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build a lot big dreams level 26

Makes it possible to buy Lightning Efficiency for $75,000 which makes workers work much faster for building, painting, star upgrades, and landscapes. Once the workers are assigned, you can demolish the Tech Center and the facilities will stay supercharged. Level Tip: Wait to demolish the Garden Center until you have landscaped all 15 houses, or you won’t make the Appeal Goal. Keep your Apartments inspected to avoid repairs. Construct 2 Condos as quickly as possible. At this point you may have to demolish the Tech Center and build the 2nd Bakery there. So when you buy the two Craftsmans just paint them and keep them for yourself to add towards your house Goal. Requires: 3 workers, 360 materials, 1st Energy Saver, Attic Fans. Allows you to do inspections, which save significantly on cost and time by eliminating the need for repairs. Buy 15,000 materials and then demolish the Recycling Center. Maximum $ (3 stars, paint, and landscaping) without taking neighboring properties into account: Rent: $14500. At the lunch, he talked about the issues there are for people with disabilities and gaming. You will eventually have 3. Rate. You will need every lot eventually, but don’t spend too much money until you have 3 Apartments collecting rent, so for now just by empty lots and houses under $100,000. Sale price $214500. Sun 18 Sep 2016 06.26 EDT. As quickly as you can, landscape all your houses, then demolish the Garden Center. Construct 2 Duplexes, paint, upgrade them to 2 stars each, and add at least 2 Energy Savers each. Eventually you will need to buy all the lots. This just gives you a Money Goal for each neighborhood, and you can solve it in any way you like. Continue to buy materials as needed in lots of at least 1,000. From now on, buy any building under $400,000, as long as you save enough to buy the smaller Hydro Turbine lot as soon as it’s available. Upgrade the Apartment as quickly as you can to 3-Stars and inspect it again. Level Tip: Also, locations matter a lot! Since the game starts with one prebuilt Condo and you’d like to keep it, if it’s in one of the Tennis Court positions you’ll have to demolish it eventually, and that may cost you the Speedy time. Nintendo issued re-releases for … From now on buy materials as needed, 5,000 at a time. Construct the 2nd Duplex. Construct 1 Apartment, paint it, and sell it immediately. Paint or Landscape: adds $150 to base rent, $7500 to base value of house. Construct a Nuclear Reactor. Buy enough materials to construct the Recycling Center. Just be patient, and let the rent come in. Level Tip: This level is quite easy to make Normal on, and isn’t bad for quick clickers, but slower clickers will have to stay very focused to make Speedy. Level Tip: Two supercharged Solar Towers will support 9 Apartments, but only after you have applied lots of Energy Savers. Now as quickly as possible build 2 3-Star painted Georgians. Requires: 2 workers, 60 materials, 2nd upgrade, Formal Library: $4800 rental, $180,000 sale. You may need to wait to buy the last building to demolish it and put the 2nd Tennis Court on it. Buy 2 unpainted A-Frames whenever they become available. Build a Business Center on the other side of the Georgian and make all 4 Cinemas Fancy. Requires: 1 technician, 30 materials, 2nd Energy Saver, Solar Powered Attic Fans. Time to demolish the Tech Center. The key to this game is multi-tasking. Each Apartment must have 3 Energy Savers or you can’t win the level. So don’t do anything extra! Upgrade the Condos one at a time to 3-Stars and 3 Energy Savers. As soon as the 8th Duplex is landscaped, demolish the Garden Center and construct a Tech Center there. Level Tip: So stage 1: Build the Recycling Center, the Workshop, 2 Nuclear generators, 3 Fancy Cinemas. Construct the Garden Center. Buy materials and build a 3rd Georgian, paint it, upgrade to 1 star, and add 3 Energy Savers. 