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dr morse success stories

—————————————- When I began my health journey 5 years ago, I had NO idea what I was doing or where it would take me, I just knew I was sick and needed a change fast! —————————————- He asks. —————————————-. NOTE: Instructions for topical Eye Wash application can be found here: Discovered a lump in my breast, heard about Dr. Morse’s Lymphatic Detoxification protocol. Healed from so many things since last July 27th when I started Dr. Morse’s protocol! I got an MRI and the doctors said my body is the same as it was before breaking anything. these things cause inflammation and food to rot in our guts. NOTE: In mid 2012, this testimonial was posted on a community forum (and, as is usual with this medium, was met with high skepticism and disregard). Often I see her and think … “I wonder if she’ll ask what I am doing.” No more complaining here. And then you have fruit and more fruit. —————————————- God bless and enjoy your journeys! I did not explain much to him, as I knew he would never believe me. I planted fruit trees and will cultivate and plant more. This is when I met Dr. Robert Morse, founder of God’s Herbs. 2. I’m still on the protocol! Because the pain is so bad that people kill themselves to get away from it. Lots of cherries, blueberries, grapes, bananas….I think that’s about it. He was shocked. Well lo and behold my levels were at 450! I also recently had some creepy black wax come out of my ears. So I began my fruit diet the next day. Once again, I had underestimated the extent of Bob’s pain and frustration and his strong determination to get well. Heart muscles and mitral valve is now strong and functioning normally. Because it would get horribly painful, both the skin sensitivity and the stabbing pain. You will be happy you did. Ive never been a fan of the medical system & never saw a doctor throughout my entire childhood…, I can guarantee that if I had gone in for a diagnosis, by the age of 35, surly I would have been “diagnosed” with one of their awful Disease names…. I just never want the deadness, pain and rage in me. Opportunity was presented to spend 1 month in Miami where with daily sun and ocean swims while on high raw/high fruit diet it healed completely. Not normal grateful but like … overwhelmed with how beautiful everything is level of grateful. Now I have no trouble getting out of bed. I was in so much pain that I could’t sleep for days. Organics if possible. Every day for 6 years. Then I had to go on a trip and couldn’t follow all that protocol and diet and it returned back by 50%. I suffered with candida for at least 15 years between the ages of 12 and 30. I thought that the lower back pain was just due to twisting my back on a motorcycle, but the bulk of the pain was stemming from my kidneys, because I was on high protein diets trying to build muscle for so many years. I was so scared, and did not know what to do, but my instincts kicked in, and I immediately changed my diet and got of the toxic painkillers, prescription drugs, and the sad diet. Diabetics Need To Know This!! Thank you all dear brothers and sister for being part of this amazing adventure. Had already 3 heart surgeries in my life and full of meds. Anyways, I was lost in what was healthy and what way to go because nothing seems to work. I am several years into fruit eating and nearly a year into taking herbs…. It was hard before. I am an ambassador for the lifestyle brand Descended From Odin , have a look at their apparel and accessories: Click here and get 10% off with the code “ketogenicendurance” September 21st, 2014 update: All Fruit and nothing but the Fruit, so help me Dr. Robert Morse. And she has lost a lot of weight in 1 month and is looking fantastic. —————————————- —————————————- Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. Looking into my eyes I see so many areas I want to improve though. Because the eczema was on my hands I couldn’t do anything without irritating it more. The following day, I contacted Dr. Morse’s office to see if he would be willing to meet with me as I had a lot more questions. I brew a bucket of 15 potent herbs every single day and took the tea every morning and night for 2 months. I really do try to be good though & stay on the ‘straight & narrow’.) NOTE: Dr. Morse advises strongly against the use of coffee enemas (only exception being if every other more appropriate avenue has been exhausted in an attempt to relieve chronic constipation). I didn’t really care how long it would take. I started to research more about healing the body naturally. Yesterday I had Oncologist appointment and blood test done. For many years, I always thought there must be an alternative to maintaining better health that would get more effective results than whatever western medicine had to offer. Little did I know they were doing more harm than good to my body. I recommend making green juice and green smoothies. He was thinking that maybe I was worried about STDs (Lol). 