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how to tell the age of a sulcata tortoise

The African Spurred Tortoise (Geochelone sulcata) is also known as the ‘Grooved Tortoise’, the ‘Spur Tortoise’ and the ‘African Spur Thigh Tortoise’. 2nd year – 6 weeks. 5- Sulcata Tortoise’s lifestyle; Do you want to know how long these tortoises live? Sulcatas have broad, flattened carapaces, evenly brownish or yellowish in color. The carapace can help indicate the age of the tortoise by the number of concentric rings, much like the cross-section of a tree. Tortoises are loners that do just fine by themselves. Many tortoises can retract their head, their four limbs and tail into the shell for protection. Unless you have an approximate hatch date, it may be impossible to get an exact age. He passed away in Guernsey after being bitten by a rat. The pen is 36" wide x 8' long if that gives an idea of his size. Unfortunately, he came with no background information. Thanks for your help! He is roughly 9" wide x 12" long. This will help you to determine the animal’s age. As they age, the growth rings inches on each of the scutes are strongly marked. Besides the stress to the tortoises from fighting and mating, there is no place to put the overabundance of unwanted pet desert tortoises. The approximate duration of hibernation according to the age of your tortoise should be: 1st year – 3 weeks. If you keep multiple desert tortoises, separate the sexes and do not allow them to breed. Tortoises can overeat and being chronically overfed (whether they are overweight or not) can cause long term health problems. It is a desert-dwelling tortoise whose range extends along the southern edge of the Sahara Desert from Senegal and Mauritania, east through Mali, Chad, the Sudan and Ethiopia to Eritrea. However if you’re not confident for any reason, keeping your tortoise awake all year round until the age of about 3 is okay, but you’ll certainly want to hibernate them the following year. Tortoises have a beak but no teeth and no external ears, just two small holes on … Sulcata tortoises are large reptiles, also commonly referred to as the “African spurred tortoise.”These creatures are the third largest species of tortoise in the world, behind the Galapagos tortoise and Albrada giant tortoise. It is not possible to tell the age of a tortoise by looking at it. It would be similiar to the rings of a tree. This cannot be used to judge age, as the tortoises grow at different paces depending on diet, husbandry, and genetics. There is a common belief that counting the rings that appear on the shell of a tortoise yields the number of years the turtle has been alive, but the formation of rings on a tortoise shell is not regular. The Daily Mail reported that he was born in 1882, and survived five monarchs including Queen Victoria King Edward … 3rd year – 10 weeks One of the UK’s oldest tortoises was Thomas who lived to the ripe old age of 130. Many people say to use the rings around the scutes that grow with the years. According to experts, the Sulcata tortoise lifespan ranges from 50 to 150 years in the wild. Determining when your tortoise is sated is more of an issue of looking at your tortoise's growth and overall well being than on how much he is eating in one sitting. Sulcatas can grow to be well over 230 lbs., and live as long as 70 years! I am trying to determine how old he is. Hi, We just adopted a Sulcata Tortoise (Herman) through our Herp Society. Also, they have you and often other pets for companionship. By nature, this species belongs to the crepuscular type. Sulcata tortoises, also known as African spurred tortoises, can weigh, on average, 200 pounds and measure 24 to 36 inches long when fully grown, making them the third largest tortoise on Earth. The oldest recorded specimen in captivity, also at the Giza Zoological Gardens, was 54 years of age (Hughes, 1986, in Stearns).

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