1st upgrade, hardwood floors: $900 rental, $55,000 sale. Level Tip: Ultimately you will need to have sold 4 3-Star Apartments, kept 5, and have 2 Amphitheaters in between two houses each. Paint the A-Frames, but you don’t need to do anything else to them except inspect them. Build a Solar Tower. Goals: 1 Hydro Turbine, 5 supercharged Solar Towers, 5 million dollars, Start with: $200,000, 6 workers, 3,500 materials, 5 technicians, 4 empty lots. Upgrade the Apartment constructing with 3-Stars. Although shops have a listed "value," you can’t sell them. Money Bags: Earn at least $50,000,000 in cash. However, the rent on a Duplex is twice that of an A-Frame, which at least isn’t any worse. Train the extra 3 workers after you have all 8 houses collecting rent. Minimum (no houses in the neighborhood) earns 2,000 dollars per cycle regular, 4,000 dollars if Fancy. Whenever you need more workers, train another 3 until you have a total of 21. Sell the Condo for full price. Remember to leave one future-Amphitheater lot empty where the Business Center used to be. Remember to keep the reserve to repair the generator. Landscape all the houses you own. Level Tip: Stage 3 Build a Garden Center and landscape all 9 Apartments while all adding 3 Energy Savers to Each. Level Tip: Your goal is to build 2 supercharged Nuclear Reactors, 4 Fancy Cinemas, and a lot of 3-Star Apartments for income. Level Tip: You will also need to construct one painted 3-Star Craftsman and sell it for money for materials. Goals: 1 Hydro Turbine, 5 Triple Energy Saver Condos, 1,500,000, Start with: $150,000, 6 workers, 3,500 materials, 4 technicians, 5 empty lots, 1 Craftsman. Upgrade all three Duplexes to 3-Stars each. Don’t wait until you think you need these; you need them. Construct an Apartment. Maximum $ (3 stars, paint, and landscaping) without taking neighboring properties into account: Rent: $7250. Expert Perfection: Achieve a speedy ribbon on every level of the Expert Campaign. Now you should be getting close to the end. Paint the Duplexes and upgrade them 3 times each. You don’t need to upgrade. Level Tip: Save one lot in between two houses for a Pool, but you can use it to put the Recycling Center on temporarily. Put it between two houses, and it has increased the Appeal by +75, +25 for its own lot and +25 for each of the houses. Once it starts collecting rent, sell the 4th. Sell each of the three A-Frames you own, one at a time, as quickly as you can, for full price. Add 3 Energy savers, then landscape, then paint and upgrade to 3 stars. You can buy things as they become available, but stay focused on constructing the Condos first. Now you want to tear down the Workshop. Build a 2nd Apartment building, paint it, and upgrade to 3 stars when convenient. Start selling Apartments. Build the Tech Center and supercharge the Tech Center. Now start demolishing everything except the A-Frames and the Workshop. Build 2 more Cinemas and make them Fancy, then demolish the Business Center. If you are going to build a Recycling Center, wait to demolish houses until it has completed building, and you will get credit for some of the materials from the demolished property. Goals: 1 Bakery, 1 Tennis Court, $200,000, Start with: $100,000, 4 workers, 1,500 materials, 2 technicians, 1 A-Frame, 1 Duplex, 4 empty lots. Put 1 of them next to the smaller hydro turbine lot, the other can go anywhere. Keep buying materials as needed, at least 2,500 at a time. Principle #26: Always include a personal touch. Demolish the house on the Hydro Turbine lot and construct the Hydro Turbine. Allows reuse of some materials from demolished structures. Build 9 3-Star painted Apartments on the Apartment lots. Level Tip: Once you have constructed 8 apartments total, construct A-Frames and just paint and landscape any other size houses you end up buying. Main Perfection: Earn a speedy ribbon on every level of the Main Campaign. It’s ok if the power goes off during this time, it will come back on. You want 3-Stars eventually. It must be on that spot and no other, because if there is a house next to the Nuclear Reactor, the level won’t count for you before the black-out hits. Supercharge all the Nuclear Reactor and the two Wind Farms. Keep constructing painted, 3-Star, Triple Energy Saver Craftsmans. Demolish a Cinemas, build the Business Center there, make the Grocery Fancy, demolish the Business Center and replace it with an Amphitheater. The reason is, and this is very important, you don’t care if you go into a black-out during the last few