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do border collies like cats

With proper training, you can prevent herding behavior and teach your border collie and cat to get on well and treat each other as equals. However, due to their herding instincts and nature may attempt to herd them like they would livestock. Perhaps the best way to train your border collie and to eradicate bad behavior is with an effective home training program, like Brain Training For Dogs. So wearing your puppy out a bit can go along way in the relationship. Each time you let things slide, you are pushing back the end goal. This will save a repetitive strain injury in your arm and ensure you give them plenty of exercise and opportunity to run around. Any dog that reaches over 50 pounds (23kg) is considered a large dog, so while some collies are borderline, most will stay in the medium range. They are somewhat more massive than the cat; however, and their instincts will be to herd the cat. They love their owners unconditionally and have an almost child-like nature. Make sure that you have a good supply of doggie treats; you can break these up into small pieces and offer them to your dog as a reward for good behavior. But thankfully, it can be done with the right mindset and approach. This could be a bedroom or laundry room. This can be an issue as cats do not like being herded nor nipped and barked at for that matter. Are Belgian Malinois Aggressive? There are also three particular methods that work well when training your border collie to be social and friendly with cats. Boredom often leads to aggressive behavior in dogs. Introducing your new Border Collie puppy to your cat will be a lot easier if your cat is already used to living with dogs. Border Collies need to be exercised regularly and rigorously so that they can continue to grow strong and healthy. Pet Educate strives to be the definitive online resource to help you learn everything that you need to know. For this reason it is important to keep an eye on a border collie when they are around cats. Border Collies are a brilliant and energetic dog. The border collie is widely considered to be the most intelligent dog breed. If you adopt one over 7 months you are exposed to a slightly increased risk of them not getting along. Before you can begin training, you must have a list of item to effectively do so. This is an excellent thing as many dogs can have problems living with cats because of their strong hunting instincts. Border Collie information including pictures, training, behavior, and care of Border Collies and dog breed mixes. thank you The dog park, besides giving your puppy a chance to express their energy it will also help socialize them to different animals, situations, and people. It is easier to train a border collie when they are a puppy (as puppies are fast learners), preferably younger than 12 weeks old. From the cat’s perspective, they are 2 to 3 times larger than them. They may even chase them, particularly cats outside. As mentioned, Border Collies are medium-sized dogs. Hyperactivity can get your dog into all kinds of mischief. The list of things must include a playpen (the MidWest one from Amazon is ideal). How Big Do Border Collies Get? It’s in their blood to herd anything mobile, including cats. You should keep a close eye on both of them at first; don’t leave them alone without supervision until your sure that they get along. The breed of a Border collie is very hardworking and developed in the Scottish borders.. The main reason your cat may not like your new puppy will be because the puppy is too bouncy and annoying. Border collies are extremely smart so training them would be easy. Food protection is a common trait amongst most animals. Luckily for you, extensive studies and researches explain that generalizing as per their breed is good enough. A Border Collie will herd anything: other dogs, family members, cats! You may notice your border collie following your cat around the house, as if trying to guide them. Or at least, they can get along with cats living in their homes. Another factor to consider is boredom. Every border collie is different; some are likely to get along better with cats than others. On this site, we share advice and interesting facts to help people give the best care they can to our furry, scaled, and feathered friends. Regularly feeding of treats, rewards and offering praise will also incentivize your border collie to act better in the presence of cats. So, are border collies good with cats? Border Collies are passionate gatherers of cars, bikes, joggers, cats, other dogs, livestock, deer, and running children – poking, pushing, and nipping if the pursued person or animal or object doesn't cooperate. Then they bark, even baring their teeth if sheep do not respond or begin to move. If the cat attacks the dog expect the dog to defend himself. This medium-sized herding dog has a strong, agile body on a lean frame, typically weighing up to 45 pounds. While this is entirely natural for a border collie to do, a cat will not take to it very well. Everyone wants a dog that is pleasant, friendly and good with people. The most ideal situation is for a new border collie puppy to come into a home that already has one or more cats. As dogs go, Borders are on the small-mid size range. one of these classes to burn off his excessive energy. Border collies will not generally attempt to attack a cat. Intrigued and needing to know this myself, I decided to conduct some research. Owning a cat at the same time takes it up another level. Being that one of the problems you will face with having a Border Collie and a cat living together is the dog constantly harassing the cat. Defining “most intelligent” is a highly subjective thing, and depends on what traits (such as trainability, reasoning ability, independent thinking, fitness for a particular task, etc.) Let us now take a closer look at how these two animals typically do alongside one another before we move onto some introduction, socialization and training tips. When you are away from home, make sure that you put your puppy in a crate, so that you can monitor their behavior with your cats until they are fully socialized. Are Shibas good with kids? You may need to consider getting cat flaps installed. but i have a cat he is 3 and really laid back. Border Collies are brilliant, highly trainable and sensitive working dogs who make excellent companions when given the right care. Border collies get along great with other dogs and cats, but it can be hard to determine how far this friendship will go. If their play becomes too rough, all of suddenly just say your command phrase to your dog, and if you trained them right, then the behavior that was bothering you will stop. The Border Collie is one of the most popular dogs within the UK, and they are widely kept as pets as well as still being used for working roles as herding dogs in farming. But, if you are introducing a kitten/cat to your home after you have had a border collie for some time, for the most part, some training will be in order. They can nip and bark in their attempts to herd a wide array of creatures ranging from children, people, other dogs, and cats. But what about cats? If your puppy is raised with cats, there is less of a chance that he will see cats as animals that need herding. Today the dog is considered the premier sheepherding breed and is happily herding sheep all over the world. Many breeds of dogs can have a strong prey drive, which can endanger any cat friendship. - Answered by a verified Dog Specialist We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Although this breed doesn’t normally like to roam, keep your dog and the others safe with a securely fenced yard. These are: The idea here is to keep your border collie distracted and to refrain from the need of herding/chasing a cat. Do Border Collies Like Water? It becomes vital to give your cat some parts of the house where they can chill without worrying about the dog being all up in their business. Border collies were bred initially as sheepdogs, and these highly intelligent dogs love nothing more than to be put to work. Border collies have an extremely loving personality and are known for being loyal, caring, patient, faithful, and gentle. [Biting and Other Problem Behaviors]. Training him not to chase cats is essential if you want to keep the peace. You should be socializing them at specific times and when you are around to ensure this goes well and to plan. When these dogs herd sheep, they use a very intense stare and make eye contact with the sheep. His tail may be wagging, but they look nothing short of terrified. but he is my number 1 so i need to no what breeds are best suited to adapting to a cat . [Dangerous or Protective? The deterrence method involves actively trying to isolate your border collie and cat from one another, and usually follows a period of unsuccessful socialization. The Border Collie is one of the smartest, most dedicated, extremely social, and adaptable breeds in existence, who are easy to train. Many border collies get along well with the cats in their homes, but others have such strong herding instincts that they aren’t trustworthy around cats. Before you first introduce your Border Collie puppy to your cat, it’s good to burn off some of their excess youthful energy. Temperament and needs. 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