launched an invasion of Northumbria and laid siege to Durham. There is no further indication about their precise relationship to the king. This is an example of the notorious Northumbrian blood feuds that were common at this time. Uhtred the Bold Uchtred or Uhtred, called the Bold, (d. 1016) was the ealdorman of all Northumbria from 1006 to 1016, when he was assassinated. While Uchtred was away from his lands, Sweyn's son, Cnut, invaded Yorkshire. Stenton refers to "northern sources of the Norman age" which show that the chief agent of the murder was Thurbrand, who was in turn killed by Uhtred's son Ealdred, presumably referring to Simeon of Durham quoted above. [3], Uhtred's dynasty continued to reign in Bernicia through Ealdred, Earl of Bamburgh (killed 1038) his son from his marriage to Ecgfrida, and Eadulf (killed 1041) his son from his marriage to Sige, and briefly Eadulf's son Osulf held the earldom of northern Northumbria 1067 until he too was killed. Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-Current [database on-line]. Outnumbered, Uhtred did homage to him as King of England. 'The Last Kingdom', in which Alexander Dreymon stars as Uhtred, is based on Bernard Cornwell's "The Saxon Stories". In 995, according to Symeon of Durham, when the remains of St Cuthbert were transferred from Chester-le-Street to Durham, Uhtred … m ---. He was the son of Waltheof I, ealdorman of Bamburgh, whose ancient family had ruled from the castle of Bamburgh on the Northumbrian coast.. Uchtred also married Ethelred’s daughter Ælfgifu about this time. Earl Waltheof was too old to fight and remained in his castle at Bamburgh. Named son of Eadwulf by Roger of Hoveden, who specifies that he was appointed by King William I to succeed Morcar as Earl of Northumbria[360]. Ealdred's was avenged after the Norman Conquest, when, in the 1070s, Earl Waltheof, (Ealdred’s grandson) had his men kill most of Carl's sons and grandsons. He was born of an ancient family who were the Ealdorman of Bamburgh and ruled on the Northumberland Coast. Uhtred the Bold . Uhtred’s marriage to Ælfgifu produced a daughter, Ealdgyth, who married Maldred, brother of Duncan I of Scotland and who gave birth to a son, Gospatric, who was Earl of Northumbria from 1068 to 1072. Although Uhtred’s character was created specifically for the books, it has been suggested he is based on the real-life Uhtred the Bold. 3 - Ethelred was the son of King Edgar and began to reign when only 11 years old. The article on Thurbrand the Hold considers Wighill to be the place where Uhtred was killed. Inquisitions by "David…Cumbrensis regionis princeps", dated 1124, concerning land owned by the church of Glasgow refer to donations by "…Halden filius Eadulf".

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