Apartment builds as long as you get the power back on to win the level. Build 5 A-Frames. Level Tip: Start with a standard Cash Sale First strategy. Once the 3 Duplexes each have 3 Energy Savers, demolish the Tech Center and build an Amphitheater on that lot. However, you can put the Recycling Center on one and the Garden Center on another, since you can tear both of those down later. It’s OK if this has an A-Frame on it, you can afford to tear it down at the end of the game. Requires 5 workers and 1200 materials to build. In addition, while a house is up for sale it collects no rent, so you may lose more money from lost rent than you gain in low-balling another property. Buy another round of 5,000 units so you have enough to construct the final Amphitheater. Buy exactly enough materials to build the Recycling Center and put it on any nonApartment lot. Paint or Landscape: adds $1250 to base rent, 60000 to base value of house. Buy 15,000 materials. Buy any empty lots that become available. You can still get Normal, but getting Speedy will be hard or impossible if all of these conditions aren’t met. Ideally you should construct it so you can put the Boutique next to it. As soon as all 6 Craftsmans are landscaped, demolish the Garden Center and build a Mini-Golf on that spot. Build an Apartment, paint it, and upgrade it to 3 stars. Build A Lot 11 Big Dreams Deluxe Level 19 (no Bonus) Views: 26 Play ↓ Download. Paint the Apartment and inspect it again. Now just keep collecting money. At the point where the next building to tear down is the Tech Center, you want to add Energy Savers before Workshop work. Once all the Condos have 3 Energy Savers, demolish the Tech Center and the Nuclear Reactor and build Tennis Courts there. Buy the materials you need for the Public Pool. Once it starts collecting rent, sell the 2nd. Construct a 3rd Craftsman and upgrade to 3-Stars. Level Tip: You will need a Wind Farm to support the energy requirements of this community. ... An Idaho couple creates a three-level tiny home in Swan Valley, ID. You will keep this one for rent. Construct a 3rd Georgian. Now you just want to construct 4 painted Craftsmans and buy 2 and paint those. Demolish the Workshop. Now all you have to do is make the 8 house requirement. Buy just enough materials to construct a Recycling Center. Buy materials in lots of 1,000 when needed. Buy any empty lots or A-Frames that come up for sale until you have bought 2 A-Frames and all available empty lots. Keep these as your rental houses. Recreation facilities (also called "recreations" in the game) add a positive Appeal value for the lot they are on, plus the same amount for any house they influence. From now on whenever a shop has a Help Wanted sign, just assign a worker there. From now on, buy materials in 5,000 unit lots when convenient. Requires 2,000 materials and 7 workers to build. Goals: 1 Nuclear Reactor, 12 workers, 12 technicians, 4 3-Star Duplexes, 4 Triple Energy Saver Duplexes (can be the same units as the 3-Star ones), Start with: $300,000, 6 workers, 3,500 materials, 5 technicians, 5 empty lots. Low-ball any competing offers. Now paint each of the 6 A-Frames, landscape, add 3 Energy Savers to each, and inspect. From now on you will need to buy cheaper houses and demolish them to make room for Georgians. Requires 3 workers and 900 materials to build. If you have set up your basic website during the Dream It phase, starting to build your email list is one of the most important things you can do to be self-sufficient in your venture. You should be able to get it. Paint, upgrade 3 times, and sell. Level Tip: The key to this level is only to sell the first Georgian and hold onto the rest until you are almost at the end. You can tear down the Garden Center as soon as Apartment #8 is landscaped, and start Apartment #9 there. From this point on keep adding Energy Savers to all the to-keep Condos as convenient. Build a Tech Center and train 6 Technicians. Add 3 Energy Savers to the Apartment. Buy any empty lots that come up for sale, but don’t buy anything else. Buy enough materials to build the Recycling Center. There are 4 different kinds of Shops you can build: Bakery, Boutique, Grocery Store, and Cinema. This saves you a lot of