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my guinea pig gave birth to dead babies

Give the mother guinea pig and her babies the freshest and best of foods to ensure a sound base for them to grow from. Guinea pigs can also accidentally injure their young when giving birth. I took her to vet and she was given 4 injections. Guinea pigs are cute and wonderful pets. What if a mother guinea pig rejects a baby? But the mum has to have lots of food to make sure that she makes enough milk for them.My guinea pig gave birth to 3 babiesP.S. My guinea pig gave birth to 3 babies on mothers day. She probably didn't open the sack as she knew the baby was dead already. If your guinea pig is straining for more than 30 minutes she is in trouble and needs to get to an exotic vet asap. This action is the contractions. ◦Pregnancy is very difficult for guinea pigs, with at least 20 percent on average of the mothers dying during birth. However, if we suspect pregnancy, we can look out for the following signs: I don't know what time she had her baby, and I'm scared because she was alone in her cage with the other guinea pig the whole day. When the Babies Are Born. I noticed today their generals seemed swollen for a while and then by the eve they were fine. Pregnancy is very difficult for guinea pigs, with at least 20 percent on average of the mothers dying during birth. She had them in 20 minutes. In the wild, a guinea pig mother will immediately attempt to clean up the area after her delivery. It also helps her to regain lost energy from the pregnancy/birth. Guinea Pig Blogs. Guinea Pigs will usually give birth to 2 to 4 babies. In sows (pregnant guinea pigs), this is usually caused by the normal stiffening of the tough fibrous cartilage which joins the two pubic bones – medically referred to as the symphysis. Since her tummy is still big and its been three days I wanted to know what would happen to the baby (if there was one) insidde of her? The babies were healthy and happy all day yesterday but today 2 of the babies seemed to be getting rejected by the mom they looked really weak and were just laying on their sides not moving. Before we can tend to the needs of our guinea pig, we need to ensure they are indeed pregnant. In any case, giving birth for guinea pigs comes with its risks. Of course they get about a flake of timothy hay each day because it is so high in vitamin C and there’s no worry about the calcium content. She still has those 2 pups left to be delivered. Therefore, the smaller the litter(one or two pups), the longer is the gestation time. If the father is present, he may assist in this duty. QUICK WARNING: This part might make some people queasy. My guinea pig gave birth yesterday early hours sometime ( i wasn't there at the birth) to 2 still born babies, you could see she had broken their sacs but they were both sort of stuck together very small and long, not bunched up. The first baby should appear after 5 minutes of labor. Hoping this is normal. Sows become sexually mature and able to breed at around four weeks old, and they are capable of getting pregnant again just hours after giving birth. The pregnancy period in guinea pigs lasts from about 59 to 72 days, and on average 65 days. You must be prepared to handle the litter of newborns, and remember that males can impregnate their mothers when they are only three weeks old. Dystocia in Guinea Pigs. 8. However, if the mom behaves and looks normal, maintains a shiny fur, clean eyes and ears, … Dystocia is a clinical condition in which the process of giving birth is slowed or is made difficult for the birthing mother. With the length of the time between the male and now, if something stopped her from giving birth the babies would have died and you would have a guinea pig female that was extremely sick or dead by now. Once you can feel and see the babies moving you have form 8 to 12 days, once her milk has come in you are down to 5 days. The goal is to leave no trace of her birth that could allow a predator to track her and her babies for an easy meal. She will appear to have the hiccups and then she may move to pull something from her bottom between her legs. Gorgeous Guineas Blog; The Pig Issue Comings and goings on Planet Guinea. She gives birth to a small guinea called pups of three to four range. If the labor extends longer, be prepared to rush her to the Vet. Apparently, according several veterinarians I talked to, after six months of age, a female pig’s pelvis begins to close, making it difficult for “older” guinea pigs to give birth naturally. 2 small babies,and one big one. Occasionally these animals may carry germs or may come into contact with wildlife and can contract diseases that they can then pass on to their human owners. Monitor the mother guinea pig for pregnancy complications. There must have been something that went wrong during the pregnancy. After the entire litter has been delivered, she will pass the placenta, part or all of which is then eaten. Fairy Magic Fairy is a deaf and blind guinea who lives life to the full. Baby guinea pigs are called pups. If you take care of it properly, baby guinea pig grows healthy and its life would continue as a happy adult. You could consider seeing a vet, as the mother might have a general health issue, or may be too old to mate. Your guinea pig will eat the placentas of her pups, and she may consume any bloodstained or wet bedding left over from her delivery. Because of this, it is recommended that all male guinea pigs, also called boars, be removed from a cage containing a new guinea pig … Information The guinea pig who had the baby last night seems fine this morning thankfully, has eaten her breakfast and tucking into hay. It's been more than 36 hours now. If the baby gets stuck they use their teeth to help pull it out. The sows often have a gestation period of about 59-72 days . The mother will then lick the babies clean. A lot of people have asked us what the best way to build trust with a new guinea