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my dog is obsessed with my guinea pig

Are there laws about hurting pets that come on your property? My dog is obcessed with our guinea pigs so obcessed she hasn't eaten, had anything to drink, or even slept in 2 days. Which breed(s) of dogs are very friendly and playful? I have no clue why your dog is acting like this, but guinea pigs are rodents, prey to dogs. This form needs Javascript to display, which your browser doesn’t support. YES! Ask Victoria - Can You Teach an Old Dog New Tricks? Learn how your comment data is processed. Allow your dog to pick up the guinea pig’s scent by spending time near the door. Ensure their environment is prepared and have the necessary supplies to … Posted by 1 year ago. your dog wants to kill it and most likely will. Good leafy greens include spinach, kale, and broccoli. Waiting for the moment of “harvest”. Steve’s blog is www.stevedale.tv, Your email address will not be published. Experts also consider this noise as a perfect example of onomatopoeia due to its distinctiveness to Guinea pigs. So if you have a dog and a guinea pig, make sure that their food is kept well away from each other and ensure that they are kept on separate diets. Aggression expert Michael Shikashio joins... Why do dogs become anxious when home alone and how can this be prevented? Wheeking is one of the most common noise Guinea pigs produce. He’s a gentle giant who’s obsessed with his two little guinea pig siblings named Market Price and Rumpadump. He's a boy named salem. The key to introducing your dog to a guinea pig is to work in stages. Home >> Positively Contributors >> Q&A: How Do I Stop My Dog’s Fixation on Our Guinea Pigs? My dog is obsessed with my guinea pig. I can't hire a trainer because he's not my dog (even though I seem to be the only one taking care of his needs). Wheeking in cavies is so common that most people consider this guinea pig sound as distinct as a “roof” to a dog or a “meow” to a cat. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Sort by. Q: I accidentally caught your radio show and enjoyed it thoroughly. What’s this all about? Answer Save. 63. What’s this behavior about? This can be pretty annoying because every time I try to enter or exit the bedroom my dog will try his best to slip in. Required fields are marked *. There are countless stories on forums about how the whole family was relaxing, watching TV, the guinea pig was on the floor playing, and the dog suddenly grabbed the guinea pig. Dog: predator. High quality commercial ‘Guinea Pig’ pellets (minimum 16% fibre content) may be offered in small quantities, but these should not form the main part of the diet. To ensure that your dog and guinea pigs don’t act this way whenever they’re around each other, spend time to curb your dog’s unwanted behavior. As a psychologist, I am interested in behavior issues, and have an interesting question for you. Still have questions? J. F., Chattanooga, TN, A: “Of course, it’s hard to say what’s going on in your dog’s head, but it’s likely either entertaining for your dog to watch the Guinea pigs, or maybe she is waiting for lunch,” says veterinary behaviorist, Dr. Lore Haug of Houston, TX. Archived. Personally, my dog is very skittish and shy. Ok, so I got a new guinea pig a few days ago. Your dog is interested in the guinea pig because he is prey. If you have a slow, old dog, it is unlikely that they will be nimble enough to open a Guinea pig cage door. desire the canine does not devour your guinea pig. Aggression is a serious behavior issue that is all too common in our domestic dogs. Bring the dog into the guinea pig room, catch his attention by calling his name, and let the most confident of the guinea pigs out. Your dog cannot be trusted around your guinea pig unsupervised. It’s not healthy for your older dog to be so fixated on the Guinea pigs, adds Haug, who is a President of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists, and a contributor to “Decoding Your Dog,” authored by members of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists (co-edited by Dr. Debra Horwtiz, Dr. John Ciribassi and myself), which Victoria Stiwell wrote the foreword. One of my dogs,a 2 yr old GSDXKelpie, is OBSESSED with killing birds and small animals. All of my dogs would, and your pig would be lunch before you could yelp. It's like he watches over him. Over time, this behavior can cause the guinea pig to fear your dog. Keep the cavy well out of reach in a container with a strong latch. He's been up close with the guinea pig before (holding him with close supervision). Yeah, he’s watching over him like a farmer watches his piglets grow. Increase the amount of enrichment she receives.”. I got a Guinea Pig not to long ago (named Pumba) and I cannot get her to leave him alone. Your email address will not be published. although in case you easily need to aim placed your canine in a cage which will carry him and enable the guinea pig out around the room and spot if that helps, this way the canine is able to observe it and scent it and get a number of its interest out. WHY IS HE DOING THIS? Can you suggest to me some home remedies for morkie sneezing? Even though Guinea pig can live in open-topped cages, they should … If the guinea pig doesn’t want to come out or the dog is showing too much predatory interest, curtail the introduction immediately by removing the dog. The only way to acclimate a dog and a rodent is to raise them together when the dog is a puppy AND make sure the breed of dog is a guardian working breed. Drive a mile or two away to take her for a walk in a new park, even attend a training class that teaches scent games. He will sit outside the door and pant for hours. Whole: Truly Understanding Your Dog's Body Language. save. My dog got attacked the other day whilst it was on the lead and the owner of the dog was a long way back along the path. I - Answered by a verified Dog Specialist We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. 