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american mink pet

Close up, American mink resemble something between a small cat and a ferret. My team and I have rescued over 550 'domestic' ranch mink from being lost and misplaced in the fauna, literally fighting for their lives, and losing them because due to 'pure' domestication' they lack the necessary skill set to survive, and require our intervention to do so. If you want to use my name, that is ok with me. With proper paperwork you can own a mink in many states. Farmed mink are then dispatched via anal electrocution. So I was 100% in tune with her all the time, night and day. They begin mating when ten months old. partially domesticated mink thrive in a farmed or zoological. Mink heavily depend on aquatic areas, and the creation, enhancement, and maintenance of such habitat allows for the ongoing existence of healthy populations within the species’ range. It is an apex predator and hunts for its food. She is a very slow eater, and not greedy at all. doesn't matter if it's in 3 square feet or 3 square miles. I do not seek to replicate the cruel parts of nature like people who feed live do. I just happened to come across that yesterday. The Netherlands has pledged to end mink farming in Spring 2021, several years ahead of schedule. They probably have less stress than I do in my human life. Important news. Minks also will catch fish, in addition to mice, rats, squirrels, and even rabbits. Keep up the good work & don't let closed minded people who have a stick shoved so far up their own rears that they are touching the clouds, ever tell you what to do. They don't just kill the unlucky, like in trapping or hunting with a gun. Only false truths and misleading information is the point. Black, jaguar and seal color variations available. "The fact of pet purposes, and domestic, have zero to do with each other". That how a mink would hunt in the wild, their natural prey is bigger than them and puts up a fight that's why it takes the mink time to get that killing blow. Also, if the approved methods of slaughter are the basis on which you build your views of humane treatment of animals, then you must be a cruel person indeed. In the wild, these creatures generally weigh a little over two pounds at their largest. A degree in 'Biology' does not constitute a 'expert' understanding of this animal. It is all so very strange to me, you sound like you are a caring person, but some of those videos seem callous. Now I am not against people getting mink as pets, as long as they take care of them properly, and give them the interaction their large brains require, and the exercise their active bodies need. Unlike ferrets, mink have webbed feet, making them adept swimmers. You might see an animal not moving after 5 seconds but you have no idea if they are still conscious. Whoever wrote this is basically saying wild animals should not be able to do wild animal things. It is a completely different animal, despite having a very similar body. Mink are dark-colored, semiaquatic, carnivorous mammals of the genera Neovison and Mustela, and part of the family Mustelidae, which also includes weasels, otters and ferrets.There are two extant species referred to as "mink": the American mink and the European mink.The extinct sea mink is related to the American mink but was much larger. I do not suggest anyone takes in a wild mink as a companion, as I am very unusual and rare human, in that I can echolocate emotionally and spiritually. For many reasons even stated here. Is that a reason to rage about this article? Now that I've said that, I need to offer my two cents in regards to your opinion on what constitutes "humane". It's at least, if not more, humane than typical slaughter practices and you have very unrealistic view of how our food ends up dead. Such as when I go pick up hay from the field and the cats and dogs eat their fill of the pack rats I exposed picking up the bales. I think that's how it works anyway. As a staunch exotic pet advocate, I must emphasize that minks can actually be quite nightmarish to care for. Captivity is entirely different bird. They also kill the unlucky. Answer: You will have to find a vet that sees exotics and ask them yourself. Am a us veteran living over seaswere can I buy a babe Mink ? I've never kept a mink, the behaviors I speak of have a continuity among many mammals and birds. The mustelid group includes ferrets, weasels, badgers, stouts, and other small elongate carnivores that are mostly terrestrial. Keep ignoring the real issue, the torture of the prey, all you want, with specious statements like 'wild animals doing wild things'. It means the animal has been selectively-bred, which has led to an alteration of its traits that makes it more suitable for human use. The opossum is freed but I'm wondering why it had a pit bull sent on it in the first place. So far no one has even agreed with what you said minus "animal cruelty is bad" so that just makes you look dumb, especially when you try to retort with circular reasoning. Still, these domesticated animals breed and survive enough to satisfy fur farmers. Some do not have the homing instinct or they need guidance. According to the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust resource, the total population