2 years ago Had a Stroke..Was Suffering from Morgellons and was Type 2 Diabetic ………….By following the program my health has been restored better then anytime in my life. Finding Dr. Morse. Also the regeneration of the ovaries and uterus, she has 95% lung capacity where she had almost none. He was explaining how our body system works, [the] acids and ect., I was impressed and [it] all makes sense to me. I have a long history of using anything to ease lactic acid pain. Stay away from all other foods. I was going to help others struggling with infertility achieve their goal of becoming parents! I had a 40 oz green juice for breakfast, a banana smoothie for , and steamed veggies, and sweet potatoes every night, and I took herbs for my gi track, kidneys, endocrine glands, and I sipped on heal all teas for about 3 weeks, until I jumped into green juice, and fruit only. I had about a total of 10 fruits throughout my whole life, and I’m 33 of age now. Over the phone, Bob reported to me that the pain in his knees, which he had had for at least 10-12 years, maybe longer, was G.O.N.E. Incontinence and urethra burning now gone.Hair and skin dryness improving.Years of insomnia or very light sleep only immensely improved.Energy levels most days is fabulous.Depression has lifted no longer on meds.One happy camper here. While spending some time canvassing with an anti-oxidant representative from another company, one day we drove past a quaint business called God’s Herbs. Gastroparesis, IBS, Chronic Fatigue, Adrenal Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Acne, Scoliosis, kyphosis, chronic back pain and headaches, dizziness, vertigo, insomnia…. check out what Clara Dave Vijay Singh JEAN Arthur Chris Christine A.Tatiana melvin-garvin is saying... HOW I WAS CURE FROM HERPES WITHIN 14DAYS WITH THE HELP OF DR OSAMU HERBAL MEDICINE CONTACT DR OSAMU. Like horrible feedback from a microphone into my ear, causing my to need to grab my head. Admittedly some of the most difficult issues of detox is what others think and say, that somehow is able to penetrate so deeply. —————————————- my God..3 weeks completely cleared..ain’t that something? Be strong, wear the robe, lead by example! Lol. If you have lower back pain you most likely are also dealing with inflamed and damaged kidneys, and if you also have Interstitial cystitis, it’s stemming from the kidneys that are damaged and not filtering. —————————————- The best results were using the tea while still warm, as it soothes the eye while also reducing the other symptoms. I dont go to the gym and only eat raw. This is how we were meant to live, how our bodies were meant to function and regenerate. Look at the wonderful recipes on Youtube. Nothing gave me the relief I was looking for. If I had ever needed surgical intervention, it would’ve been to drill a hole in that exact spot in the bone to allow the tumor to exit. Everyday I was determined to get my kidneys to filter so I could get rid of these acids that’s were creating me so much pain. It is so possible to heal but one must be consistent and believe in themselves that fruits, fresh juices, some herbs and fasting can heal. That is the one I’m on still. Some, have even called the cops on my because I sounded so “crazy” lol. All my organs are in fine working order. Nooooooo medication it’s amazing thank god. When news broke that a vaccine against COVID-19 developed by a Turkish-born couple in Germany has promising results, many media reports placed the ethnic background of these scientists above the importance of the story itself. End Results: Blood pressure within normal range of 120/60 to 140/79, except occasionally it would spike to 180/110. Some might take a long time some not so long. The Korat. I am now pain free no medication. My Glaucoma was diagnosed many years ago, I got a juicer on January 14, which was my Birthday, I was on the hunt for recipes and I found Dan The “Man” and he lead me to Dr. Morse – The rest is History. The cannabis kept my spasms in check, and relaxed my muscles. It’s amazing, and YES I am completely raw since January, mainly fruits but with salads and some avocados every other day or so and I juice everyday! In glaucoma, as damage gradually proceeds unnoticed by the patient, early detection and treatment is of paramount importance in arresting or controlling the progress of damage. I cannot feel it there at all. September 9th, 2014 update: Hi everyone, my husband, Bob, continues to make a wonderful recovery from arthritis using Dr. Morse’s protocols. It was ugly. It was very slowly getting better. If you need any advice please contact me. I’m a success story and I’m happy I’m still around to share what the good doc and detox has done for me. Weird black stuff came outta me during cleansing that smelled like death itself. After , something extraordinary happened. The dark humor can help. I spend my time in a volunteer capacity on FB. So, for those that might have been or still are in the same boat… when your body is back to its healthy state, it will put on weight by itself without needing to change your raw diet. Four months ago my husband went to the doctors for complete testing from head to toe. ), Toe fungus gone from toes expect right pinky toe, Dr. Morse is the creator and founder of God’s Herbs: 25[+] years ago, Dr. Morse’s extensive degrees and background experience in naturopathic medicine: 40[+] years of experience, He was Awarded the Certificate of Excellence in Iridology by the late Dr. Bernard Jensen, Pioneer of Iridology, His firm belief in detoxification and regeneration is the answer to obtaining optimal health, He is a Worldwide renowned author, lecturer, practitioner and teacher.

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