2 comments. 2. Unless the dog has been brought up with guinea pigs from a puppy then it will likely see them as prey and kill them. My dog jumps from thing to thing trying to get to the guinea pig or seem him. As a psychologist, I am interested in behavior issues, and have an interesting question for you. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. In all honesty the only probability you have of having them used to a minimum of one yet another handed while the canine grew out of being a puppy. Most Dogs Already Wanted Social Distancing: Now... Looks are Deceiving: Why Breed Bias is Wrong, 'All American Dogs' at the 2014 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, When and How to Train Your Puppy or New Rescue, Give Your Dog an Instant Safe Haven On Walks, Parts vs. Let your dog see you set up your guinea pig’s cage in a safe room, but avoid letting the animals see each other for several days. I was in the yard with my guinea pig and the dog got out and picked her up in her mouth and ran away with her, i got the guinea pig back and she seams fine, will she die from being scared or anything else. So when a friend ask me if I would want to take her is because her son had out grown it I jumped at the chance. 2 years, 4 months ago Lalaland You should never, ever, ever place your guinea pigs in a ball. What’s a good name for a cream colored female dachshund? This is my dog Bart. However, if you have a nimble kitten, they may be adept at getting in an unlocked door. He barks when he can't see him and after a while my dog lays down right in front of the cage watching it. ... Favourite answer. She’s so obsessed that we need to distract her to get her to eat. How to Keep Your Dog from Eating Guinea Pig Poo. Remember, they don’t need to become best friends. Your particular dog may not now, or ever, actually attack your guinea pig. Steve is a certified dog and cat behavior consultant, has written several books, hosts two nationally syndicated radio shows, and has appeared on numerous TV shows including "The Oprah Winfrey Show," "National Geographic Explorer," and "Pets Part of the Family." Both dogs and guinea pigs require different things as regards to their food intake is concerned, and so if they … Keep it in an active area. A good diet for a guinea pig includes pellets, timothy hay, leafy vegetables, and chopped fruits. I really want to get a guinea pig but I have an Airedale terrier dog and my parents think he will constantly be trying to get the guinea pig. Enter your email above to subscribe to the newsletter and we’ll email you a link to enroll in your free course. I have two 7 pound mini shih-tzus so was a bit nervous, but my dogs have taken to the guinea pig like it is their little sister. It’s possible there’s nothing else going on in her life. Offer treats from food puzzles and other toys which encourages dogs to think in order to receive their reward. While guinea pigs love to chew, they may be less likely to eat something bad if they are have a healthy diet. Keep them apart. If someone's dog climbs on me and I tell the owner to get it off, and they decide to laugh  can I punt kick the dog in self-defence? Guinea pig: prey. You can use simple items such as cardboard tubes and small paper bags to keep your guinea pig happy. Wilbur is so obsessed with his two guinea pig siblings that he would imitate them. Guinea pigs must have access to clean fresh water at all times. If however, you have recently adopted a guinea pig and he/she runs away every time you try to caress it: you must change the way you relate to it. ? Fungal infections are also a significant cause of hair loss in guinea pigs. It is extremely damaging to their spines. Does this sound like the beginning of a dog yeast infection. She’s so obsessed; we need to distract her to get her to eat. Wilbur isn’t your typical dog. Does she want to mother them? He licks the guinea pig when he gets the chance. ANSWER: Guinea pigs enjoy burrowing into their own personal cave or running through tunnels. My shih tzu seems like he's obsessed with him. Also, as a precaution, never allow the Guinea pigs to be unsupervised when your dog is near. share. Chasing after small animals is a dog’s natural response to threats. But there are plenty of dogs that are calmer and more social. Molly, our 13-year old Golden Retriever, is infatuated with the two Guinea pigs, who my son recently purchased. “Expand your dog’s world beyond Guinea pigs,” Haug says. “Old dogs sometimes have increasingly smaller and smaller worlds. “Likely the Guinea pig focus has nothing to do with mothering.”