size of the American mink in the UK is 108,750 individuals. Their incessant pacing might be indicative of stress and inability to satiate their drive. As an example why is it you find live mice running around a snake's cage more that few hours? Weasel From for a pet. Just ONE SHOT that doesn't hit it's mark just right, can cause MORE PAIN AND SUFFERING THAN ONE OF MY MINK CAN CAUSE IN AN entire YEARS WORTH OF HUNTING! There is not enough established nutritional science to declare that you know what a mink should eat. American Mink – The American Mink is a semi-aquatic animal bred in captivity by fur farms. ", P.S. You have openly insulted me in public by both calling minkenry a "blood sport" and even worse by spreading a lie about me and my hunting practices. I take great pride in not wasting an animal's life, and I am EXTREMELY OFFENDED by the fact that you shamelessly spread lies that I do. Therefore in the late 19 th century, they started breeding the American mink for its fur. They are only domesticated, when raised in captivity. Your complete and utter ignorance on nature is beyond embarrassing, and you'd be better off saving face by keeping your silly comments, and ridiculous opinions to yourself. They are not 'considered' domesticated. What does this mean? Due to the Covid-19 risk of infection for mink, mink breeding in Denmark is banned until December 2021. WOW. Minks can bite through the thickest gloves, still causing bloody wounds. There are nothing but facts in this article (aside from my opinions), that you even agreed with, probably because I got them from excerpts in your book and statements in discussion forums, plus peer-reviewed studies. The American mink is considered by some as the cutest member in the weasel family. "Why then do you feel it is more "humane" to force them to live an entirely unnatural life eating dead stuff, and being locked in a house like a prisoner?". But giving them straight to my animals live is ANIMAL CRUELTY" -Melissa (probably). However, they have not been domesticated for pet purposes. You prefer that animals suffer their entire lives stuffed in tiny cages, walking around in their own filth, never seeing the light of day, only so they can 'humanly" have their heads chopped off and be paired for you or your pets dinner plate. Your formulations and opinions are put together without true critical thought. You have both misrepresented me and what I do, as well as spread a blatant untruth about what I do and why I do it. As for your statements on the dispatching methods, I do not support 'halal slaughter' (throat cutting). Minks can be biters and most vets probably won't be comfortable treating them without sedation. no, animals always have their own personalities not sometimes, always. This is boundary protection and the living of her mink life, where she has to feed herself and stay safe and alive. I appreciate your cooperation. run up the tree! Tossing them to an animal is INHUMANE. There are also legal definitions of 'domesticated' that I wanted to point out do not make minks similar to domesticated ferrets, so people do NOT make the mistake of thinking they are legally sanctioned like domestic chickens, dogs, ect. Looks can be deceiving, which is why the belief that animals make better pets when they are domesticated is invalid. I gave my totally wild adult mink a few dead mice from a pet store ( for the bones ), and fish from the supermarket, and other high protein foods. American minks are important predators of small mammals throughout their range. Like domesticated dogs, minks are altered from their wild forms, possessing smaller brains and other organs such as the spleen. Actually, the whole idea of keeping pets from the start is unnatural for them so maybe it is you who shouldn't be keeping animals if you are against denying them of their 'nature'. Those who want to keep a farmed mink as a pet shouldn't be misled because they are considered domesticated. Melissa, how is it inhumane to allow a predator to eat its prey? My mink was never aggressive to me, and I would never describe her as aggressive in nature. I do not agree with any wolf "sanctuary" that allows hunting or any reptile owners that do this. My situation is different as I am a rare human all my life, and I am a bit like a wild bat that navigates by echolocation all the time, and so I could detect my companion mink as soon as I saw her. "You prefer that animals suffer their entire lives stuffed in tiny cages". "I really like the details you gave to explain this fact, and I think you did an AWESOME job in writing this article! They do NOT EVER die hours, days or WEEKS LATER like in the wounded deer situation. They are American mink (Neovison vison), which originated from mink brought here for fur-farming.In continental Europe, there is also a European mink (Mustela lutreola), a somewhat different species and now endangered.The European mink has apparently never existed in the British Isles. Being part of the weasel family, they are similar to many weasels in physique. I dont want to imagine someone, a girl maybe, walks in the store and just impulse buys a mink without any knowledge to care for it. My spotted genet prefers 'dead' food, he won't touch mouse carcasses.

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