pig that you’ve just brought home. Breeding guinea pigs is not without its issues. After all, if too many babies grow too big, giving birth will become suddenly much more difficult. For example, the mother guinea pig may experience a difficult birth and end up with a prolapsed uterus. A female can give birth to up to 5 litters per year. I can feel there is a little bump at her side. Guinea Pig Welfare Wheek, number 6; Picking up the pieces… Albie’s and Bradley’s Story; March, for reputable guinea pig rescues. Sometimes only 1 will be born and on the rare occasion a Guinea Pig may have up to 8. There is very little "mess" left over after a guinea pig birth; all that will be seen are a few spots of blood here and there on the bedding. At some point she will have a pup’s head appear and she will push the baby out. If biological descriptions of childbirth aren’t your thing, you can skin to the next section. When a guinea pig is about to give birth, any male guinea pigs near her will gather around and try to become the dominant male in order to both protect the female and mate with her. Okay, so my guinea pig gave birth and we were expecting two babies but she only gave one. My guinea pig was/is pregnant with 3 babies. Guinea Pig Welfare Wheek Number 6! It is the first time she is giving birth… We are going to bury the baby gp in the garden later, my DD had chosen a … Usually guinea pigs don't die. Many others survive but with complications—costly to you, painful to her. “A handful of hay a day keeps the vet away,” is my motto. The litter size ranges from 1 to 8 pups, but a litter of 2 to 4 is more common. These can impact both the sow and her babies. Diseases from pocket pets (rats, mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils and rabbits) Hamsters, rats, mice, gerbils, guinea pigs and rabbits are popular pets in many homes. Baby Guinea Pig Food; Building Trust With a Baby Guinea Pig. Comically, this was also where the evolving drama of my guinea pig’s pregnancy began. Since baby guinea pigs are born fully furred and ready to go, the mother guinea pig is at increased risk of experiencing health problems during and after pregnancy. I think my guinea pig is really near giving birth. She needs to see a vet to answer these questions more thoroughly. But from personal experience, the best way to build trust is by bribing baby guinea pigs with food and treats. This is due to their pelvic bones fusing in position, and struggling to allow the fully formed baby to pass through and out into the world. ◦Many others survive but with complications—costly to you, painful to her. There are certainly many ways to go about doing this. It's the first time for us as a family to be part off something so special. I have two guinea pigs that I love very much... My female gave birth yesterday to 3 cute healthy babies luckily I was home for the birth and I immediately separated the male. I had both my males neutered after that it was just too sad. I wanted to know is it possible for her to be pregnant, even though she just had babies? Will get her checked over by a vet I think. When you have a baby guinea pig from a farm, a petshop or else where; or when your guinea pig gives birth, you need to know what proper care is required for the baby guinea pig.. Male guinea is known as boars while females are called sows’ Babies of Guinea pigs are known as pups. Now if you are looking for an article that will prepare for having a guinea pig baby any pretty much everything else you could possibly want to know in regards to guinea pig babies check out my other article here.I try to go in depth as I can when it comes to preparing, training and caring for a baby guinea pigs. Please read what is written below and see if your guinea pig fits these expectations. The circumstances bringing the guinea pig into our homes means we may not even be sure of how old our cavies are, if they have yet reached sexual maturity or if they have been in contact with a male. If complications occur, she would need a C-section. But the duration of pregnancy may alter depending on the litter size(the number of babies given birth to at a time.) Yesterday morning she gave birth to a dead pup and then stopped. When the mother is giving birth, she will appear to be head first in the corner of her guinea pig cage. The time between the birth of each of the babies is between 3 and 5 minutes. guinea pig 4 dead babies:(? I had one of my guinea pigs give birth the other day and i came down to all 4 babies dead it looked like she had rejected all of them as some of their sacks hadnt been opened , why would she do thid :( The guinea pig is trying to keep the area as clean and odour-free as possible so as not to alert predators that she has just given birth. If your dates are right then she probably never was pregnant in the first place. Didn't know she was pregnant, she lives with another guinea pig who I thought was a girl turns out its a boy. She seems uncomfortable. In the wild, an animal that is rejected by their mother is usually left with little chance of survival. Just leave her be for now labour will have exhausted her so I doubt she is hungry. My Miya just gave birth to 5 romping babies that i swear were bigger then she was!! This was my biggest fear about guinea pigs giving birth, In my guide “Before And After Getting Your Puppy” I talk in a big section about all the solutions to avoid that. Its very sad, I had a guinea pig give birth to 7 babies once and only 1 was born alive. Make sure to separate any male babies at the age of 3-5 weeksYou might want to look at this site:www.diddly-di.fsnet.co.uk Im just hoping the other guinea pig isn't pregnant or a boy for that matter! ◦You must be prepared to handle the litter of newborns, and remember that males can impregnate their mothers when they are only three weeks old. Female guinea pigs can struggle to give birth if their first mating is after their first birthday.

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