. If your dog has a habit of eating guinea pig poo, along with other unhealthy things, then it’s time to call the vet. hide. Get your answers by asking now. I doubt it is going to artwork and that i think of your screwed yet this is rather the only shot you acquire. If you value your guinea pigs life, keep them separated. My dog is obsessed with my guinea pig. additionally placed as lots of your scent on the little guy as you could till now you start up. My 7 yr old chihuahua has been shaking trembling panting and won’t leave my side for 4 days, vet visit said he’s fine blood work fine, help!? New creatures scare him, and he would not make a great playmate for my guinea pigs, I recommend you to read my “Before And After Getting Your Puppy” it’s Very good for someone who wants to understand their pet’s behavior. The vet will be able to check your dog for different conditions including infections from parasites, and more. although in case you easily need to … If your guinea pig nibbles your shoes or toes, by reaching this level of confidence, you can trust that they love you. Find a Victoria Stilwell-Licensed Dog Trainer, Pet Overpopulation (Why To Spay & Neuter), Dog Bite Prevention & Awareness Conferences, Episode 832 - Dogs and Aggressive Behavior, Episode 831 - How to Treat Separation Anxiety, Episode 830 - Rescue and Pitbull Type Dogs, Why I’m Not a Purely Positive Dog Trainer. Ten tips for introducing a new guinea pig. In order to correctly add a new piggy, there are some precautions you must take, also if you want deep tips please check out my “Before And After Getting Your Puppy Manual“. One of my dogs can get into the cage with the guinea pigs and won't harm them. If your guinea pig is always itching itself and has patchy hair, this is an indication that it has fungal infections.The itchiness caused by fungal infections can be extreme, leading to self-trauma.. It’s important to differentiate between fungal and mange mite infections as they have similar signs. He’s fixating on the rodent because there is a chance that the creature will appear and you won’t be there to control the situation. report. When we carry him our dog is always there. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. My girl dog especially, seems to think it’s her baby. The owner of the other dog was just whistling for there dog who was clearly not listening. He is blind and does listen fairly well to us but I know that piggies can be vocal and maybe that would get him going. You can sign in to vote the answer. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Q: I accidentally caught your radio show and enjoyed it thoroughly. Close. A dog named Wilbur is an excellent example of a dog getting along with small animals. I have to keep the hamster in a spare bedroom with the door closed so my dog can't get anywhere near it. It depends on the dog. 100% Upvoted. I had a guinea as a first pet,when I was very young. He has sat at my bedroom door whimpering for hours because he wants to play with her but he's just too big. Because your dog is a predator and your guinea pig is a prey animal. please help i really don't want to loose my guinea pig <3 and how do i no if the dog caused damage. You can also use rodent igloos, which are made of plastic. I am definitely guilty of anthropomorphising him, I constantly call him baby and my best friend, I talk to him regularly and make up scenarios for what he … ? Emotional moment during Trump impeachment speech, NFL player helps raise $350K for girl injured in Reid crash, Claudia Conway set to appear on 'American Idol', CDC pleads with Americans to 'avoid travel', Geraldo Rivera insists Trump is 'guilty as charged', Grandfather sentenced in child's cruise ship death, Eli Lilly chief quits due to 'inappropriate' relationship, A few vaccine recipients get rare blood disorder, Washington Football Team halts cheerleading program, Matt Lauer criticized over 2006 interview with Britney, Police seek shooter in killing of Yale grad student. I have a BIG bulldog like bigger than normal that is really curious about my new guinea pig but he is too big and clumsy and will knock the cage over. How do you think about the answers? ... My only option is to put a fence up around the guinea pig enclosure. Another one of my dogs would kill them the first chance he … Molly, our 13-year old Golden Retriever, is infatuated with the two Guinea pigs, who my son recently purchased. Give your guinea pig a well-rounded, healthy diet. Fungal Infections. “It’s important for old dogs to learn new things anyway,” says Haug. To keep your dog and guinea pig together is technically animal abuse, so pleas do not listen to this article that cites social media as proof of safety. Molly, our 13-year-old Golden Retriever, is infatuated with the two Guinea pigs my son recently purchased. Dog trainer Lisa Waggoner joins Victoria and Holly for... Do people respond differently to Pitbull type dogs? Nibbling this way is used as a way for animals to show love or ask for food. This thread is archived. In this case, the threat can be the guinea pig. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am completely and utterly obsessed with him. She’s so obsessed; we need to distract her to get her to eat. I was on my own trying to separate two labradors from killing each other. Update: This dog is impossibly obnoxious and ignorant. My 4 year old female yellow labrador Scout loves to go bird hunting, swims in the water after fish, chases squirels up trees, and points at rabbits waiting for the command to chase it.....she has a very strong prey drive. I got a hamster about six months ago and my dog is completely obsessed with it. And thanks for listening to the radio show, even if it was only an accident. It only takes a second for a dog, even a small one, to kill a guinea pig. In all honesty the only probability you have of having them used to a minimum of one yet another handed while the canine grew out of being a puppy.

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