time. Paint or Landscape: adds $300 to base rent, $15000 to base value of house. Paint every Apartment and upgrade to 3 stars. Build the Garden Center. As soon as you have $120,000, train 3 more workers, and start constructing the Public Pool. There are 4 kinds of recreations facilities (also called "recreations" in the game): Tennis Court, Public Pool, Amphitheater. Buy the houses on the 4 isolated lots as soon as you can, even if they cost more. Level Tip for quick clickers: If you are a quick clicker, you may get a higher score by building 12 Apartments and only 2 Amphitheater instead of 9 Apartments and 5 Amphitheaters. Maximum $ (3 stars, paint, and landscaping) without taking neighboring properties into account: Rent: $1800. An alternative for levels where you need to build really big houses and you have fewer materials is the Cash Sale First strategy. If you have already painted a house and you hover the cursor over the landscape button, it will not show you the landscape bonus. They are going to generate cash for you right now. Construct 3 Amphitheaters and 1 pool. May be done over multiple levels. With the money from the Georgian, buy 10,000 in materials. Level Tip: Try to build the Wind Farms in pairs in the areas with just two lots, and one set of 2 Wind Farms and the Workshop next to them. You will eventually put Mini-golfs here to raise the Appeal level. Upgrade the Georgian to 3-Stars and sell. Requires 2,500 materials and 9 workers to build. This guide is divided into two sections: General Tips and the Full Walkthrough. However, if you both paint and landscape a house, you do get a double bonus. Construct 4 Duplexes as quickly as possible. This first Apartment will also be upgraded to 3-Stars. So the basic strategy is to construct the Workshop, Recycling Center, and 1 3-Star Georgian. Buy 10,000 materials. Level Tip: you will end up with houses on every lot except the Nuclear Reactor and the one that will become an Amphitheater. Goals: hire 1 technician, 1 Triple Energy Saver A-Frame, 1 Duplex, $4,500 in rent, Start with: $50,000, 3 workers, 500 materials, 0 technicians, 1 A-Frame, 1 Duplex. After you have the 5th Condo constructed, use the next set of materials to construct a Bakery. Goals: 2 supercharged Nuclear Reactor, 12 painted houses, 12 landscaped houses, +200 Appeal, Start with: $200,000, 7 workers, 3,500 materials, 5 technicians, 4 empty lots, 1 Craftsman, 1 A-Frame. It may take you a couple of tries to get this right since the changes are a little odd, but if you think about what building you want to tear down next, it will help. Goals: 3 supercharged power generators (any kind), +100 Appeal, 1 Tech Center, 9 houses, Start with: $200,000, 7 workers, 3,500 materials, 5 technicians, 4 empty lots. Build 2 Solar Towers next to each other and isolated from any houses. Demolish a Cinema, build the Business Center there, make the Grocery Fancy, then demolish the Business Center again and replace it with an Amphitheater. Sell 4 Apartments, low ball and buy them back. Nuclear Appeal: Create a neighborhood with 3 Reactors and a +400 appeal. At the beginning, you can choose from Tutorial Campaign (3 levels) or Main Campaign (45 levels). A "Triple Energy Saver" has 3 light bulbs. Buy any houses under $175,000 that become available and demolish them. Once all 11 Georgians and 4 Craftsmans have been landscaped, demolish the Garden Center and build a Craftsman there. Demolish the Workshop and build the last Amphitheater there. Paint or Landscape with 2 stars: adds $2000 to base rent, $72000 to base value of house. You will keep it throughout the level, so try to find a place where it will only influence a house on one side and a Wind Farm on the other. Once you have started work on the 4th Apartment, sell one Apartment. Paint the 2nd A-Frame, upgrade it 3 times, add 3 Energy Savers, and sell. Super Saver: Build one Triple energy Saver house. I thought I would tear it down before the end of the level to make the Appeal Goal, but it turned out I didn’t need to, so siting isn’t a big issue for this building. Requires: 5 workers, 220 materials. Just buy whatever comes on the market and add Energy Savers. Build the Amphitheater next to the Nuclear Reactor. Around now you will run out of