
fev 10

share your feelings with someone

Be mindful of what that impulse is saying to you, perhaps process with your therapist or if you are at a point, you could perhaps share with him "isn't it funny how I feel the impulse to say things when I have nothing to say." Understanding how men communicate will help considerably in conveying your feelings and needs. Do you feel tension in specific areas of your body? Be a good listener, not only hearing the words dates speak, but the tone used and the way they generally react when people talk about emotions. Besides identifying my reasons for why I want or don’t want to say or do something, recognizing those co-occurring positive and negative feelings brings more awareness to the range of emotions experienced about any given topic or situation. Are they overwhelmed from a long day at work? Does that count as a thorough inventory of one’s intentions? Another important aspect is truth…by that I mean being really honest. No. There is strength in having the courage to share your feelings, fears and insecurities. Often times if you really listen to what your partner says and the feedback they give about the relationship you will be able to gauge accurately where their head is and what they think about the relationship. The last piece I feel is having ultimate compassion, for yourself & your partner. A person can resent you simultaneously for pestering them and not giving them enough attention. 3. Especially because it opens our partners up to listening to what we have to say instead of being defensive. Again, to the extent an I message is tinged with interpretation it can be accusatory. 5. Therefore, make sure to react to facts, not assumed meanings. Stating direct needs instead of complaints will get your needs met with much more success. If he cannot provide it, then decide if you want to compromise and how much. Ask your partner for support with facing your fears and insecurities. Every relationship comes to the place where developmentally each partner needs to heal his or her own "unfinished business" at just the same moment that their partner is coming up against the same crisis. Absolutely! Maybe they are mirroring old patterns in your life, jealousies, fears, feelings of unworthiness, challenging your ability to express your truth, or you have a huge decision to work through, etc. Do not go on and on, even if you feel flooded with emotions if you are not getting an appropriate response. I often hear women express fears about sharing their wants and needs with their partner. But they are simply trying to be in control. In order to receive what we need, we have to ask for it. In everyday life, we blur the distinction. Dr. Shannon Tran – www.shannontranphd.com. If you’ve been hurt in a previous relationship, it’s only natural to want to protect yourself by erecting a strong wall around your heart. Myth 4: You are the authority on your feelings: People will say “Don’t tell me how I feel!” But really, does everyone always know what they’re feeling? One of the most important things you can do before blurting it out is to slow down and take a moment. Acknowledging your fears about sharing your needs, desires, and feelings can be a great place to start. If they don’t then that tells us something else…that maybe the person we thought we wanted may not be it. This connection allows you to unload some of the rocks and see your feelings from a different perspective. 8. When someone says to their partner that they feel disappointed, discouraged, unsatisfied, frustrated, etc., there’s an implicit accusation in this “expressed feeling.” To pretend otherwise by saying “Hey, I was only sharing my feelings with an I message,” does not increase trust, but distrust. This will encourage him, not degrade him, and make it worth his while to listen to your feelings. To understand this distinction, consider the difference between what a fish experiences when caught on a hook and what you would experience. So, Mary on the 3rd date decided she would ask a probing question. If you get to share your feelings others get to share their feelings about what you feel. 12 Active Ways to Conquer Anxiety and Depression, Like Seeing Colors for the First Time: Superheroes and Mania. It also helps build stronger foundations in your relationships. As these debunked myths show, it’s not that simple. Vocalizing my motivations deepens connection. Respond to your partner with companionship in mind. (Will he still after he knows the real me, quirks, insecurities, and all?). When we are in love, we love who our partners really are. No matter how tactful and talented we are at expressing ourselves, sharing feelings can’t always feel safe. In order to create an atmosphere of safety between you and your partner you need to approach them from a place of sharing from self and not blame in order to be heard, validated and understood which is what we all want. You don’t know how they may react and you don’t want this to negatively influence your relationship. You may not get it perfectly right as you are beginning. A man who sincerely wants to be in a woman’s life will always be willing to listen and meet her halfway. Here is how bad I feel about it." When you started dating, did you feel like you needed to have a difficult conversation about your feelings? As the song says, and as the anger of many an ex demonstrates, “there’s a thin line between love and hate” — so thin that love and hate can be felt simultaneously, as can be many other pairs of opposites. If does not improve his behavior, then you have learned some valuable information about him, and can decide if it the relationship is worth the continued effort. Once you have that awareness you can then express yourself from that place of clarity which will assist your partner with feeling considered rather than attacked. A good way to start is: "I'm thinking about something you said and wondering if you meant this ­____________________ or _____________________? Instead, try presuming that he will see the positives in you rather than the negatives and make room for new beginnings. Also as far as deal breakers of what would be a no go in the relationship. As much as we would like our partner to "just know” what we want, it is an unrealistic expectation that will only result in you feeling disappointed.

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