inexpensive houses to buy. You can put a bunch of your Apartments up for sale and low-ball it if necessary, but you should have the cash on hand. Build 2 Wind Farms and supercharge them whenever convenient. Sell them and rebuy them for the rest of the level until you’ve sold 11 houses total. Level Tip: This is a very straightforward level provided you have the Workshop with Lightning Efficiency training and the Tech Center with Genius certificate. Paint the 2nd Duplex, add 3 Energy Savers, and upgrade to 3-Stars. Construct the 2nd Solar Tower and supercharge it. Position it so it positively affects at least 2 houses. Replace the last 2 with Tennis Courts. 1 Georgian = 2 Condos, 1 Condo = 2 Craftsmans, 1 Craftsman = 2 Duplexes. Paint the first 3 Craftsman, but you don’t need to paint the last 3. You can put it anywhere. This is the only level where the Workshop is not the last item demolished. Add 1 Energy Saver to the to-keep Condo, but don’t do anything else yet. Upgrade the Georgian once for added rent. If you hear the black-out siren, quickly add Energy Savers to 3 different Georgians, which should turn the power back on. Train 2 more workers. Since there are now 8 Apartments built and you own 6 of them, from now buy any house you can afford it, paint it, landscape it, and inspect it. They infuse a lot of Zen into its design with aerial hammocks, monkey bars and yoga mat flooring . Construct an Apartment. Level Tip: Site location is everything on this level. If you get stuck having to repair the Wind Farm, you may need to buy 500 units. This is the only house type where landscaping requires more workers than painting.). Throughout the level, train additional workers when needed up to 21. Construct a 2nd Georgian, paint it, and keep it for rent. You will need this cash to buy Lightning Efficiency for your workers and the first two empty lots. Buy 5,000 units of materials. 1 Feb. 2018 Artistic and Idyllic Tiny Escape. You may need to add a few Energy Savers to the A-Frames if you go over the black-out line as you construct the Duplexes. Goals: 8 painted Duplexes, 3 recreations, $15,000,000, Start with: $200,000, 7 workers, 3,000 materials, 5 technicians, 5 empty lots and 1 Craftsman. Build a large power source. Picture of when to start selling ($6 million). However, if you are using the Genius Certificate upgrade to the Tech Center to make the Tech Center works work faster, you will lose that if you demolish the Tech Center. From now, train Technicians as you need them until you have about 15. You are going to need 5 or 6 Apartments total to meet the rent requirement. Goals: 4 Wind Farms, 3 technicians, $15,000 rent, Start with: $120,000, 5 workers, 2,500 materials, 2 technicians, 5 empty lots, 1 Duplex. Upgrade to 3 stars when convenient. So you will build and demolish Buildings several times, but make every house count. If you have played previous Construct-a-Lot games, you can skip Tutorial Campaign if you like. Buy the two houses on the other Hydro Turbine lots once they come up for sale, inspect them, and leave them collecting rent until you need the energy. Buy any empty lot that becomes available. Towards the end if you happen to buy a Craftsman and you’re close on money, it may be better to just paint it, upgrade it once, and sell it to make the money Goal. As convenient, add 2 Energy Savers to all houses. Paint it and inspect it. Once all the Condos are Landscaped, demolish the Garden Center and build a Tennis Court there. You still need places to put a 5th Solar Tower and 1 more empty lot (you will be able to demolish the Tech Center, Recycling Center, and Workshop for the other 3 empty lots). Start constructing the 2nd to-sell Condo. Construct the Workshop. Demolish the Business Center and put a Condo there. Shop value = $500,000, 3 workers, 750 materials, Appeal -10, Shop value = $750,000, 5 workers, 1,500 materials, Appeal -20, Shop value = $1,000,000, 7 workers, 2,500 materials, Appeal -30. Help for Build-a-lot on PC. Build a Nuclear Reactor on any of the Utility row lot of 3 lots. Construct the Grocery Store and make it Fancy. Now you have a lot of money coming in, no power worries, but a lot of Apartments to build.

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